英语人>词典>汉英 : 变形比 的英文翻译,例句
变形比 的英文翻译、例句


deformation ratio
更多网络例句与变形比相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, the surface quality of the sample in argon is better than that in air and the deformation is easier.


It is more complex than two-board butt joint welding and it has no symmetry.


A theoretical model for calculating the cutting angle with different crystal planes, orientations and tool orthogonal rakes are described in this paper. It is built with the ultra-precision cutting model by the principle of the maximum specific energy of shear deformation and the mechanism of change of the shear modulus with...


The tangent Poissons ratio of local deformation changes faster than that of traditional whole deformation measurement and the value of the former is larger than thatof the latter.


The surface displacement and deformation caused by the construction of double parallel tunnels is more complex than the single tunnel s.


Researches on the earth's land surface processes and the geological environment essential factor and its dynamic mechanism have demonstrated that only with the equilibrant system of the low-temperature and low-stress and the scattered as well as dense multi-grains, the boundary condition for the slow, long-term and intermittent pulsation action can meet the formation conditions of such a rock deformation structure.


The research results show that stiffness ratio of superstructure and ratio of damping and stiffness in isolated story have great influence on local deformation of structure. It can reduce the local deformation and increase entirety of structure effectively through rational laying rubber bearing and adjusting distribution of stiffness and damping in isolated story. The specific conclusion of the paper is that local deformation of isolated structure becomes minimality when translational stiffness ratio of superstructure is consistent with stiffness ratio of isolated story; and it also can reduce local deformation of minor structure by reducing damping ratio of isolated story properly.


Under the direction of the paper; the effect of the so-called superdirective, refers to the paper balance water in the vertical and horizontal is inconsistent, lateral expansion rate is far better than vertical expansion rate, as a result, the lateral expansion deformation of the paper than vertical.


The so-called superdirective, refers to the paper balance water in the vertical and horizontal is inconsistent, lateral expansion rate is far better than vertical expansion rate, as a result, the lateral expansion deformation of the paper than vertical.


The difference between calculation and measurement seems attributable to that, with the 2-dimensional odel used for the calculation, local deformation of tire is small compared with actual machine, resulting in increased reaction force of tire.


更多网络解释与变形比相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

inequality, Chebyshev:契比雪夫不等式

非弹性变形 inelastic deformation | 契比雪夫不等式 inequality, Chebyshev | 惯性坐标系统 inertial corrdinate system


由于这种双面接脚或四面脚接之中大型表面黏装组件,具有相当节省板子的面积及焊后容易清洗的优点,且未焊装前各引脚强度也甚良好不易变形,比另一种鸥翼接脚(Gull Wing Lead)法更容易维持"共面性"(Coplanarity),已成为高脚数SM

deformation ratio:变形比

deformation range 变形范围 | deformation rate 变形率 | deformation ratio 变形比

The Fallen:堕落者

当然,实际电影当中的变形金刚"演员"数量要远比游戏当中更多,例如:大力神(Devastator)、机器狗(Ravage)、横炮(Sideswipe)、堕落者(The Fallen)、双胞胎兄弟(The Twins)、刹车(Skids)、挡泥板(Mudflap)等等,甚至还有很多连名字都没来得及报上就已经挂掉的变形金刚.

Poisson ratio:泊松比;横向变形系数

遛转半径 radius of gyration | 泊松比;横向变形系数 Poisson ratio | 弹性模量 modulus ofelasticity

transverse Poisson's ratio:横向泊松比

横向变形 lateral deformation | 横向泊松比 transverse Poisson's ratio | 胡克定律 Hooke's law

transmogrification:变形 (名)

transmittance 透射比; 透明度 (名) | transmogrification 变形 (名) | transmutable 可变形的 (形)

The twins:双胞胎兄弟

当然,实际电影当中的变形金刚"演员"数量要远比游戏当中更多,例如:大力神(Devastator)、机器狗(Ravage)、横炮(Sideswipe)、堕落者(The Fallen)、双胞胎兄弟(The Twins)、刹车(Skids)、挡泥板(Mudflap)等等,甚至还有很多连名字都没来得及报上就已经挂掉的变形金刚



