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博略 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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For a nearly step close Ai Luete and the alien, Spier Borger photographs in the movie the majority of movies adopt a child's line of sight altitude.


Leop. Bloom there for a languor he had but was now better, he having dreamed tonight a strange fancy of his dame Mrs Moll with red slippers on in pair of Turkey trunks which is thought by those in ken to be for a change and Mistress Purefoy there, that got in through pleading her belly, and now on the stools, poor body, two days past her term, the midwives sore put to it and can't deliver, she queasy for a bowl of riceslop that is a shrewd drier up of the insides and her breath very heavy more than good and should be a bullyboy from the knocks they say, but God give her soon issue.

林奇、一苏格兰人、威尔。马登、为亲自下赌注之马伤心不已之托。利内翰和斯蒂芬。迪。利奥波。布卢姆原为解乏而来,现已略恢复元气。今晚彼曾做一奇梦:其妻摩莉足登红拖鞋,身着土耳其式紧身裤,博闻多识者谓此乃进入一个新阶段之征兆。普里福伊太太系住院待产妇[109] ,惜预产期已过二日,仍卧于产褥上,助产士焦急万分,不见分娩。灌以可充作上好收敛剂之米汤一碗,亦呕吐之,且呼吸无比困难。

Hides Yu Weimen under to raise the type loudspeaker, matches the entire vehicle nine Boston speakers to have extremely with 100 tile heavy low sound boxes is on site to shock the actually such power hypothesis, regarding many domestic consumers, will not feel extremely in strange, because will trade in the local market the domestically produced Mitsubishi blue Chinese zither 2.0 liters vehicle types, have then used the same engine and the gear box disposition, only then slightly will make merely the change in the correction part, but in domestic introduction's Dodge in the very abundant vehicle type, this engine may output 156 most high powereds and 19.4 kilogram-meter's biggest torsions.

隐藏于尾门的下掀式喇叭,搭配全车九支Boston扬声器与100瓦重低音箱极具临场震撼其实这样的动力设定,对于许多国内消费者来说,并不会感到太过于陌生,因为在本地市场所贩卖的国产三菱蓝瑟 2.0升车型,便采用了相同的发动机与变速箱配置,仅仅只有在调校部分略做改变,而在国内引进的道奇酷博车型上,这具发动机可输出156匹最大马力和19.4公斤米的最大扭力。

Mr English, an associate editor of the Guardian, is a polymath who wears his learning lightly.


Of coming sediment is deposited in the channel from Datong to Xuliujing; 6.5% of it is deposited in North Branch; a little is eroded hi South Branch from Xuliujing to the mouth; 31% of it is deposited in the submerged delta; 40% of it is deposited hi Hangzhou Bay and its near sea; 4% of it is accreted to land; other sediment is mainly transported to the nearshore of Zhejiang and Fujian coast and thimbleful sediment is diffused into the blue water.

长江来沙10%左右淤积在大通至徐六泾河道,6.5%左右淤积在北支,徐六华东师范大学2001届博土学位论文内容提要 u 径至口门的南支汉道略有冲刷,约 31%淤积在口门以外的水下三角洲,40%淤积在杭州湾及其近海,4%左右泥沙用来塑造陆地和岸线,其它的泥沙,主要沉 '积在浙闽沿海近岸区域,极少量扩散至深海。

One matchday: Borriello, Milanetto, Sacramento, Sissoko, Baiocco, Bonera and Cafu, Domizzi, Riganò, Rivalta and Semioli.


The blog takes advantage of rapidness, accumulating and sharing with others. However, the commentation and the interaction between the blog and the users are not so good as what we had imagined.


In vehicle side modelling part, because the very abundant vehicle commander compares Europe is medium raises the back vehicle to be many trifle, in addition line agile glass modelling, therefore in the whole visual effect, draws close in station wagon's slender feeling; In addition as a result of the large scale wheel arch design, lets the introduction dispose 18 inches tires very abundantly, in visual effect slightly obviously frail; Special 昰, although has not used the mainstream the automobile body homochromy rear view mirror, the vehicle roof both sides extend before the files to the tailstock also have the special black to break out, but in very abundant actually reveals the unique American rough atmosphere.


More glossaries with collection of blogging terms, acronyms and abbreviations.


更多网络解释与博略相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Andy Warhol:沃霍尔

但我不能设想如果没有塞尚(Cezanne)和毕加索;没有凡" 高 (Van Gogh)和蒙克(Munch);没有杜尚和博依斯(Beuys);没有德" 库宁(De Kooning)和安迪" 沃霍尔(Andy Warhol);没有卡夫卡和普斯特(Proust);没有乔伊斯(Joyce)和艾略特;


别墅之城拉德博伊尔(Radebeul)散发着一种类似南方的迷人气质:遍布葡萄山坡的古老酒乡霍夫略斯尼茨(Hofl nitz)和瓦克巴特古堡(Schloss Wackerbarth)及其标志建筑 望景楼(Belvedere)则耸立其中.


1995年,博格(Berger)等人以历史数据为依据,运用更加复杂的方法,预测未来美国的数量将是3,849家. 这个数字比米什金的预测略低,但精确得有些令人难以置信. 博格等人当时还预测:10年之内,资产规模在1亿美元以内的拥有的资产总和在全部总资产中所占份额将减半,





The Pisan Cantos:比萨诗章

在被关押期间庞德继续翻译孔子的著作,并写出>第71-84章,即>(The Pisan Cantos). 1949年这部作品获得了由美国国会图书馆颁发、由艾略特参加作评委的博林根诗歌奖(Bollingen Prize for Poetry),此事一度在美国引起很大争议.

The Pisan Cantos:比萨诗章

在被关押期间庞德继续翻译孔子的著作,并写出<<诗章>>第71-84章,即<<比萨诗章>>(The Pisan Cantos). 1949年这部作品获得了由美国国会图书馆颁发、由艾略特参加作评委的博林根诗歌奖(Bollingen Prize for Poetry),此事一度在美国引起很大争议.

van gogh:凡.高

但我不能设想如果没有塞尚(Cezanne)和毕加索;没有凡" 高 (Van Gogh)和蒙克(Munch);没有杜尚和博依斯(Beuys);没有德" 库宁(De Kooning)和安迪" 沃霍尔(Andy Warhol);没有卡夫卡和普斯特(Proust);没有乔伊斯(Joyce)和艾略特;