英语人>词典>汉英 : 可用点 的英文翻译,例句
可用点 的英文翻译、例句


available point
更多网络例句与可用点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In chapter three, we prove that there exist solutions to the Ky Fan variation inequality, as the set-valued mappings are defined on spheres in infinite dimensional Banach spaces or odd dimensional Euclidean spaces, following from these theorems, we obtain some fixed point theorems for set-valued mappings defined on a sphere. When G is an approximate compact convex subset of E, or G is a almost quasi-convex set-valued mapping, we prove that there exist solutions to and type generalized Ky Fan variation inequality, following these theorems, we prove several best approximation theorems and coincidence theorems involving two set-valued mappings and two different spaces. In chapter four, we first present a new Simplicial algorithm for computing the Leray - Schauder fixed points, the algorithm can solve the set-valued nonlinear complementarily problem. We give a condition to guarantee the computation proceeding in a bounded region. We present integer-labeling algorithms for computing fixed points of some set-valued mappings, the best approximation points and solutions to a kind of set-valued variation inequalities.

第四章给出了计算定义在非凸集上的非自映射的Leray-Schauder不动点的算法,而现有的不动点算法都是计算凸集的上半连续集值自映射的不动点;给出了保证计算有界的一个充分条件,我们的条件大大弱于Mdrrill条件,我们的算法也可用来计算Eaves不动点;给出了集值非线性互补问题存在解的一个充分条件,此时可利用Leray-Schauder不动点算法来求解;向量标号算法以往是计算集值映射不动点的唯一有效算法,我们给出用整数标号算法计算一类集值映射的Kakutani 不动点的算法;定义在紧凸集上的连续映射不一定有不动点,但一定有最近点,最近点是不动点概念的推广,我们给出了计算最近点的算法;集值映射变分不等式尚无有效的求解算法,我们给出求解一类集值映射变分不等式的算法。

The authors studied carefully two numerical differential methods, finite difference method and rational polynomial technique, and pointed that FDM is the special ease of RPT when the limit state function is linear. Accordingly, FDM3 can be used for the continuous linear limit state function and RPT5 for the continuous nonlinear limit state function. For the discontinuous limit state function, RPT should be used because of the large error of FDM.


FYI, Our internet connection was offline from 10:00pm until after 2:00am pacific time.


In this approach ,the sketch is designed with simple elements such as points , segments, circles or Child-Graphs which is combination of above simple elements ;geometric elements is designed in sequence can implement the function of unwell defined(less-constrain) parametric design.2Dand 3D constrains is treated consistently.


The magnitude of opened angle at a point pi in the contour can be easily calculated by the law of cosines, and its local extreme correspond to the sharper changes of the contour of the mode.


The macroscopic rheological parameters and microstructure parameters were closely related, it is helpful to explain the essence of multiple rheological properties through the analysis of which the wax evolution process and microstructure of the crude oil which is waxy and high viscosity; the yield time of gelled waxy crude oil monotone increases along with the decreasing of rate of shear (the time of stress effect prolonged), there was power function relationship between them, it can be expressed with ; when adding diesel oil to Sudan crude oil, dilute proportion bigger the eccentricity degree of paraffin particles were bigger too, that was to say the symmetry of wax crystal was better, the wax crystal form fabric more hardly when the intermolecular interaction was smaller; in the light of macroscopica, the fall extent of the abnormity temperature, solidifying point and viscosity could be larger along with the accretion of dilute proportion, as a result, it's rheological properties could be improved.


When motion is towards the location of the addressee,come is much preferable to go in English while both laiand quare common in use in Chinese.When motion is towards the location of the addressee at a past time,laimust be used in Chinese if the addressee is there at the time of utterance while qumust be used if the addressee is not there at the time of utterance.By contrast,come is used in English either when the addressee is there or when he is not there at the speaking time,while go is only used when the addressee is not there at the time of utterance. When both the speaker and the addressee serve as the figure,which is indicated by the phrases like with me/us/you in English and the phrases like he ni,he nimen,gen wo,gen womenin Chinese,come is much preferred to go for the figure"s motion,while in the same context,quis used for the figure"s motion.What"s more,come is more frequently used to indicate the figure"s movement towards a place where neither the speaker nor the addressee is located at the time of utterance,while quis often used in Chinese in the same case.


The program is designed to assist left-handed people, or to enable right-click menus with touch screen monitors - this can also be done temporarily by using the SwitchBack feature.

该软件被设计用于帮助左撇习惯的用户或者让带有触摸屏功能的右键点击菜单可用,这一目的还可用通过临时使用 SwitchBack 的功能实现。

In mathematics the smoothing of a function is often measured with the continuity, or nth deriv-ation, of the function, and the more precise measurement is the Lipschitz exponent of afunction.


Special localized cutting communication with the customer; 2.5 If not available notched hole diameter less than 60 mm hole, can be used to be relatively enlarger for the opening; After opening 2.6 backplane approach, starting with the opening negative, positive exposed bit sharp, nated from the positive control (both sides maintain collapse teeth); 3 connected corner of the corner of the 3.1 connection method, identify three Kok code on the middle and lower (50 mm poured from top to bottom. Another try a) 3:00 even in the corner of the counter and cross wooden cabinet on the sideboard; 3.2 corner of the Outer Limits with a shutter-ping; 3.3 In accordance with the drawings corner of the size, will have a fixed angle of the black reinforce the lower corner with 3:00 counters even

特殊局部地方的切割必须与客户沟通; 2.5如割口不大可用圆孔、直径小于60mm孔,可用相对应的扩孔器进行开孔; 2.6后背板开孔方法,先从反面开孔,正面露出钻头尖时,再从正面往里操作; 3 转角条的连接 3.1转角条的连接方法是,找出三个角码,上中下(上下50毫米往里,另居中一个)三点连在与转角柜交叉柜体的侧板上; 3.2转角条的外沿与门板一平; 3.3按照图纸转角条尺寸,将已固定的转角条用黑钉上中下三点与转角柜连

更多网络解释与可用点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ABR Availablebitrate:可用比特率

AS Autonomoussystem 自治系统 | ABR Availablebitrate 可用比特率 | AP Accesspoint 接入点

data point:资料点

程式码剖析标记就是可以在效能工作阶段 (Session) 期间,插入程式码剖析工具资料档案中的资料点 (Data Point). 标记可用来筛选 [程式码剖析工具报告] 检视中显示的资料. 效能工作阶段中可用的程式码剖析标记都会显示在 [资料收集控制] 视窗的 [标记] 清单中.

face holds:岩面抓握点

斜岩攀登尚可运用其他技巧,偶尔可找到岩面抓握点(face holds)和裂隙. 用手指、拇指、手掌基部向下施压於窄小边缘或不规则的岩石. 窄小边缘可用背向后倚式(lieback). 找可用大字式攀登法(stemming)之处就有机会休息. 详见下节讨论.


第一轮10点到10点半,进行的是中国2.0网站的创业(StartUp)、可用性设计(Usability)和一个可以快速构建2.0网站的软件Jimbo. 第三轮11点到11点半,分别是一个救助贫困儿童的网站,知识共享协议(CreativeComment)以及OpenSource的下半场.


找可用大字式攀登法(Stemming)之处就有机会休息. 向下推 置手指、掌心、掌侧或掌跟於把手点,向下用力推;非常小的把手点可用大拇指向下推. 下攀时,一个把手点可做抓握把手点,越过此把手点后,再用向下推的点. 下推点可单独使用或与其他点并用,

trig card:三角点成果表

trifuel engine 可用三种燃料的发动机 | trig card 三角点成果表 | TRIG 触发器

zero point:点

简介:MODEL 5000-EX的频率覆盖范围(2- 3600MHz) 是迄今为止所有鸟牌(BIRD)功率计中最宽的,可用来测试1-1000瓦的实际平均功率. MODE...简介:重量轻,便于携带;频率测量范围达到2GHz;支持Hold/Run模式;"Low Battery"信息显示;零点(Zero Point)调整功能;3 1/2数字L...


Matte Side毛面(电镀铜皮(ED Foil)之粗糙面). | Mealing泡点. | Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)故障前可用之平均时数.


Limiting Current Density极限电流密度.LYm电子资料网 | Mealing泡点.LYm电子资料网 | Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)故障前可用之平均时数.LYm电子资料网

point-to-Point Protocol:点到点协议

PPP 点到点协议 (Point to Point Protocol)WWW 万维网(Word Wide Web)基于超文本文件的交互式浏览检索工具. 用户可用WWW在Internet网上浏览、传递、编辑超文本格式的文件. 可拓展的标记语言(XML)是一种中间层标记语言,可提供描述结构化数据的格式.