英语人>词典>汉英 : 双眼皮 的英文翻译,例句
双眼皮 的英文翻译、例句


double-fold eyelids · double eye
更多网络例句与双眼皮相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Zhang Xiaomei, said electric eye beauty of the first hurdle is to double-fold, and second, long and thick eyelashes, eyebrows third, shading appropriate, the four are no bags under the eyes.


If you have some spare cash you could buy a Dior evening gown or get plastic surgery, but my advice is not to go for either.


I think she's had liposuction and double eyelid surgery.


She has a pair of big eyes and deep double-fold eyelid.


His eyes an eyelid is so beautiful that shocked me!!


In Asia teenage girls have had or are considering getting Eyelid Surgery to open up their eyes.


Is double-fold eyelid plastic operation suitable to any age?


Zibo classifies mother the net customer service personnel after receiving your this question, you proposed after the question has consulted the Zibo know-it-alls, specially gives the reply: the Shandong double-fold eyelid surgery best hospital is Weifang's medical school Hospital for plastic surgery, the Shandong double-fold eyelid surgery technology authority, the Shandong double-fold eyelid surgery buries the line type double-fold eyelid to you and circumscribes the type double-fold eyelid two double-fold eyelid ways to let you choose.


Do not do plastic surgery will be able to make single eyelids become double-fold, the most direct way is to use double fold tool.


Agree with above statement, I is the case, single-edged eyelid father, mother double-fold, more than 10 years old when I was changing, but it did not double like her mother, and now my baby for four months, her husband is a double-fold to baby is a single-edged eyelid, it is estimated that like me, I hope that can change it up, but now she is also very good to see single-edged eyelid, double-fold no means all, perhaps, such as popular baby to grow up to become a single-edged eyelid, the giggle laugh, I wish the health of yo


更多网络解释与双眼皮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

double bachelor's degree:双学士

双向三车道 dual three-lane carriageway | 双学士 double bachelor's degree | 双眼皮 double eyelid


膀胱癌 bladder cance | 双眼皮手术 Blepharoplasty | 盲 blind

blepharoplasty for oriental:双眼皮成形术

whole-body beauty全身美容 | blepharoplasty for oriental双眼皮成形术 | eye-brow pick修眉


EYELID 眼皮 | Double-edged 双眼皮的 | Drooping 下垂的

double-edged eyelid:双眼皮

brandy nose 酒糟鼻 | double-edged eyelid双眼皮 | tan皮肤发黑

double eyelid:双眼皮

wink抛媚眼 | double eyelid双眼皮 | eyelash眼睫毛

double eyelids:双眼皮

单眼皮:single eyelids | 双眼皮:double eyelids | 瘦鼻子:a thin nose

double eyelids:割双眼皮

She had a face-lift. 她做了面部拉皮. | Double eyelids 割双眼皮 | Face-lift 拉皮


真要矫正还是要回归正统双眼皮手术,除去多余的,绑紧松弛的,填补不够的. (3) 重新将提眼肌肉韧带附著(insertion)到眼睑与皮肤,制造明确的双眼皮折痕. 这个动作决定双眼皮多宽、多深、维持多久,非常重要.

a small incision or suture is made above the eye to create an artificial double lid:在眼睛上方做细小的切割或缝合,割双眼皮

在理发店做负离子get ion straighteni... | 在眼睛上方做细小的切割或缝合,割双眼皮a small incision or suture is made above the eye to create an artificial double lid | 有个小肚腩carry a modest spare tire a...