英语人>词典>汉英 : 叶状苞 的英文翻译,例句
叶状苞 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与叶状苞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scapose perennials with caudices covered with petioles of previous years; trichomes almost exclusively simple, restricted to leaf margins and sepals abaxially; stems leafless or with 1-3 leafy bracts

为第二年的叶柄所覆盖的有茎基的Scapose的多年生植物;毛状体几乎专门简单,对背面叶缘和萼片限制;茎无叶的或具1-3叶状苞片 11 A。 alaschanica 贺兰山南芥

Inflorescences terminal, cymose to umbelliform, few flowered; bracts foliaceous, similar to stem leaves.


Cymes with large and foliaceous bracts.


An eastern North American tuberous herbhaving a striped,leaflike spathe with a bent blade and three - lobed leaves.


Leaves simple, usually alternate, rarely opposite or verticillate, sometimes crowded at apices of branches; stipules usually small and caducous, sometimes larger, leaflike and persistent, rarely absent; petiole generally present, sometimes with apex 2-glandular and/or with additional glands along petiole length; leaf blade usually pinnate-veined, sometimes 3-5-veined from base or palmate-veined, with or without pellucid dots or lines, sometimes with a pair of glands at junction of blade and petiole, margin entire or toothed, teeth glandular or not. Inflorescences axillary, terminal, or cauliflorous, of various forms: racemose, spicate, cymose, corymbose, or paniculate, sometimes flowers fasciculate, or solitary; pedicels often articulate; bracts and bracteoles usually small to minute.


Lateral branches penetrating leaf sheaths. Leaves alternate. Inflorescences borne at each node, opposite leaves, emerging from mouth of leaf sheath, each a large panicle of numerous cincinni; cincinni each subtended by an involucral bract; bracts similar to leaves, becoming smaller toward apex of cincinnus.

叶互生 花序着生在每节,与叶对生,从叶鞘口那里出现,每一个为一大的多数蝎尾状聚伞花序的圆锥花序;蝎尾状聚伞花序各自以一总苞片被包着;类似于叶的苞片,向蝎尾状聚伞花序先端变小。

Umbels simple or compound; peduncles racemous, cymous or corymbose-branched; bracts foliaceous, usually serrate; bracteoles small, entire, rarely lobed; umbellules with both sessile or subsessile, bisexual flowers and pedicellate, staminate flowers.


Inflorescences cymose, umbelliform, or sometimes 1-flowered; bracts leaflike, not involucral.


Flowers unisexual and plants dioecious; inflorescences without leaflike bracts or with few caducous leaflike bractlets; seeds abaxially longitudinally furrowed for 3/5 length

单性的花和植株雌雄异株;花序没有叶状苞片或具很少早落的叶状的小苞片; 3/5的期间的种子背面的纵沟 11

Leaves linear to oblong-linear, broadly lanceolate, or oblong (scale-like leaves sometimes present at base of stem); inflorescence racemelike; bracts linear, leaflike.


更多网络解释与叶状苞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


.蒿属(艾属)(Artemisia)草本或半灌木. 有苦味或芳香,常被绢毛或蛛丝状毛. 叶不分裂、或有缺刻、或1-3回羽状全裂. 头状花序小形,常下垂,集成总状或圆锥状,总苞半球形至卵形,总苞片边缘膜质,数列. 花全为筒状;盘花两性,结实或否;

Bougainvillea glabra:叶子花

叶子花(Bougainvillea glabra)别名簕杜鹃、三角花、宝巾,系紫茉莉科叶子花属,攀援性灌木,属喜光性植物.其苞片为主要的观赏部位.因其苞片酷似叶状,故名叶子花..........云南也是植物王国,三角梅也叫叶子花、宝巾花,是从巴西引入到我们中国的


(一)苞片(bract)和总苞(involucre)有些植物具有能捕食小虫的变态叶,称为捕虫叶(图3-124). 具捕虫叶的植物,称为食虫植物(insectivorous plant)或肉食植物(carnivorous plant). 捕虫叶有囊状(如狸藻)、盘状(如茅膏菜)、瓶状(如猪笼草).


phyllantine 油柑亭 | phyllary 叶状苞 | phyllidium 吸叶


叶下珠(图考) Phyllanthus urinaria L. | (菊科植物总苞的)苞片 phyllary | 叶状藓类;扁的侧叶 phyllid

Cirsium setosum:刺儿菜

半个世纪前在大学课程中有杂草学,在课程的田间实践中印象最深刻的,该是刺儿菜(Cirsium setosum)了:椭圆状至长椭圆状披针形叶,叶缘有羽裂或齿裂,并有硬刺,两面被蛛丝状毛;淡紫红色的头状花序,内层苞片也有刺;用手拔除时常遭刺痛;若用小锄铲除,


1.杉木属(Cunninghamia)常绿乔木. 叶条状披针形,边缘有锯齿,螺旋状着生,叶的上、下两面均有气孔线. 苞鳞与珠鳞的下部合生,螺旋状排列,苞鳞大,边缘有不规则细锯齿,珠鳞小,先端3裂,腹面基部生3枚胚珠. 球果近球形或卵圆形,种子两侧具窄翅.


本科的一些较小的植物,可能与巴拿马草科(Cyclanthaceae)来自一个共同的祖先. 1.菖蒲属(Acorus) 多年生沼泽草本,具匍匐根状茎,有香气. 叶狭长剑形,2 列,平行脉,基部互抱. 肉穗花序圆柱形,佛焰苞叶状而不包着2.半夏属(Pinellia) 多年生草本,


1.藨草属(Scirpus) 秆三棱形,少为圆柱形,聚伞花序简单或复出,或缩短成头状,花序下苞片似秆的延长或叶状;小穗有少数至多数花,鳞片2.莎草属(Cyperus) 秆散生或丛生,通常三棱形.


主要分布于我国中部、长江流域以南各省区; (二)杉科(Taxodiaceae)1.杉木属(Cunninghamia)常绿乔木. 叶条状披针形,边缘有锯齿,螺旋状着生,叶的上、下两面均有气孔线. 苞鳞与珠鳞的下部合生,螺旋状排列,苞鳞大,边缘有不规则细锯齿,珠鳞小,