英语人>词典>汉英 : 可缩减的 的英文翻译,例句
可缩减的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cuttable  ·  diminishable

更多网络例句与可缩减的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of it, the author makes some policy recommendations on diminishment of inequality degree of city residents, expenditures in Jiangsu province.


Music has narrowed down into being not that which is audible, but that which is recordable.


It was found that a higher degree of reduced set of base functions resulted in significant increase of computational efficiency but a little loss bit of accuracy.


The curve, to be calledλ-Bezier curve not only inherits themost properties of n-degree Bezier curve, such as endpoints properties, symmetry,convex hull property, geometric invariability, affine invariance, convex-preservingproperty, variation diminishing property and so on, but also can be adjusted inshape by changing the value ofλwithout changement of control points.


"The project is a response to the current economic climate, where even the most hyped and hubristic projects can be cancelled or downsized at a moment's notice," say MAD.


When you've whittled your list down3 to a manageable number, make arrangements to visit.


For cotton and sugar this is being done by developing new commodity certification programmes that are defined by measurable reductions in the main environmental and social impacts of cultivation.


The space-filling curve and the method of fixed row layout are used to reduce the searching spaces. The methods of two-stage layout and fixed row layout are used to solve the problems of irregular shape of departments. It is assumed that department area to be variable within some extent for implementing the exchange of department locations with different area among different floor.


The space-filling curve and the method of fixed row layout are used to reduce the searching spaces. The methods of two-stage layout and fixed row layout are used to solve the problems of irregular shape of departments.


Cultivation in an area where the amount of land available for cultivations is being reduced due, e.g.


更多网络解释与可缩减的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


注意事项:最内部线圈 (Winding) 的最小沿面距离,可从加边胶带粘着边或线轴 (Bobbin) 表面等两个较差的 CTI 值中取得. 除了加边胶带的 CTI 值外,还必须检查线轴物料的 CTI 值. 利用较佳的 CTI 值来决定所需的沿面距离可缩减沿面距离的结果.

signal conditioning:信号调节

不同於类比式的元件,数位式温感元件不需要另外加装其他的信号调节(signal conditioning)或线性化(linearization)电路. 其可直接连到微控制器上,并因此而大幅缩减设计的时间、印刷电路板的面积、以及各种相关的开销及成本. 因此,这种使用IC的温度感测方式,


cutover 砍光树木 | cutpurse 小偷 | cuttable 可缩减的


cuttable 可缩减的 | cuttage 插木繁殖法 | cutter 刀具

cuttage grafting:插接

cuttable | 可缩减的 | cuttage grafting | 插接 | cuttage | 插木繁殖法


而这些都是面向文档的分布式数据库(Document Oriented Distributed Databases)着重打算解决的典型问题. 可定义一个缩减块(reduce block)来缩减视图的初始映射数据. 视图可被实体化(materialized)以提高查询的性能. 分布式实体化(materialization)已经可用,不过即将重写.


reducer 缩减者 | reducible 可变形的 | reducing agent 还原剂


另一女乘客维维恩(Vivien)表示,她听闻通车后,捷运线可缩减三角洲至温市中心车程7分钟,但她质疑这个说法. 她说,例如在下雨天,谁人愿意坐巴士再转乘列车?维维恩说:「原本好好的,为何要碰它. 」而运输联网(TransLink)的发言人斯奈德(Drew Snider)表示,


cutpurse 小偷 | cuttable 可缩减的 | cuttage 插木繁殖法


可定义一个缩减块(reduce block)来缩减视图的初始映射数据. 视图可被实体化(materialized)以提高查询的性能. 分布式实体化(materialization)已经可用,不过即将重写.