英语人>词典>汉英 : 卢斯 的英文翻译,例句
卢斯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Luce  ·  Loos  ·  Luse  ·  Luss

更多网络例句与卢斯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Luce tried, with little success, to play kingmaker in presidential politics. In 1940 Time editors winced as he turned the magazine into a campaign puff for Wendell Willkie, and in 1948 Time was "as wrong as everyone else" in its confidence that Thomas Dewey would beat Harry Truman, whom Luce called "a vulgar little Babbitt".


Besides these, his teachers in grammar were the Greek Alexander of Cotiaeum,10 and the Latins Trosius Aper, Pollio, and Eutychius Proculus of Sicca; his masters in oratory were the Greeks Aninius Macer, Caninius Celer and Herodes Atticus,11 and the Latin Cornelius Fronto.12 Of these he conferred high honours on Fronto, even asking the senate to vote him a statue; but indeed he advanced Proculus also - even to a proconsulship, and assumed the burdens13 of the office himself.


Fabianus Tibo, 60, Marinus Riwu, 48, and Dominggus da Silva, 42, were found guilty of leading a Christian militia that launched a series of attacks in May 2000 —— including an a ault on an Islamic school that killed at least 70 people seeking shelter.


Fabianus Tibo, 60, Marinus Riwu, 48, and Dominggus da Silva, 42, were found guilty of leading a Christian militia that launched a series of attacks in May 2000 —— including an assault on an Islamic school that killed at least 70 people seeking shelter.


Fabianus Tibo, 60, Marinus Riwu, 48, Dominggus da Silva, 42, were found guilty of leading a Christian militia that launched a series of attacks in May 2000 —— including an assault on an Islamic school that killed at least 70 people seeking shelter.

现年60岁的法比卢斯·提伯,48岁的马力卢斯·利乌和42岁的多米加斯·达·西尔瓦被判决有罪,因为8 Tt t 8。 com 他们领导了基督教武装分子在2008年5月发动了一系列针对穆斯林的袭击活动,其中包括 www 。ddd tt。 com 一起武装袭击穆斯林学校并至少杀死了70名在此避难的难民的暴力活动。

Fabianus Tibo, Marinus Riwu and Dominggus da Silva were found guilty of leading a Christian militia that launched a series of attacks on Muslims in May 2000 on Sulawesi——including a gun and machete assault that killed at least 70 people who had taken refuge in an Islamic school.


Fabianus Tibo, Marinus Riwu Dominggus da Silva were found guilty of leading a Christian militia that launched a series of attacks on Muslims in May 2000 on Sulawesi——including a gun machete assault that killed at least 70 people who had taken refuge in an Islamic school.

法比卢斯·提伯,马力卢斯·利乌,多米加斯·达·西尔瓦被判决主使基督教武装分子在2000年5月在苏拉威西岛发动了一系列针对穆斯林的武装袭击,其中 www 。ddd tt。 com 一次持枪和弯刀对在一所伊斯兰学校避难的人群发动的袭击,这次袭击造成了至少70人死亡。

Pompeianus too was killed, the grandson of the Emperor Marcus,-- he was the son of his daughter and that Pompeianus who was married to Lucilia after the death of the Emperor Verus and made consul twice by Marcus and placed in command of all the most important wars of the time -- and he was killed in such a way as to seem to have been murdered by robbers.


An illustration of a smiling Berlusconi, who weathered a summer of scandals over his relations with an 18-year-old underwear model and allegations he slept with a prostitute after a party, emblazons the cover of the Rolling Stone's December issue, against the backdrop of the Italian flag.


An illustration of a smiling Berlusconi, who weathered a summer of scandals over his relations with an 18-year-old underwear model and allegations he slept with a prostitute after a party, emblazons the cover of the Rolling Stone's December issue, against the backdrop of the Italian flag.


更多网络解释与卢斯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Regulus Arcturus Black:雷古勒斯.阿克图卢斯.布莱克

阿尔法德.布莱克Alphard Black | 雷古勒斯.阿克图卢斯.布莱克 Regulus Arcturus Black | 菲尼亚斯.奈杰勒斯.布莱克 Phineas Nigellus Black

A. Aulus Aula:奥卢斯/奥拉

Sex. Sextus Sexta 塞克斯图斯/塞克斯塔 | A. Aulus Aula 奥卢斯/奥拉 | D. Decimus Decima 戴基乌斯/戴基娅

Junius Rusticus:优尼乌斯.卢斯提库斯

Junia Calvina 优尼娅.卡尔维娜 | Junius Rusticus 优尼乌斯.卢斯提库斯 | Juno 朱诺

Romulus and remus:罗慕卢斯与雷摩斯

24. Aeneas 埃涅阿斯 | 25. Romulus and Remus 罗慕卢斯与雷摩斯 | 1. Paris 帕里斯

Tiberius Odgen:提贝卢斯?奥格登(威森加摩元老)

56. 格丽西尔达?马克班斯/格丝尔达?玛奇班(威森加摩元老,OWL考试主考官之一) Griselda Mar... | 57. 提贝卢斯?奥格登(威森加摩元老) Tiberius Odgen | 58. 卡珊德拉?特里劳妮(西比尔?特里劳妮的玄祖母) Cassandra Tre...


如果你去卢斯克(lusk)旅行,你会看到一个标牌,...愿意为转基因豆腐承担的愿付价格是在非转基因豆腐的36%. 鲁克斯(lusk)等人(2003)在一项针对法国、德国、...

DE BROMLEY, Lus Bertrand:卢斯.贝特兰德.德布朗利

DE BRITO CRUZ, Jose Humberto;若泽.温贝托.德布里托.克鲁斯;; | DE BROMLEY, Lus Bertrand;卢斯.贝特兰德.德布朗利;; | DE BRUM, Banny;班尼.德布伦;;

Winona State University,Duluth:明尼苏达大学德卢斯分校

- Winona State University,Crookston 明尼苏达大学克鲁士顿分校 | - Winona State University,Duluth 明尼苏达大学德卢斯分校 | - Winona State University,Morris 明尼苏达大学摩里斯分校

University of Minnesota Duluth:明尼苏达大学德卢斯

University of Memphis孟菲斯大学 | University of Minnesota--Duluth明尼苏达大学德卢斯 | The University of Montana蒙大拿大学


斯特拉斯堡(Strasbourg)、科尔玛(Colmar)、米卢斯(Mulhouse)是阿尔萨斯最主要的3个城市. 其中斯特拉斯堡是阿尔萨斯首府,也是现在欧盟的2个首都之一(另一个是布鲁塞尔),欧洲议会就在斯特拉斯堡. 科尔玛则是阿尔萨斯的葡萄酒中心,