英语人>词典>汉英 : 可询问的 的英文翻译,例句
可询问的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可询问的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Doctors then begin information gathering by using open-ended questions to elicit comprehensive information from patients. While listening to patients, doctors should maintain an open-minded and impartial attitude of listening by giving neutral feedback or continuer, such as "m-hng" which encourages patients to continue their narrations, in response to information provided by patients. If patients agendas are not revealed at this stage, doctors may also try specific open-ended questions for clarifying agendas, such as What do you think causes your problems?


The dragon of water bottom ……can I remember it, it of name and appearance, that is ……inquire of euphonic Jia however, he slowly opens not to know when rise the left hand of grip-still remain the center of palm that deep pond water annoy in, is the small lesser half wreath of that Cang blue.


By putting an interrogative between "是"and"的", this pattern is to ask about a time in the past.


This capability enables decision makers to search, probe, and query database contents in order to extract answers to nonrecurring and unplanned questions that aren't available in regular reports.


If the stores are familiar with, may request a paper record or profile, with the telephone to obtain further information, etc.; these documents are electronic stores basic information for the future needs to deal with controversy.


Has a traditional old custom in England, is delivers cup of early tea in the early morning to the visitor, this awakens visitor's best method in the home, while convenient also may inquire the visitor the sleeping situation, by table care.


Has a traditional old custom in England, is delivers cup of early tea in the early morning to the visitor, this awakens visitor's best method in the home, while convenient also may inquire the visitor chairs the sleeping situation, by table care.


In addition to common browsing function, this system also features self-testing and interaction learning between instructor and learners.


Some of these interrogatories are similar to questions in the Case Questionnaire and may be omitted if the information sought has already been provided in a completed Case Questionnaire.


Some of these interrogatories are similar to questions in the Case Questionnaire and may be omitted if the information sought has already been provide d in a completed Case Questionnaire.


更多网络解释与可询问的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


许多机场均可租到手推车(cart),只送你的行李到机场终端出口处大客车和出租车停车的地方. 手推车的租金很少,通常是$1. 如果你要一位搬运工(porter)帮忙,还要给他每件行李$1的小费. --机场旁边往往就有旅馆. 你可以用电话询问价格.

cross-question:盘问, 反复询问 盘问, 审问

cross-purposes | at cross purposes 目的相反;话不投机;有成见 | cross-question | 盘问, 反复询问 盘问, 审问 | cross-reactive | 可交叉反应的

information desk:问处

其利率是各种账户中最高的.而且其利率不会随时间变化,是固定的.如果你有大笔金额,而且暂时不用,可以考虑存入CD账户.校园电影: CMU 星期四到星期天晚上, 票价$1.00(CMU学生), 电影放映时刻表可向University Center的询问处(Information Desk)索取.

specific inquiry:具体询盘

按询问的内容可分为一般函询(General Inquiry)和具体询盘(Specific Inquiry). 报盘(offer)是交易磋商中必经的主要环节之一. 在出口贸易中,报盘通常是卖方向买方提出某种交易条件(包括商品名城、数量、规格、交货期等等)并愿按此条件成交.


这些供应商可提供标签、询问器(interrogator)、编码器、甚至是中间件的租赁服务. 在这个领域中的大部分公司还可提供服装RFID实施咨询,并可迅速地根据要求提供相应的服务. 有些甚至可协助供应商与外部贸易伙伴集成,以实现全面的进销存协作.


4、询问(Query):就是CTRL+鼠标左键5、查阅数据(View Data)这里有许多图标,表示了犯罪、火灾、污染等等覆盖面积,选择后再按下"Use AsMap"按钮就可将右下角的小地图更改.


句型询问他人的爱好,且学生也乐于这么做;4A Unit 9时,可让学生通过真实感受,天气冷(cold)→ 跑步后热(hot)渴(thirsty)累(tired) → 重复多次询问What is the matter?


句型询问他人的爱好,且学生也乐于这么做;4A Unit 9时,可让学生通过真实感受,天气冷(cold)→ 跑步后热(hot)渴(thirsty)累(tired) → 重复多次询问What is the matter?


这种运动可促进脑 内啡(endorPhins)的释出,它是人体自然产生如鸦片硷的物质,这种自然的疼痛杀手 似乎减低了一些妇女的经痛. 询问医师关于你对止痛药的过敏是否包括了抗前列腺素的药物. 如果没有的话,可 参考前题回答所述.


B:当面询问口供(Depositions) 这过程便是律师当面问对方及证人,以便取得证辞. 这是在法院的外,但有法院指派的职员在场下进行的. 被询问的证人也如在法院作证一般,必须发誓所言不虚. 不像书面质询,当面质询可询问诉讼的对方或者证人.