英语人>词典>汉英 : 可花费的 的英文翻译,例句
可花费的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可花费的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It may take a little more time, but that would be a sustainable, equitable, acceptable outcome.


Although there are 虽然有 other organizer software applications 其他应用软件的组织者 available other than Libra and MediaMan, most of these applications do not allow you to do content retrieval and you need to spend some time to manually create the catalog.


In other words, when money is not spent, it is retrievable.


Thankfully, we have no walk-in closets, so we didn't have to fight about this.


It has the highest rate of redoublement than that of the other OECD countries. It pays more attention to the academic education than that of the other OECD countries. It gives students more equal opportunity to achieve education than that of the other OECD countries.

A 选项,这点从第五段提到的严格还有第一段提到的都可以得出这个结论;B 选项,根据文后一段,学生们在教室中花费的时间可以推出来这点;C 选项,这点文章没有谈到过;D 选项,从第五段可以可出这一点来。

When the implosion came in 2007, enormous amounts of what had been perceived as wealth-true, eventually spendable wealth-simply disappeared.


You get unlimited click-throughs rivaling the cost of PPC programs.


As an "unlimited" spending, the economic potential of tour-shopping is the most part in the inscape of tour products, thus many developed countries and areas in the world attach importance to tour-shopping.


The game from LiveWare Inc.


Expenditure of economic constr...


更多网络解释与可花费的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

column dissolver:圆柱型溶解器

spendable 可使用的, 可花费的 | column dissolver 圆柱型溶解器 | chilidium 唇瓣 背三角板

investable:可供投资的 (形)

invest 投资, 授予, 花费; 投资 (动) | investable 可供投资的 (形) | investigate 调查, 研究 (动)


二、花费是常见的(ordinary)和必须的(necessary). 「常见的」定义是,其花费在行业内、商业上很平常,被业者广泛接受. 「必须的」的定义是该花费对生意很有帮助. 这里的关键因素是旅行的主要目的是商业,其中穿插几天游玩也可视为常见的.


常见的CAE模拟可以评估如机械强度、热性质、电磁场等;但同时产品的可生产性 (producibility) 也是另一可以评估的项目,因为模拟工具可以帮助我们预测产品在制造过程当中可能出现的问题、节省在改善射出问题的花费、及提高产能.


>(The Word Spy)对注意力经济的定义是:"注意力经济(Attention Economics)是一种以可利用的信息数量扩张和消费者对这些信息可投入的注意力静态数量为基础的经济模式. "据2004年1月>(Promo)杂志报道,2002年美国企业在事件营销上的总花费达到1323亿美元,比2001年增长了15%.

spendable:可使用的, 可花费的

contagion 传染, 传染病, 蔓延, 歪风, 腐化 | spendable 可使用的, 可花费的 | column dissolver 圆柱型溶解器

spendable income:可花费的收入

389,"special pay systems, rates","特殊薪资制度",,"HR-Common System" | 390,"spendable income","可花费的收入",,"HR-Common System" | 391,"SSA special service agreement",

spendable earnings:可花费的收入

spendable average weekly earnings 可供花费的平均周收入 | spendable earnings 可花费的收入 | spendable weekly earnings 可支配周工资收入

spendable weekly earnings:可支配周工资收入

spendable earnings 可花费的收入 | spendable weekly earnings 可支配周工资收入 | spendig curtailment 紧缩开支

spendable average weekly earnings:可供花费的平均周收入

spend scrub stream 废洗涤液 | spendable average weekly earnings 可供花费的平均周收入 | spendable earnings 可花费的收入