英语人>词典>汉英 : 卡普拉 的英文翻译,例句
卡普拉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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So you love Capra...

嗯 你爱卡普拉。。。

Only Capra and this cast could pull it off so well; this film seems to improve with age.


They begin with a discussion about audience and a detailed case-study on four conflicting analyses of Capra's It's A Wonderful Life.


Fritjof Capra , in his book The Tao of Physics , says p.


China is not a good setting for a Frank Capra tale, but people do have influence over their autocratic masters.


If Frank Capra's brilliant Mr. Smith Goes to Washington teaches us anything, it's that every major problem can be solved forever by talking for a long period of time.


In Capra's detailed assessment of many surviving manuscripts Leonardo's science is more in tune with holistic non-mechanistic and non-reductive approaches to science which are becoming popular today.


In It's a Wonderful Life , Frank Capra spun a tale of one as a bumbling helper of humans; in Wings of Desire , Wim Wenders told of one who wished to be human.


Among increasingly formal and elaborate villa complexes in the 16th century are the Villa Lante in Bagnaia and the Villa Farnese in Caprarola, both designed by Giacomo da Vignola.


In the first part of the paper, some postmodern curriculum theories by Doll, Capra and Slattery are introduced, main characteristics are generalized.


更多网络解释与卡普拉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Capra:卡普拉-选自李维 穆译本

Cappadocia卡帕多细亚-选自古代卷 | Capra卡普拉-选自李维 穆译本 | Caprera 卡普雷拉

Frank Capra:弗兰克.卡普拉

本片另还获得奥斯卡最佳改编剧本、最佳艺术指导/场景布置奖、及最佳黑白摄影、导演、影片、女配角、原始配乐等提名电影简介: 弗兰克 卡普拉(Frank Capra)的经典作之一,描写一名理想化的青年试图改变美国参议院中腐化枉法的经过.

Frank Capra:卡普拉

弗兰克 卡普拉(Frank Capra)的经典作之一,描写一名理想化的青年试图改变美国参议院中腐化枉法的经过. 詹姆斯.斯图尔特(James Stewart)饰演的史密斯先生被挑选进参议院暂代病重的参议员空缺,当他来到国会大厦,却被一群贪污的政客所淹没,

Frank Capra:导 演 弗兰克.卡普拉

.在拍摄本片之前,导演弗兰克.卡普拉(Frank Capra)刚刚出生不久的孩子因扁桃体摘除手术的并发症而不幸身故,卡普拉拍摄本片也是为了帮助自己摆脱这段伤心记忆.


MennoniteVoluntaryService门诺派志愿服务社 | MENON,Prabhakar普拉巴卡尔.梅农 | MENON,VanuGopala瓦努.戈帕拉.梅农

PKP PUKA PUKA:普卡普卡 土阿莫土群岛

PKO PARAKOU 帕拉库 贝宁 | PKP PUKA PUKA 普卡普卡 土阿莫土群岛 | PKR POKHARA 博克拉 尼泊尔

Sri Jayawardenepura:斯里贾亚瓦德纳普拉 斯裡賈亞瓦德納普拉

Dhaka 达卡 達卡 | Sri Jayawardenepura 斯里贾亚瓦德纳普拉 斯裡賈亞瓦德納普拉 | Almaty 阿拉木图 阿拉木圖


卡普拉罗拉 Caprarola | 卡普里奥 Capreol | 卡普来拉岛 Caprera I.

RATILAL, Prakash:普拉卡什.拉蒂拉尔

RACELIS, Mary;玛丽.拉斯利斯;; | RATILAL, Prakash;普拉卡什.拉蒂拉尔;; | Badinter, Robert;罗贝尔.巴丹泰;;

SHAH, Prakash:普拉卡什.沙阿

SHAH, Mohammed Zahir;穆罕默德.查希尔.沙阿;; | SHAH, Prakash;普拉卡什.沙阿;; | SHAHAB, Ibrahim;易卜拉欣.沙哈布;;