英语人>词典>汉英 : 厚呢 的英文翻译,例句
厚呢 的英文翻译、例句


box cloth
更多网络例句与厚呢相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And they had the audacity to look at my picture, Alicia," she said, with mock indignation."I found the baize thrown on the ground, and a great man's glove on the carpet.


He was dressed in his one black suit of broadcloth.


By the wall of the Kitay-Gorod there was another small group of people gathered about a man in a frieze coat, who held a paper in his hand.


My pea jacket has green ed with wear.


To make or become purple.My pea jacket has greened with wear.


He obviously thought I was a foreigner, with my long hair and beard, rawhide boots, and British navy pea jacket.


My pea jacket has greened with wear.


Is your new number one starting to lay it on a little to thick?


Your honour," said the man in the frieze coat,"it was their wish, your honour, not sparing their substance, in accord with his excellency the count's proclamation, to serve, and not to make a riot at all, as his excellency said …""The count has not gone, he is here, and will give orders about you," said the head of police."


"Your honour," said the man in the frieze coat,"it was their wish, your honour, not sparing their substance, in accord with his excellency the count's proclamation, to serve, and not to make a riot at all, as his excellency said …"


更多网络解释与厚呢相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

admiralty cloth:海军呢;美国海军厚呢大衣

調節重錘桿 adjusting weigth lever | 海軍呢;美國海軍厚呢大衣 admiralty cloth | 容頂~差 admissible error

armure cheviot:黑色切维奥特粗纺厚呢

armure bosphore 双面卵石纹绸 | armure cheviot 黑色切维奥特粗纺厚呢 | armure royale 罗亚尔卵石纹绸

box cloth:缩绒厚呢

box camera 盒式照相机 | box cloth 缩绒厚呢 | box coat 箱式带斗篷厚大衣

box cloth:短毛光呢,梭絨厚呢

梭箱紋鏈 box chain | 短毛光呢,梭絨厚呢 box cloth | 披肩厚外套 box coat

box cloth:短毛光呢;缩绒厚呢

"梭箱纹链","box chain" | "短毛光呢;缩绒厚呢","box cloth" | "披肩厚外套","box coat"

camelot baracane:家具厚呢

camellia 山茶 | camelot baracane 家具厚呢 | camelot 驼毛呢

cavalry twill:马裤呢;斜纹厚呢

凹凸印花 cauterising | 馬褲呢;斜紋厚呢 cavalry twill | 孔洞化 cavitatoin


dreadnaught 厚呢 | dreadnought 厚呢 | dream about 作梦


煤油 kerosene | 克瑟手织粗呢;克瑟密绒厚呢 kersey | 克瑟梅尔短绒大衣呢 kerseymere

thibet cloth:缩绒厚呢

thibenzole 涕必灵 | thibet cloth 缩绒厚呢 | thibet wool 薄呢片再生毛