英语人>词典>汉英 : 去铅 的英文翻译,例句
去铅 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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All the efforts we paid can only scrape off the oil to be adjacent to the truth, but it is impossible to wash all the attachments.


Even at Yale, in written papers Georgos had had the reputation among his professors of belaboring a point, spreading adjective s like buckshot


Bw?d lead acetate for 30 days,followed by treatment with 30 mg/kg?

bw?d醋酸铅联合灌胃30 d,后用去离子水灌胃10 d;锌治疗组用15 mg/kg?

That provides a natural lead-in to: If I were to work with you on this project, here's how we would do it...


The seabirds mewled and swooped, unnerved, it seemed, by the spectacle of that vast bowl of water bulging like a blister, lead-blue and malignantly agleam.


Start by pointing your arm and lead rope in the direction you want your horse to go.


Before daybreak he would awake , leave the inn after rigorously paying his bill , and reaching the forest , he would , under presence of making studies in painting , test the hospitality of some peasants , procure himself the dress of a woodcutter and a hatchet , casting off the lion s skin to assume that of the woodman ; then , with his hands covered with dirt , his hair darkened by means of a leaden comb , his complexion embrowned with a preparation for which one of his old comrades had given him the recipe , he intended , by following the wooded districts , to reach the nearest frontier , walking by night and sleeping in the day in the forests and quarries , and only entering inhabited regions to buy a loaf from time to time


Song dynasty porcelain beauty, though not of the tang dynasty, but beautiful grand manner elegant and beautiful, is of TingXiu and does not act, it is fair to lead, wash the beauty of nature.


May 15. I carry'd two Hatchets to try if I could not cut a Piece off of the Roll of Lead, by placing the Edge of one Hatchet, and driving it with the other; but as it lay about a Foot and a half in the Water, I could not make any Blow to drive the Hatchet.


We had seen them in a ghastly rash around the old market town of Apt, boxes made from that special kind of livid pink cement which remains livid no matter what the weather may throw at it.


更多网络解释与去铅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Die traitorous dogs:去死吧,狗样的叛徒

Russia's fate is with me. 祖国的命运与我同在. (热血澎湃!) | Die traitorous dogs! 去死吧,狗样的叛徒! | Eat lead. 尝尝铅丸(米格扔的炸弹).

unleaded petrol:无铅汽油, leaded petrol含铅汽油

20.Go on holidays 去过假期 | 21.Unleaded petrol无铅汽油, leaded petrol含铅汽油 | 2. break down 分解


delcrederecommission 保收货款佣金 保证收取货款佣金 | delead 去铅 | deleading 退铅


desiltingworks 如沉沙池等除沙工程 | desilver 除银 提银 去银 | desilveredlead 除银铅

desulfovibrio desulfuricans:去磺弧菌

Neil等采用去磺弧菌(Desulfovibrio desulfuricans)从废旧电路板中回收金和钯进行了实验研究. 该实验分三步进行:①用湿法冶金技术浸出废旧电路板粉末中的铜、铅和锡等基本金属,再用电化学方法回收浸出液中的基本金属,而剩余固体则用王水溶解进一步回收其中的金和钯.


脱水,去水,脱水的 dewatering | 杂滑蛇纹石 deweylite | 粒磷铅铀矿,磷铅铀矿 dewindtite

Rubia cordifolia:(茜草)

<正> 从茜草(Rubia cordifolia)根经过水煎、酒沉、铅沉、酸析去铅、锦纶柱层析、干燥等步骤制得的茜草提取物(代号"208")和用简化工艺制备的茜草提取物(代号"408")给正常狗口服后可以观察到它具有使外周血自细胞数明显升高的药理作用.

shadow line:黑影孔化机

DES Line 显影、触刻去膜机 | Shadow Line 黑影孔化机 | Copper, Gold, Tin, Tin/ lead Plating Line 电镀金、纯锡、锡铅及铜生产线