英语人>词典>汉英 : 华东师范大学 的英文翻译,例句
华东师范大学 的英文翻译、例句


East China Normal University
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For their quick and effective missionary work and translation of The Bible, Missionaries created many ethnic characters, including Miao, Yi, Lisu, Nu, Naxi, Jingpo, Lahu, Va, Bulang, Hani, Li, Gaoshan, etc., which can be classified into Latin or its anamorphosis, Pollard, Chinese phonetic notation and Chinese characters.

邓章应(1977-),男,四川开江人,内江师范学院讲师,华东师范大学博士生主要研究方向为少数民族文字、比较文字学。四川内江 641112 传教士为了快速有效的传播教义,翻译《圣经》,创制了多种民族文字。涉及民族众多,计有苗、彝、傈僳、怒、纳西、景颇、拉祐、佤、布朗、哈尼、黎、高山等。

Studies on statistical properties of spontaneous spike trains of single auditory nerve have shown that the distributing patterns of interval in spike trains represent Poisson distribution. Since Poisson distribution is one of the simplest stochastic processes, previous studies on spontaneous spike trains of single auditory nerve were performed primarily by assuming them as stochastic processes. Recently, further studies on nonlinear dynamic system show that we have not enough evidence to demonstrate the process, whose distribution of probability density is exponential, is Poisson process.

中文题名豚鼠听神经单纤维放电序列的非线性特性分析副题名外文题名 Analysis on nonlinear properties in spike trains of single auditory nerve fiber in guinea pig 论文作者林龙年导师孙心德教授学科专业生理学研究领域\研究方向听觉神经生物学学位级别博士学位授予单位华东师范大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数91页关键词听神经听觉神经生理豚鼠馆藏号BSLW /2001 /Q42 /41 对听神经单纤维自发放电序列的统计特性研究表明,听神经单纤维放电间隔呈泊松分布,而泊松过程是最简单的随机过程之一,因此以往的研究主要将听神经单纤维自发放电序列作为随机过程来处理。

Hua Dong Normal University begins graduate student party to build the job for grasper with founding Party school form, this still resides the first in countrywide college.


All specimens are kept in HSNU (the herbarium of East China Normal University).


Most children with postoperative cleft lip and palate, they present different level of speech disorders, especially the postoperative cleft lip and palate children with velopharyngeal incompetency, whose speech disords are more severe.


The results showed that the experimental curricula of our faculty have many disadvantages, such as limited types of evaluators, outdated approaches for evaluation, less characteristics and incomprehensive evaluation system, which need to be improved. Thus, according to the teaching methods and characteristics of our four-leveled experimental curricula i.e.


higher order singular point ; finite singular point ; infinite singular point ; critical conditon

华东师范大学数学系;山东师范大学数学系上海 200062;山东济南 250014

East China Normal University,School of Public Administration,Shanghai 200062,China

华东师范大学公共管理学院,上海 200062

Mixed preprimary and primary 1 classes is a type of education that preschoolers study together with primary 1 children.


Programs are available at Peking University and Beijing Normal University, two leading universities in Beijing, and in Shanghai at Fudan University, internationally recognized for its academic excellence, and at East China Normal University, one of the top-rated centers for teaching Chinese language.


更多网络解释与华东师范大学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


来自中国科学院北京基因组研究所的消息,中科院北京基因组研究所基因组科学及信息重点实验室与华东师范大学生命科学学院的研究人员以中华绒螯蟹血液为材料,利用EST分析的手段对中华绒螯蟹转录组进行了研究. 这一研究成果公布在爱思唯尔期刊>(Aquaculture)上.

Durham University:(英国杜伦大学)

...来自华东师范大学河口海岸研究所(Institute for Estuarine and Coastal Research),复旦大学,英国杜伦大学(Durham University)的研究人员根据中国华东地区目前已知的最早新石器时代遗址(距今大约7,700年前)的新的生态证据表明新石器时代群落选择低地沼泽来栽培水稻,

Peggie XU:女 华东师范大学 国际关系 硕士

Chanel CHEN 女 上海大学悉尼工商学院 国际会计与工商管理 本科 2010 | Peggie XU 女 华东师范大学 国际关系 硕士 2010 | Candy YANG 女 交通大学 生物医学工程 硕士 2010




取西班牙文"河"(Rio)之意,定名丽娃栗妲村. 此城乡结合处,波光水色,环境幽静,却又离市区不远,大受欢迎. 1937年抗日战争爆发后,沪西沦陷,造成交通不便,这个俱乐部日趋萧条. 现为华东师范大学校园的一部分

Mohr, Adriana:佛洛莉亚诺波里斯大学,巴西

Marquez Valderrama 国家大学,麦德林,哥伦比亚 | Mohr, Adriana 佛洛莉亚诺波里斯大学,巴西 | Pei, Xinning 华东师范大学,上海,中国