英语人>词典>汉英 : 叶片排列 的英文翻译,例句
叶片排列 的英文翻译、例句


blade arrangement
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F. bidentis leaf was of isobilateral type, and had thicker epidermis cell wall and cuticle, obvious cryptopores, and highly developed palisade tissue, with typical C4-plant Kranz anatomy. The collenchymas and vascular tissue in stem and the aerenchyma in root were well developed. Secretory structure was found in all vegetative organs. According to the analyses of soil physical and chemical properties and relevant ecological factors, F.


The palisade tissue cells of common type were 2 layers, while those of spur-type and columnar type were 3 or 4 layers. The ratio of palisade tissue and spongy tissue of common type was less than 1, and that of spur type and columnar type was more than 1. Moreover, the number of palisade tissue cell layers and the ratio of P/S were increased with the dwarfing degrees.


The research of cytology shows that there are dramatically morphological and structure changes in the leaf: the cells of mesophyll array loosely and parenchyma cells reduced, cambium becomes thinner and degree of xylem becomes more serious, the content of chlorophyll dropped; the changes of conducting tissue and stoma structure affect transport and allocation of water and nutrient, hinder leaf growth and disturb regular metabolism of leaf, at last lead to wilt, rot and become crisp papyraceous.


Turned to the right or spirally arranged to the right, as in the leaves on some stems.

右旋的 Dextrorse 向右转或向右螺旋排列,如叶片在一些基干上的排列方式。

Vernation The arrangement of leaves in relation to each other in the bud, or the arrangement of perianth segments in a flower bud.


The cell arragement was dense in Ardisia japonica, and was loose in Belamcanda chinense. The cell interspace increased when the shading degree increasing.


The leaf epidermis structures of 6 species of Rhododendron had been observed under LM and SEM. The results show that all share together common features as follows: the leaf blades are typical back-abdomen bifacial types, the upper epidermis are formed by two or three layer bigger cells which inside layer cell is bigger than outside one, and the upper epidermis are covered with thicker cuticle.


The leaf in the Karst area was isolateral and had closely arranged mesophyllous cells.


There was no apparent structure of vasicular bundle sheath in the leaves. Thick cuticle layer was found on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces.


Compared with the young grape plants grown under natural light environment, the leave thickness of young grape plants grown under low light environment was thinner, its vessel tissue was underdevelopment, its palisade parenchyma packed less closely; its chloroplast was larger, the ratio of thylakoid and grana increased too.


更多网络解释与叶片排列相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

foliate papillae:叶状乳头

4.叶状乳头 叶状乳头(foliate papillae)位于舌体后方侧缘,形如叶片整齐排列,乳头间沟的两则上皮中富有味蕾,沟底也有味腺开口. 叶状乳头于兔等动物很发达,于人已近退化.


3.7花序(inflorescence)许多小花按一定顺序排列在仅有苞片的花枝上此花枝称为花序. 3.8色即是空2在线观看g风云堂第7色g军事模型制作gdddd4花枝(花茎)(flowering shoots)着生花的枝条,其上有节、节间和叶片或分枝.


长细胞是表皮的主要组成成分,其长轴与叶片纵轴平行,呈纵行排列(图6-25),细胞的外侧壁不仅角化,而且高度硅化,形成一些硅质和栓质的乳突(papilla). 禾本科植物比较坚硬,含有硅质是一个原因. 长细胞也可和气孔器交互组成纵列,

Paspalum distichum:双穗雀稗

(8)双穗雀稗(Paspalum distichum)禾本科,多年生草本. 株高20-60㎝,具根状茎和匍匐茎. 叶片条形或条状披针形. 总状花序小穗椭圆形成两行排列于穗轴一侧. 颖果椭圆形贴生于内稃极不易分离. 主要分布于南方等省.

parallel venation:平行脉

平行脉(parallel venation) 主要是单子叶植物所特有的脉序. 叶片的中脉与侧脉、细脉均平行排列或侧脉与中脉近乎垂直,而侧脉之间近于平行,都属于平行脉. 其中所有叶脉都从叶基发出,彼此平行直达叶尖,细脉也平行或近于平行生长,称为直出平行脉,


蓝姜因形态习性与姜科植物相似而得名,实际上属于鸭趾草科(Commelinaceae)的双体雄蕊属(二室花药属、蓝姜属、鸳鸯草属),产于美洲热带林地. 属多年生直立或攀援草本,有时基部木质,株高达1-2 m,茎部有节点,叶互生,对生或螺旋排列,叶片光滑,

Crassula falcata:{神刀}

其镰刀状叶片肥厚多汁,灰绿色,无叶柄,紧贴茎杆对称生长,排列非常整齐,基神刀(Crassula falcata)是景天科青锁龙属多肉植物. 原产南非东部,在原产地成半灌木状生长,株高可达1米以上. 其镰刀状叶片肥厚多汁,灰绿色,无叶柄,紧贴茎杆对称生长,

Crassula lycopodioides:{青锁龙}

22.青锁龙(Crassula lycopodioides) 景天科青锁龙属植物. 产于纳米比亚. 肉质亚灌木,高30厘米,茎细易分枝,茎和分枝通常垂直向上. 叶鳞片般三角形,在茎和分枝上排列成4棱,非常紧密,以致使人误认为只有绿色4棱的茎枝而无叶,当光线不足时叶片散乱.

Pinaceae:一、 松科

先端不内曲,略短,而且其叶片在冬季绿色不变. 球花单性同株,花期3-4月,雄球花长圆形,集生于枝顶,雌球花近球形,单生于小枝顶端. 球果球状,11月成熟.一、松科(Pinaceae) 木本;叶针形或线形,螺旋状排列,单生或簇生;球果种鳞与苞鳞离生.

bundle sheath:维管)束鞘

叶的小叶脉及茎的初级维管束常被维管束鞘(bundle sheath)围绕,维管束鞘则为由1至数层紧密细胞排列的细胞组成. 在叶片的维管束组织中维管束鞘围绕著小脉直到末端将小脉和叶片的细胞间隙隔开. 某些叶片会有和维管束鞘相似的细胞延伸到上、下表皮,