英语人>词典>汉英 : 卵巢破裂 的英文翻译,例句
卵巢破裂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ovariorrhexis  ·  oothecorrhexis

ovarian rupture
更多网络例句与卵巢破裂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oogonium develops into early oocyte in the ovary, and then the oocyte leaves the ovary for the coelomic fluid in the form of single cell or cell mass followed by the rapid separation of the group of oocytes into individual ones. Oocyte enters into the nephridium after its maturation. The rupture of germinal vesicle marks the oocyte maturation. Oocyte in the coelom does not have follicle membrane and vitelline membrane is formed and developed by the oocyte itself. Smaller oocyte (0μm in diameter) is round, and larger ones (≥60μm in diameter) is ovate. The short and long diameters of a morphologically mature oocyte are about 115—120μm and 140—145μm respectively, and the vitelline membrane is 7—9μm thick.

卵原细胞在卵巢中发育至早期卵母细胞时期单个或成团脱离卵巢入体腔液中,卵母细胞团细胞很快分离为单个细胞;卵母细胞在体腔液中发育成熟后进入肾管;生发泡破裂是卵母细胞成熟的标志;体腔中卵母细胞无滤泡膜,卵黄膜的形成与发育靠卵母细胞本身;卵径小于60μm的卵母细胞呈圆形,卵径大于60μm 的卵母细胞为卵圆形,形态上成熟的卵母细胞短径约115—120μm、长径约140—145μm、卵黄膜厚7—9μm。

Results 4 cases of gynecologic acute abdomen were dermoid cyst rupture, ovarian corpus luteum rupture, dermoid cyst torsion and ovarian abscess, and they have the corresponding CT, MRI findings.

结果 4例妇科急腹症分别为皮样囊肿破裂、卵巢黄体破裂、皮样囊肿蒂扭转及卵巢脓肿,它们均有相应的CT、MRI表现。

Of them,194 cases had been conducted sterility explorations,148 ectopic pregnancy operations,91 ovarian multiple cyst operations,49 myomectomy,47 enucleation of ovarian multiple cysts,29 laparoscopic cholecystectomies,24 teratoma resections,2 ruptuure of corpus luteum operations,2 appendectomies,repair in perforation of uterus,eyewinker extraction in abdominal cavity.Tubal ligation and communicating branch lidation of great saphenous vein.


Methods:602 patients were performed laparoscopic operation under continuous peridural and intravenous anesthesia.Of them,194 cases had been conducted sterility explorations,148 ectopic pregnancy operations,91 ovarian multiple cyst operations,49 myomectomy,47 enucleation of ovarian multiple cysts,29 laparoscopic cholecystectomies,24 teratoma resections,2 ruptuure of corpus luteum operations,2 appendectomies,repair in perforation of uterus,eyewinker extraction in abdominal cavity.Tubal ligation and communicating branch lidation of great saphenous vein.


The results showed that mercury chloride (0.5 and 1.5mg/kg BW) had obviously toxicity to the liver and the kidney of mouse, and the dose of 1.5mg/kg BW could damage the ovary function and reduce the number of superovulation oocytes.The results also showed that mercury chloride could inhibit the extruding of the first polar body and affect the quality and the viability of mouse oocyte and reduce the rate of IVF,but little impact on germinal vesicle breakdown of mouse oocyte in vivo.

结果表明,0.5和1.5mg/kg BW汞对小鼠的肝脏、肾脏有明显的毒性作用,1.5mg/kg BW组还对卵巢有明显的毒性作用,并能显著降低超排卵的卵母细胞数;汞对体内卵母细胞生发泡破裂没有影响,但可以抑制卵母细胞第一极体的释放,影响卵母细胞的存活率并降低体外受精率。

Results: 326 tubal pregnancy, 111 ruptureed corpus luteum, 56 acute pelvic inflammatory disease, 76 turn round of ovarian cyst, 53 ruptured endometriosis cyet of ovary, 5 perforation of uterus, 3 hemorrhagic salpingitis. 664 patients were succsssfully managed by laparoscopy.


Objective:To explore the effect and surgical techniques of laparoscopic surgery in treating mature ovarian teratoma.


The clinical date of 91 cases to treat by laparoscopy were reviewed. Results 91 case with adnex benign disease were performed completely with laparoscopy.


Do not cause decomposition of one ovulation, mature follicles to a certain stage, clearly highlighted in the ovarian surface, with the proliferation of follicular fluid, internal pressure increases, so that more and more prominent part of the ovarian tissue is thin, the final rupture secondary oocyte cells and their peripheral zona pellucida and corona radiata, together with the discharge of ovarian follicular fluid in the process called ovulation.


Of them,194 cases had been conducted sterility explorations,148 ectopic pregnancy operations,91 ovarian multiple cyst operations,49 myomectomy,47 enucleation of ovarian multiple cysts,29 laparoscopic cholecystectomies,24 teratoma resections,2 ruptuure of corpus luteum operations,2 appendectomies,repair in perforation of uterus,eyewinker extraction in abdominal cavity.Tubal ligation and communicating branch lidation of great saphenous vein.


更多网络解释与卵巢破裂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anterior pituitary:垂体前叶

脑下垂体(更具体一点说是脑下垂体前叶 (anterior pituitary)是通过分泌多种荷尔蒙来直接或者间接影响我们卵巢的荷尔蒙分泌. 其中有两种是和卵巢荷尔蒙分泌直接相关的:LH的大量分泌促使卵泡成熟并排出卵子,即排卵 (Ovulation)卵泡破裂充血塌陷后形成黄体 (corpus luteum),


ovariorrhexis 卵巢破裂 | ovariotomy 卵巢切开术 | ovaritis 卵巢炎


4.排卵 排卵(ovulation)是指卵泡发育成成熟后,突出于卵巢表面的卵泡破裂,卵子随同其周围的粒细胞和卵泡排出的生理现象. 排卵是动物繁殖的前提,也是生殖生理活动的中心环节,正常的排卵是保证动物繁衍后代的基础.


在下半个月雌激素的衰退期中,孕甾酮(Progesterone)起而代之,孕甾酮是排卵期卵泡破裂时释放的. 周而复始,犹如月圆月缺,生命一层层添加了岁月的年轮(见图). 更年期的到来,是因为卵巢产生的两种激素雌激素(Estrogen)和孕甾酮(Progesterone)下降,

salpingectomy,tubal resection,fallectomy,fallotoimy:输卵管切除术

输卵管卵巢脓肿 tubo-ovarian abscess | 输卵管切除术 salpingectomy,tubal resection,fallectomy,fallotoimy | 输卵管妊娠破裂 rupture of tubal pregnancy,tubal rupture


ovariopexy 卵巢固定术 | ovariorrhexis 卵巢破裂 | ovariotomy 卵巢切开术


卵巢克鲁肯伯格瘤 Krukenberg tumor of ovary | 卵巢破裂 oothecorrhexis,ovariorrhexis | 卵巢巧克力囊肿 chocolate cyst of ovary


ovariorrhexis 卵巢破裂 | ovariosalpingectomy 卵巢输卵管切除术 | ovariosalpingitis 卵巢输卵管炎

Cystic Ovaries:卵巢囊肿

卵巢囊肿(cystic ovaries)指由于动物的生殖内分泌紊乱导致卵巢组织内未破裂的卵泡或黄体因其自身组织发生变性和萎缩而形成的球形空腔. 猫发病率高于犬.