英语人>词典>汉英 : 可谓 的英文翻译,例句
可谓 的英文翻译、例句


so to speak · well-nigh · one may well say · it may be said · it may be called
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A Cappella is growing in leaps in bounds, and just now becoming a recognized element of the music industry at large.

这个时候A Cappella的发展可谓是突飞猛进,它已经成为音乐工业中一个公认的组成部分。

Mr. Chen is a rare bird in the bar these days because he is always working overtime.


Chen is a rare bird in the bar these days because he is always working overtime.


He was that rare bird —a poet and chemist.


Eg: Mr.Chen is a rare bird in the bar these days because he is always working overtime.


The more adventurous ones who do are rewarded with the discovery of a precious slice of life in Shanghai that is fast disappearing.


At this elevation their course seemed to lessen, and a great many of them remained, as it were, STATIONARY; but they soon resumed their former, and accelerated motion, and passed in the same direction with great velocity and almost horizontally.


Also called Dream Cakes, the Minced meat is cooked well, not too greasiness, it tastes very good.


I have met with but one or two persons in the course of my life who understood the art of Walking, that is, of taking walks,-- who had a genius, so to speak, for sauntering: which word is beautifully derived "from idle people who roved about the country, in the Middle Ages, and asked charity, under pretense of going a la Sainte Terre," to the Holy Land, till the children exclaimed,"There goes a Sainte-Terrer," a Saunterer -- a Holy-Lander.

在我生命的历程中,只遇到一两个懂得"行走艺术"——更确切地说是"散步艺术"的人,他们可谓真正的天才。漫步一词可谓意境悠远:中世纪时期,在乡间流浪的闲散者,打着前往圣地(Lasainter Terre法文)的幌子,在村里乞求施舍。后来孩子们呼喊:"来了一个圣徒"一个漫步者,一个朝圣者。

Trudeau did his best and devoted himself to the development and improvement of Canadian economical embarrassment.


更多网络解释与可谓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


A:饰品(accessories)可以包括jewelleies(珠宝,包括手镯戒指项链耳环等)、包包、围巾、墨镜帽子等等. . . 楼猪的饰品启蒙老师是rachel zoe(nichole rachie等人的造型师)的一本书(>). 楼猪看了着本书可谓大受启发,

Airforce one:空军一号

美国总统的"空军一号"(AirForce One)可谓无人不知,甚至被拍成了电影. 相比之下,"陆战队一号"(Marine One)就不那么出名了.


因>名震天下的索库洛夫若在戛纳60华诞之际夺魁,当然无须大惊小怪. 其参赛作品>(Alexandra)经查实并非同名历史人物传记而意外聚焦于军营,旨在读解"士兵与慈母的亲情+红极一时的车臣问题",可谓小有突破.


在>(Alien)的设计过程中,对未来工业废墟的描画可谓登峰造极. 在荒废的暮霭中弥漫着神秘的恐惧,锈迹斑斑的机械装置,因为具有了生命而轻微地蠕动着,排出令人胆寒的气体和黏液. 在>(Darkseed)、>(Species)中,


健康之道有如常用算法分析:要分摊(amortize)工作量.RegShot 是个简单 ,实用的注册表比较工具,它通过两次抓取注册表而快速地比较出答案. 它的非压缩版本体积为 29K,压缩版(UPX)为 13K,在同类软件中可谓是小巧玲珑!


2000年对皮尔和吉尔而言,真可谓是多姿多釆的一年,他们参与博洛尼亚(Bologna)举行的>展览中获得推崇与致敬. 他们在阿维农(Avignon)举行的大型展览>,展出>的装置艺术作品.

as it were:可以说,可谓;似乎、好像

as it is 事实上,实际上,既然如此,像现在这样 | as it were 可以说,可谓;似乎、好像 | as if 似乎,好像,仿佛

Signor Contini, you are a man of the world, yes:孔蒂尼先生 您可谓云游四方

I'm less interested in wrapping than what might be inside.|我觉得内... | Signor Contini, you are a man of the world, yes?|孔蒂尼先生 您可谓云游四方 | Educated in Britain, a home in Biarritz.|在英国完成...

so to speak:可以说, 可谓

complementary 互补的 | so to speak 可以说, 可谓 | self-defeating 弄巧成拙的, 不利于自己的企图的


imprecise information risk | 不精确信息风险 | impredicable | 不可谓的 | impredicative | 非直谓的,非断言的