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原有的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与原有的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the hardware and primary operating system of PDA, this item improves the operating system of PDA to realizing the necessity of household appliances central control. PDA controller will work as aforehand prospect after it is designed successfully.


In this part, carrier interferometry technique is combined with MIMO-OFDM architechure, resulting in the so called MIMO-CI/OFDM system. It is shown that the novel system can achieve dramatic performance gains by taking advantage of large frequency diversity inherent in the CI/OFDM technique. Further more, the proposed MIMO-CI/OFDM system has a more stable envelope and, ultimately, an average PAPR far smaller than that of MIMO-OFDM.


The lighting of the USA avigation and spaceflight museum has adopted the cooperation of plasma lamp and the light pipe, in the lighting engineering two plasma lamps have been adopted instead of the inherent 240 metal halide lamps, and it has achieved a good effect of energy saving to 65%.

美国航空航天博物馆的照明,就采用两只等离子灯来驱动280 英尺的导光管,替代原有的240 只金属卤化物灯,节能达65%。

In the Delaunay method, the dissertation improves the customary Bowyer arithmetic, which advance the quality of triangle and the speed of generation.


But under the JLT model circumstance, the default state has only one default class with a constant recovery rate.

但是在原有的 JLT模型下,它的违约状态中只有一种违约评等,当公司掉入违约状态时,给予固定的回复率。

So basically all I did was compile the vendor daemon and replace it with mine ... it worked.

所以,我所能做的就是编译个vendor daemon并用自己的代替原有的…,成功了。

In addition, the very structure of the compounds mineralized confers a degree of protection by prevent- ing decomposer organisms or their exoenzymes from accessing the nutrients in them.

此外,该化合物的结构矿一定程度的保护原有的ing decomposer有机体或预防——他们的exoenzymes接触到营养。

At the same time the reform also has an influence on the allocation mechanism of DSM'benefits.

同时改革也对原有的DSM 的收益分配机制产生影响。

Philosophy of Spiritual Activity by Rudolf Steiner (101 pages) A modern philosophy of life developed by scientific methods, being an enlarged and revised edition of "The Philosophy of Freedom" together with the original thesis on Truth and Science.

" 哲学精神活动鲁道夫斯坦纳(101页)现代科学方法研制的人生哲学,作为一个放大、修订版"哲学自由"的论断连同原有的"真理和科学

As showed above, we could draw the conclusion that H3 viruses could cause outbreaks or local epidemics in Shanghai for the immune of population to the new emerging antigenic drift was still unknown though there was strong immune barrier to the previous vaccine strain, H1 viruses also may caused epidemics as the population had a weak immune protection to the previous reference strains A/New Caledonia/20/99-like and part of the recent isolates were distingwishing from them and continued to evolute on the new reference strain, and H5N1 HPAI activities has expanded its geographical range thus increasing the size of the population at risk as the continuing emergence of human cases which give the virus an opportunity to evolve towards a fully transmissible pandemic strain. We should keep eyes on the human cases of avian influenza virus an its variation for the H5 isolates in Shanghai also has the possibility to infect human directly and the infection of H5, H9 viruses had previously occurred in the population especially in those contacting with animals.


更多网络解释与原有的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ABO血型是以红细胞膜表面A、B凝集原(agglutinogen)的有无及其种类来作为其分类依据的. 凡红细胞膜上只有A凝集原的为A型;只有B凝集原的为B型;A、B凝集原均有的为AB型;A、B凝集原均无的为O型. 将恒河猴(Rhesus monkey)的红细胞注入家兔体内引起免疫反应,


1.食物 主要包括动物性蛋白(如鱼虾、蟹贝、肉类、牛奶和蛋类等)、植物性食品(如蕈类、草莓、可可、蕃茄和大蒜等)以及某些食物调味品和添加剂,这些食物中有的可作为变应原(allergen)引起机体变态反应,有的则可刺激肥大细胞释放组胺.


研究小组成员寸伟健以"货车"形容这个接口,"锌就像接连货车与车架的钩,只要除掉这个钩,货车便不能运货. "孙红哲说,铋(Bismuth)的药物取代原有的锌,接驳上幽门螺旋杆菌的接口位,能破坏幽门螺旋杆菌的"钩",令其无法生长,自然不能对药物产生抗药性.

Charlotte Bobcats:山猫

经由全联盟扩展委员会(Expansion Committee)的委员们一致推荐、联盟董事会最终批示通过了一项重要决定,即在NBA原有的29支球队之外再在夏洛特市补充一支新军,这样便使得全联盟的球队总数达到了30支. 2002至今 夏洛特山猫 (Charlotte Bobcats) 未获总冠军

compression ratio:压缩率

另外,通过冷却可以防止出现爆震(Knock)现象,最终就能提高压缩率 (Compression Ratio). 压缩率由原有的"双点火系统引擎(Twin Spark En gine)"的10:1大幅提高到了11.3:1(使用优质汽油). 该直喷引擎不会出现任何有降低输出功率的情况,


一方面需要我们沿结构主义,解构理论(deconstruction)和阐释学的道路,对迷惘的一代文学作品作深层构造上的形式与文本研究. 另一方面是在历史唯物主义前提下扩展视野,增添文学之外的透视角度,将我们原有的"社会历史研究原则"(socio-historical approach),


所以也有协会针对不同用途的LED制定新的测量标准以国际照明委员会(Commission InternationaLEDel Eclairage;CIE)为例,其在2007年大幅修订原有的LED测量技术文件CIE-127,但因诸多争议,仍有诸多测量问题待解决,而由美国能源 部(DOE)所主导,其配合固态照明产品的推广进程,

en route:航路

一旦航路点被输入到单元,就选择了RNAV的航路(En Route)模式,航向偏差指示器就会显示到航路点的航向指引,而不是原有的VORTAC. [在航路模式中,航向偏差指示器指示到航路的方向指示,不是航路所属的范围的VORTAC. ]DME也会显示到航路点的距离.


我自己原有的Linux机器(Linux box)为例标注了一些参数的估计值.当你从左向右观察该不可能的,但是在生成代码的时候这个假定(fiction)却能够带来很大方便,这是由于进程技术.与此类似,


在"七宗罪"里,叛国treason,原法例中文作"叛逆")、煽动(sedition)等是原有的,只有分裂国家、颠覆是新增加的. 整个立法操作就是修改已有的、增补没有的方式,>在阐明了指导原则以后,逐一对各条罪名提出修改和增立的建议,