英语人>词典>汉英 : 变松 的英文翻译,例句
变松 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fluff  ·  loose  ·  loosen  ·  fluffed  ·  fluffs  ·  loosed  ·  loosens  ·  looses

更多网络例句与变松相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Animals in AR and Dex group were sensitized with egg albumin, and in NC group were treated with normal saline as control. After sensitization and reproduction of AR model, rats in AR group received no treatment, while those in Dex group were treated with dexamethasone(5mg/kg, once a day) for 5 days.


The government's control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years.


In the course of the extension of subsoiling mini-till,small shar-ed subsoiler is screened from 8 kinds of tillage practices to carry outshallow plowing and interval subsoiling,shallow plowing is 7-8 cmdeep.and at the interval of 35 cm,the subsoiling is 20-35cm deep.Thus,the co-exitence of loose and compact tilths is created(ratiobetween the loose and compact tilths is 3:4).Owing to the unchan-ge of surface soil position,water,fertilizer,aeration and heat are incoordination,and yield increase is stable.when...


Aunder the condition of trenched field surface,the wetting front plotted in the laboratory ex-periments showed a good agreement with that by computer simulation,for example,after 600min,the largest error of the wetting front by two methods was less than 8cm.


The results showed that at the beginning stage of being attacked by Chinesis white pine beetle and their symbiotic blue-stain fungus, PAL, PPO, SOD activities and MDA content significantly increased in the phloem of P. armandi, and decreased with the increase of the number of D. armandi and the attacking on the xylem and phloem of P. armandi from blue-stain fungus, then reached the minimum level in withering stage of P. armandi. But the contents of nutrition materials in the phloem, such as water, protein, glucide, fat, amylum and so on, declined with the infestation of D. armandi and symbiotic fungus. In summary, the resistance of physiology and biochemistry in the phloem of P.


The apparent density increased with the increase of Ag~+ complexing reagent A concentration, loadage, silver content and granularity, it firstly increased and then decreased with the increase of Cu/Ag ration, and it had no relation to other factors, and it was 1.3-1.4g/cm~3 usually.


The roma raw materials are strack struck over and over until they become lose loose .


He then says:"So many of the Chows today are being developed so that the legs are entirely too short, and the body instead of being square, is oblong. Let us not only breed for a magnificent head and a tremendously wide chest, but let us develop a Chow proportionately; body, legs, head and gait; if we are going to glorify our Chows, we must keep them properly balanced."


It is glued to the output spring and the spring will bend before the leather comes loose.


The window catch has worked loose .


更多网络解释与变松相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


codol | 松香油 | codomain | 上域变程 | codominance | 等显性, 共显性

epidermolysis bullosa acquisita:获得性大疱性表皮松解症

瘢痕性类天疱疮 Cicatricial pemphigoid | 获得性大疱性表皮松解症 epidermolysis bullosa acquisita | 变应性皮肤血管炎 allergic cutaneous vasculitis

epidermolysis bullosa acquisita:获患上性大疱性表皮松解症

chronic bullous dermatosis of c你好ldhood | 获患上性大疱性表皮松解症 epidermolysis bullosa acquisita | 变应性肉皮儿血管炎 allergic cutaneous vasculitis

lodgepole pine:扭叶松

采用Pundit、Metriguard、FFT等三种无损检测方法和常规弯曲法对加拿大扭叶松(lodgepole pine)蓝变与非蓝变实木板材的动态及静态弹性模量进行检测和比较研究.


除集团总公司外,旗下各企业凡名称中的"松下"(Matsushita)和"National"字样皆全部变更为"Panasonic". 目前,仍在日本国内市场销售的"National"品牌产品也将逐步更换为Panasonic商标,转换预计在2009年内完成.

Poisson's equation:帕松方程[式]

藉由解帕松方程式 (Poisson's equation)可得空间中随时变的电位分布,而各粒子的密度分部则是由连续方程式得到. 离子部分采用局部电场近似法假设来简化计算,但由於此近似法对於电子误差较大,因此使用能量守衡方程式来计算电子能量.

dynamic relaxation method:动力松驰法

变松弛:creep and relaxation | 动力松驰法:dynamic relaxation method | 切变松弛模量:Shear relaxation modulus

slipping:[美俚]渐渐松驰的 渐渐不行了的, 渐渐变懒的

jump to 赶快, 立即 | slipping [美俚]渐渐松驰的 渐渐不行了的, 渐渐变懒的 | bandobast 安排 组织细节的落实


codogram | 编码 | codol | 松香油 | codomain | 上域变程

Pinaceae:一、 松科

先端不内曲,略短,而且其叶片在冬季绿色不变. 球花单性同株,花期3-4月,雄球花长圆形,集生于枝顶,雌球花近球形,单生于小枝顶端. 球果球状,11月成熟.一、松科(Pinaceae) 木本;叶针形或线形,螺旋状排列,单生或簇生;球果种鳞与苞鳞离生.