英语人>词典>汉英 : 历史观察 的英文翻译,例句
历史观察 的英文翻译、例句


historical perspective
更多网络例句与历史观察相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You can see it, touch it, and live it in cities across the country.


In order to develop new remaining value functions for large and medium-sized tractors, 116 recent tractor auction sales data in Shanghai State Farm were collected, by different Box-Cox transformations and regression methods, six proposed models with explanatory independent variables of tractor age and average yearly use hours were analyzed and compared, and the double square root model was selected as best one finally.


To see the golden sun and the azure sky, the outstretched ocean, to walk upon the green earth, and to be lord of a thousand creatures, to look down giddy precipices or over distant flowery vales, to see the world spread out under one's finger in a map, to bring the stars near, to view the smallest insects in a microscope, to read history, and witness the revolutions of empires and the succession of generations, to hear of the glory of Simon and Tire, of Babylon and Susan, as of a faded pageant, and to say all these were, and are now nothing, to think that we exist in such a point of time ,and in such a corner of space, to be at once spectators and a part of the moving scene, to watch the return of the seasons, of spring and autumn, to hear---The stock dove plain amid the forest deep


Two dominant themes thus emerge: Roman triumph and the Wandering Jew, the former being the figurative mode of history, the latter being materialization of a historical participant.


This research attempts the method with which we could make a study of the historical documents. Combining with the development of"the Intellectuals'Debated Politics by virtue of Private Journalism", I will take the Observer as the case and to detect its liberalistic connotation and to recover part of its realistic nature. This research is divided into the following four parts:(1) This part will introduce the known research results, the reason of chosing the case and the research method.


We list more than 540 volcanoes withhistorical eruptions, the criterion used by many people terming avolcano active.


History is thus made to ratify conclusions derived from the observation of rude tribes ; while such observation, again, is made to furnish the key to many of the enigmas of history.


Social and historical materialism to the method of observation with the previous history of all the different theories.


Trained sexologists can infer a woman's orgasm history by observing the way she walks.


In his subsections and descriptions of the world history, there are eisegesis that cannot survive careful investigation.


更多网络解释与历史观察相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

drug allergy:药物过敏

药物过敏(drug allergy)是人类最早观察到的过敏现象之一. 在历史上,随着人类寻找药物以治疗疾病,相继而产生的便有药物的中毒与过敏. 相传我国古代药物学的始祖神农氏于公元前3000余年曾因尝百草而一日遇七十毒. 从近代医学的观点看,

St Andrews:聖安德魯

受业於圣安德鲁(St Andrews)和杜翰(Durham)两所大学,於1983年加入英国广播公司(BBC)的自然历史部门. 曾参与制作各种领域的节目,包括得奖的「真实野外秀」、「野生动物」,以及饶富创意的「礁岩观察」. 与大卫?艾登保禄爵士合作「生命的试验」,





case study method:个案研究[法]

个案研究法(case study method)亦称个案历史法,追踪研究某一个体或团体的行为的一种方法,它包括对一个或几个个案材料的收集、记录,并写出个案报告,在现场收集数据的叫做"实地调查",它通常采用观察、面谈、收集文件证据、描述统计、测验、问卷、图片、影片或录像资料等方法.





historical perspective:历史观察

aesthetic htights 美学高度 | historical perspective 历史观察 | demote 使降级

Modern Times:当代

伟大的历史学家,>(Modern Times)一书的作者保罗强生写道,廿世纪的国家是「历史上的大凶手」,某些无神论的国家理当负最大的责任. 我观察到每一个怀疑主义者,从色尔萨斯(Celsus)到威尔斯(Wells)都站在基督的摇篮前,并所发出的微不足道的叹息.

Reexamining History:中日为什么要共同研究历史

环球观察: WORLD | 中日为什么要共同研究历史? Reexamining History | 迈向和平的第一步 The First Step