英语人>词典>汉英 : 变活跃 的英文翻译,例句
变活跃 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
quicken  ·  quickened  ·  quickens

更多网络例句与变活跃相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anger and sadness harm health while laughing heartily which makes immunity cells more active plays an opposite role.


There are usually several different strains of influenza active at any time, and these variations evolve.


I became more active, when I was with my mother.


I become more active, swimming in the amniotic fluid for the whole day.


The pressure of RMB appreciation makes foreign currency loans in Beijing and other big cities become active again.


Jisub is the image of stableness, while Ji Hwan is the image of activeness.


Results Among the three groups,the children's rib cartilage had the most blood vessels,the most chondrocytes,well-distributed stain of matrixes,and the type Ⅱ collagen was expressed actively and highest in photedensity.The rib cartilage of teenager group had less blood vessels,unhomogeny distributed stain of matrixes,the enlarged and separated cartilage lacunas.The rib cartilage in adult group showed the least blood vessels,the least chondrocytes.the hyalinization of perichondium,the most deposition of calcium salt,and the type II collagen was expressed at the lowest level in photodensity.

结果 儿童组肋软骨膜血管最丰富,软骨基质染色均匀,软骨细胞数目最多,Ⅱ型胶原蛋白表达最活跃,平均积分光密度值最高;青少年组软骨膜内血管减少,软骨基质染色出现明显的不均质状,软骨陷窝体积变大,并呈分隔状,陷窝内软骨细胞数目减少,II型胶原蛋白表达较儿童组减弱;成人组软骨膜血管、细胞成分明显减少,软骨膜内的纤维成分明显玻璃样变,钙盐沉积较青少年组时明显增多,Ⅱ型胶原蛋白表达较青少年组减弱。

Volcanoes, active and inactive, will explode violently, covering the surrounding areas in raining rock and dust and superheating the air so that all life nearby is extinguished in a wink.


Portuguese millipedes become much more active after rainy weather in autumn, and to a lesser extent as temperatures increase in spring.


At various times through his long political career, when opposition elements got brash or multi-party democracy, which he allowed after 1993, became too lively, the French military base in Libreville would turn out the paratroopers for him.


更多网络解释与变活跃相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be impressed by:对...印象深刻

7. warm up 变暖, 活跃起来,热身 | 8. be impressed by 对...印象深刻 | 9. at the end of 在...结束时

bring sb./sth to life:使更有趣,更有生机

endless adj. 无止境的 adv.无止境地 | bring sb./sth to life 使更有趣,更有生机 | come to life 变得活跃

molecular chaperon:分子伴侶

研究人员一直在研究一种被称为热休克蛋白33(heat shock protein 33)的细菌蛋白质,他们发现当细胞变紧张时该分子伴侣(molecular chaperon)会变活跃. 在这次的实验中,细胞紧张来自于次氯酸或次氯酸盐的作用.

come to life:(变得)活跃;苏醒过来

failure n.失败;失败的人(事) | come to life(变得)活跃;苏醒过来 | silicon n.硅

sulfur dioxide:二氧化硫

2、醋化(Volatile Acidity)多数是随氧化而产生. 氧气使酒中的细菌变得活跃,加快其新陈代谢过程,将乙醛氧化成醋酸,令到酒带刺鼻的酸味. 3、二氧化硫(Sulfur Dioxide)主要是在酿酒过程中,过量使用二氧化硫所致,使其出现一种火柴燃烧过的味道,令人不适.

emotional response:情绪上的反应

His heart rate rose.|他的心率变高了 | Emotional response?|情绪上的反应? | Then why is there no activity in the limbic system?|那为什么缘脑不活跃呢?


他认为,金融危机前另类能源板块的确有"过度炒作"(hype)的迹象,但金融海啸发生后,投资者争相走避,现时估值已重新变得吸引. 贾柏颐称现时新能源仍介乎"早期"及"进入主流"的阶段之间,而且新兴能源公司大都规模较小,于重新活跃的信贷市场,

warm to:对...产生好感;对...变得感兴趣

want for 缺少 | warm to 对...产生好感;对...变得感兴趣 | warm up(使)暖起来;(使)活跃起来,(使)热情起来;(使)作准备活动,(使)热身

become or make more excited or enthusiastic:(使)变得热烈、活跃起来

1.become or make more excited or enthusiastic(使)变得热烈、活跃起来 | *We arrived just when the party was beginning to warm up.正当聚会开... | *He warmed up when I told him the good news.当我把这好消息告...

animato un pochettino:(意)稍稍活跃一点

animandosi(意)变得活跃起来. | animant(法)活跃的,生气勃勃的. | animato un pochettino(意)稍稍活跃一点.