英语人>词典>汉英 : 卵形体 的英文翻译,例句
卵形体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ovoid  ·  ovoidal

更多网络例句与卵形体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stamens 3, ca. 1.5 mm; anthers ovoid, shorter than filaments.


Capsules baccate, ovoid or subglobose, 2-2.5 × 1.5-2 cm, red-yellow to purple when mature, indehiscent, or 3-valved when dry; arils white.

蒴果浆果状,卵形体或近球形, 2-2.5 * 1.5-2 厘米,成熟时红色黄到紫色,不裂,或干燥时3瓣裂的;假种皮白色。

Achenes ovoid, with a sticky surface membrane, tuberculate.


Ovary superior, ovoid or globose, of 2-5 carpels, unilocular; ovule 1, campylotropous; style terminal, usually short, with 2(-5) filiform or subulate stigmas, rarely capitate, papillose, or hairy on one side or throughout.


Female flowers: perianth tube ovoid, adnate to ovary, lobes similar to those of males.

雌花: 花被筒卵形体,贴生于子房,裂片类似于雄性的。

Carpellate flowers not seen. Fruit green when young, shiny red when mature, ovoid, ca.


Stamens 4, subequal or anterior 2 longer, inserted on apical half of corolla tube; filaments complanate, glabrous or puberulent; anthers ovoid, cells 2, divaricate, becoming confluent at apex.


Plant to 10 m tall; fruit rounded-ovoid, 2-3 mm in diam.; leaf blade ± concolor, abaxially with grayish brown pubescence, surface of blade visible between hairs under magnification, adaxially very scabrous with erect bristles.

植株给10米高;果圆形卵形体,直径的2-3毫米;叶片多少同色,背面具淡灰棕色短柔毛,在放大时毛间的叶表面可见,粗糙具直立刚毛的正面 2 T 。 tomentosa 山黄麻

Calyx ovoid in flower, suberect or declinate; teeth 5, posterior 1 widest, lateral teeth separate or adnate to posterior tooth forming upper lip; anterior teeth 2, separate or connate, forming lower lip; fruiting calyx tubular, veins elevated, teeth bright colored.


Berry ovoid, 4-6 × 3-4 mm, basal portion glaucous or yellowish green.

浆果卵形体, 4-6 * 3-4 毫米,基部的部分有白霜的或黄绿色。

更多网络解释与卵形体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

overyear storage:多年调节库容

"overwrite ","[冲掉]改写(计算机)" | "overyear storage ","多年调节库容" | "ovoid ","卵形体,卵形的"

ovoid body:卵形体

ovoculture of virus 病毒的家卵培养 | ovoid body 卵形体 | ovoid briquette 煤球


卵圆形的;卵形体 ovoid | 卵蕨属(化石) Ovopteris | 卵睪 ovotestis


卡西尼环缝 Cassini's division | 卵形体 cassinoid | 卡斯提利安诺定理 Castigliano theorem

ogival shell:尖顶形壳体

Ogilvie's syndrome false colonic obstruction 奥吉尔维氏综合征 | ogival shell 尖顶形壳体 | ogival-shape body 卵形体

Fresnel ovaloid:菲涅耳卵形体

菲涅耳数 Fresnel number | 菲涅耳卵形体 Fresnel ovaloid | 菲涅耳反射公式 Fresnel reflection formula


ovoid 卵圆形的,卵形体 | owling 走私,晚上捕鱼 | owner 船主,船东,货主