英语人>词典>汉英 : 占优势 的英文翻译,例句
占优势 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dominate  ·  predominate  ·  preponderate  ·  reign  ·  dominates  ·  predominated  ·  predominates  ·  predominating  ·  preponderated  ·  preponderates  ·  reigned  ·  reigns

gain ground · gain the upper hand · prevail over · be in the ascendant · get the upper hand · be in a dominant position · get the upper hand of
更多网络例句与占优势相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Benthic mollusk was mainly distributed in lake bends, among which, Alocinma longicornis and Bellamya were dominant in density, while Corbicula fluminea and Bellamya were dominant in biomass.


Climatic gradients were based on data sets from 841 meteorological stations throughout China. Definitions for floristic distributional patterns were based upon the work of Prof. Z. Y. Wu. Most of these floristic distributional patterns were strongly correlated with the geographic gradients in climate, except for cosmopolitan, cultivated and invasive genera. Tropical genera form a large fraction of the total genera (ranging from 0.84% to 94.38% in the regional floras) with the highest proportion in southern Yunnan and Hainan Island. Tropical genera occur predominantly in southern China of 0° N latitude and decreased with increasing latitude, as would be expected. Interestingly, the disjunct Tropical Asia and Tropical America distribution were not restricted to southern latitudes. Temperate genera account for 5.1% to 98.83% of the total genera in regional floras with the highest proportion in the province of Xinjiang. Most of these genera followed geographic gradients in climate as expected (temperate genera conspicuously dominate the landscape at higher latitudes), except the East Asian and North American disjunct distribution, Eastern Asian distribution and Chinese endemic distribution. Generally, most plant genera demonstrated some correlation with climatic and geographic gradients. The most important gradients were those of annual air temperature and precipitation. A small fraction did not demonstrate significantly particular pattern:"Cosmopolitan","East Asian and North American disjunct","Eastern Asian" and "Chinese endemic" distributions. The North Temperate distribution had the highest correlation with mean annual air temperature and precipitation.


Benthic algae bloomed from January to March in the oyster bed were not observed in the control area 500m away which had similar bottom soil composition. Polychaetes were more abundant than crustacean gastropods and other large benthic fauna the year round and showed a marked increase during the winter.

在研究过稗中首次发现底滚在牡蛎床下 9~14 公尺深之海底繁生(1月~3月),以丝状矽藻及Navicula 属占优势,但是在无牡蛎床之对照区却无底藻繁生,底栖生物以多毛类占优势,在底藻繁生时有明显增加之量,春季时有 fauna development 之现象。

The fact that the pink plants were predominant among the population of RP1 cross progeny hints that the pink had the strong descendiblity, Whereas another fact that the plants with the color of another parent were predominant among the population of R01 cross progeny indicates that the nacarat/saffron plant had the low descendiblity. The above results suggest that it is better to choose the pink plants with the target color flower of breeding as a parents when arranging the cross combination. Many novel flowers with singular value of view and admire can be bred by the different cross combination since the wide segregation chromatogram is not confined to the parents'.


The forest is composed mainly of the families, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Myristicaceae, Lauraceae and Euphorbiaceae, and dominated by tree species, Metadina trichotoma, Syzygium cathayense, Knema erratica and Paramichelia baillonii. In physiognomy, the forest is characterized by the trees with mesophyllous, entire and leathery leaves. Woody lianas are found dominant, but trees with buttresses and cauliflory are relatively few in the forest.


The specific activity of the granules with different diameters and under different temperatures was investgated as well. the results showed that the dominent bacteria change from cocci to bacilli in the granulation, and concerning...


Variation of important value of dominant weed is that in spring and fall the dominant weed is Viola prionantha while in summer it is Digitaria ischaemum. In general management lawn community it is Leymus secalinus that is the dominant weed in spring and fall and Digitaria ischaemum in summer.


"The dissociation between writing (a more common trigger for reflex epilepsy) and drawing emphasizes the presence of anatomically distinctive cognitive modules in the dominant and nondominant hemispheres."


It was shown that there are 226 species,105 genera and 9 phyla of algae in the reserve and they are composed of Bacillariophyta,Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta in the majority and Phaeophyta,Pyrrophyta,Xanthophyta...


Phylogenetic analysis showed that the proteobacteria were the dominant group both in the sediments and waters,γ-proteobacteria and δ-proteobacteria were dominant in the sediments,α-proteobacteria were dominant in the water. However, all subphyla of proteobacteria presented phylogenetical divergence at the two sites.


更多网络解释与占优势相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

get the drop on:抢先拔枪瞄准(某人); 先发制人; 占上风; 占优势

chocolate drop [美][蔑]黑人, 黑人少女 | get the drop on 抢先拔枪瞄准(某人); 先发制人; 占上风; 占优势 | have the drop on 抢先拔枪瞄准(某人); 先发制人; 占上风; 占优势

have the drop on:抢先拔枪瞄准(某人); 先发制人; 占上风; 占优势

get the drop on 抢先拔枪瞄准(某人); 先发制人; 占上风; 占优势 | have the drop on 抢先拔枪瞄准(某人); 先发制人; 占上风; 占优势 | get the drop on sb. 抢先拔枪瞄准(某人); 先发制人; 占上风; 占优势

gain the upper hand of:占优势, 占上风

from hand to mouth 现挣现吃, 刚够糊口 | gain the upper hand of 占优势, 占上风 | get the upper hand of 占优势, 占上风

have the upper hand of:占优势, 占上风

get the upper hand of 占优势, 占上风 | have the upper hand of 占优势, 占上风 | get a big hand [口]受到热烈鼓掌

predominate v.1:控制,支配 2. 成为主流, 占优势

prevailing a.占优势的,主要的,流行的 | predominate v.1. 控制,支配 2. 成为主流, 占优势 | predominant a.占主导地位的,(在数量等上)占优势的,有力的


predominate 占优势 | predomination 占优势;统治;突出 | predrilling exploration 钻探前勘探


prepense 预谋的 | preponderant 占优势的 | preponderate 占优势

preponderantly:占优势地; 多数地 (副)

preponderant 以重胜的, 压倒性的, 优势的 (形) | preponderantly 占优势地; 多数地 (副) | preponderate 占优势 (动)

dominate-be prent in:占优势-占优势

domain-field范围,领域-土地,领域 | dominate-be prent in占优势-占优势 | dramatic-striking引人注目的-引人注目的

get the upper hand of:占优势, 占上风

gain the upper hand of 占优势, 占上风 | get the upper hand of 占优势, 占上风 | have the upper hand of 占优势, 占上风