英语人>词典>汉英 : 变松弛 的英文翻译,例句
变松弛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
slacken  ·  slackening  ·  slackened  ·  slackens

更多网络例句与变松弛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A "time-dependent relaxation" method is proposed to accurately implement given photospheric footpoint displacements and force-free conditions. The method is applied to analyzing the energy buildup of coronal magnetic fields, and the numerical results confirm the Aly conjecture (the magnetic energy of the force-free field is bounded above by the fully-open field energy), and extends it from fully-open to partially-open force-free fields.


By comparison with other models,these expressions can be in complete agreement with experimental data.They have the advantage of briefness and practicality.


Finally the sealing reliability is analyzed while the effect of creep-relaxation of each component of flanged connection system for rocket motors is considered.


The results indicate that the dynamic shear rheological test helps to obtain the continuous relaxation time spectrum suitable for the research on the pavement performance of asphalt mixture.


And don't worry; it won't turn to flab.


According to the double-axis experiment and the uniaxial tension experiment, shear relaxation modulus and bulk relaxation modulus are obtained. Fractional exponent models[23][24][25] are applied to shear relaxation modulus and bulk relaxation modulus. The theory is proved by constant amplitude cyclic strain experiment. Better results are obtained from the comparison of theory curves and experiment results.


The purpose of this dissertation is to develop a general nonisothermal viscoelastic stress constitutive theory based on the experimental curves of materials, and to present the finite element method formulation and the method of obtaining the nonisothermal relaxation curves from the isothermal relaxation surface.


A "time-dependent relaxation" method is proposed to accurately implement given photospheric footpoint displacements and force-free conditions. The method is applied to analyzing the energy buildup of coronal magnetic fields, and the numerical results confirm the Aly conjecture (the magnetic energy of the force-free field is bounded above by the fully-open field energy), and extends it from fully-open to partially-open force-free fields.


In order to provide an overall understanding on the basic theory and previous researches of wood chemical rheology, the author discusses some respects on the basis of the common knowledge of deformation and flow, which served as the foundation of wood chemical rheology. These respects include the results by Stein and Tobolsky, such as the correlation between the change of polymolecular structure and stress relaxation, the classification of physical rheology and chemical rheology, the difference between the research on wood chemical rheology and other methods, as well as a kind of non\|continuous method to measure stress relaxation proposed by Tobolsky \%et al.

为了使国内木材科学界对木材的化学流变学的基础理论及其研究概况有一个比较全面的了解,作者在归纳了作为建立木材的化学流变学基础的、关于变形和流动一般理论的基础上,就Stein 和Tobolsky基于高分子构造变化与应力松弛之间的对应关系,关于物理流变学和化学流变学的分类,化学流变学研究与其他方法的不同之处,Tobolsky等关于不连续应力松弛测定方法等内容做了比较详细系统的介绍。

This volume loss can be compounded by yo-yo dieting, where not only do you create volume loss, but also stretching of the facial supporting ligaments due to repeated facial volume gain and volume loss, which causes deeper nose to mouth lines and jowls.


更多网络解释与变松弛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

activated complex:活化络合物

如反应物A2与B2发生反应,当具有较高动能的A2同B2靠近时,随着A2和B2之间距离的缩短,分子的动能逐渐转变成分子内的势能,A-A与B-B两个旧键开始变长、松弛、削弱,再进一步靠近时即可形成过渡态的活化络合物(activated complex)即A2B2,然后进一

dynamic relaxation method:动力松驰法

变松弛:creep and relaxation | 动力松驰法:dynamic relaxation method | 切变松弛模量:Shear relaxation modulus

univariant relaxation method:单一变化松弛法

单叶变换 univalent transformation | 单一变化松弛法 univariant relaxation method | 单变搜索 univariant search

univariant relaxation method:单变松弛法

12770,"univalent transformation","单叶变换" | 12771,"univariant relaxation method","单变松弛法" | 12772,"univariant search","单变搜索"

stress relaxation:应力松弛

(61)应力松弛(Stress relaxation) 形变固定,应力随作用时间延长而衰减的现象叫应力松弛. (62)蠕变(Creep) 当应力保持恒定时,形变随时间而变化的现象叫蠕变. (63)收缩率(Shrinkage ration) 定义为收缩量与收缩前尺寸之比的百分数,

slack off:变慢

slack-off weight 下放时钻具重量 | slack-off 变慢 | slacken 松弛

Congenital laryngeal stridor:先天性喉喘鸣

先天性喉喘鸣(congenital laryngeal stridor)是指婴幼儿因喉部组织软弱松弛、吸气时候组织塌陷、喉腔变小所引起的喉鸣,可伴"三凹"征. 常发生于出生后不久,随着年龄稍大,喉软骨逐渐发育,喉鸣也逐渐消失.


横纹肌(骨骼肌和心肌)肌原纤维的肌小节的明亮部分. 它和暗的A带交互并列而形成横纹,中央部分由Z膜隔开. I带在肌肉松弛时变宽,收缩时可变窄. 这是因为I带中的I细丝向A带中的A细丝之间滑行所致. 与A带相比,I带的双折射性弱,因此有所谓各向同性(isotropism)的命名(恩格尔曼(W.T.Engelmann),1873).

univariant search:单变搜索

单一变化松弛法 univariant relaxation method | 单变搜索 univariant search | 坐标转换法;单变选法 univariate search technique

slackening: slowing of speed:松弛, 放慢, 减弱, 减少, 减缓放慢

underlying: being at the basis of 在下面的, 根本的, 潜在的, [商]优先的 | slackening: slowing of speed .松弛, 放慢, 减弱, 减少, 减缓放慢 | compound: worsen v.(使)变得更坏, 恶化, 损害