英语人>词典>汉英 : 匣子 的英文翻译,例句
匣子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
casket  ·  casketed  ·  casketing  ·  caskets

small box · small case
更多网络例句与匣子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She looked at the box for a long time, and then her eyes opened wide in astonishment.


I've got an old bonnet in it.


I am a jewelry businessman, excel of, also only have the jewelry related affair ……do not know to be to soliloquize, or say that let Li3 Lang2 Ye2 listen to, words tail of lingering sound elapse in moistly have to imitate the Fo Ning becomes entity of the air, that contains Tiao to reach of euphonic but with he solemn of the action be unsuited to-let go of paper umbrella, and neglect to hate to fall in the raindrop of shoulders, the Anne bluish green city takes out a black and deeply wood box from along with carry of the Mi silvery and glorious Fu and open of moment, flank of Li3 Lang2 Ye2 smell a burst of thou old and dark to sink of aroma, is the material of the box son unexpectedly legendary to come from a south china sea Bornean precious Lyu wood?


I don't rely on them. But when I'm driven into a corner or I'm at the end of my inspiration, my brain does seem to bring out something dreamlike. But it is dangerous. Once you open that little box under your brain, you can't easily close it!


We call that the grey box at Chelsea.


And he distracted them with news of the chest of gold which was, indeed wedged behind the false bottom of the carriage, just where Mahaduta himself had hidden it many times in past years.


Because the choice of the Buddhist nun of Bassa is essential, he chooses the wrong casket , they will separate forever, and Anthony will be blamed ; He chooses the correct casket , they will treasure each other, and Anthony will be saved smoothly Xia LuoKe (A ¤ handkerchief's west promise) One of the most dramatic and tragic classical images in Shakespeare's works, Xia LuoKe has reflected the extensive characteristic of the whole drama center: He is described into a ruffian, but because of his complexity , let him become a pitiful role again.


"A person has two box, a control box to speak do not speak of a pipe box, smart people know when to speak when the words should not ......"


Grandma with a child too Elaine said:"A person has two box, a control box to speak do not speak of a pipe box, smart people know when to speak when the words should not ......" and then Elaine She is the possession of her to speak to the lost box.


The children's parents had large wooden boxes there, in which vegetables for the kitchen were planted, and little rosetrees besides: there was a rose in each box, and they grew splendidly.


更多网络解释与匣子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




进到驾驶仓里,从小布左肩边的位置上拿到放大镜(magnifying glass),右手边的小匣子里还可以拿到双筒望远镜(binoculars)和一瓶威士忌(bottle of whiskey).


进到驾驶仓里,从小布左肩边的位置上拿到放大镜(magnifying gla ),右手边的小匣子里还可以拿到双筒望远镜(binoculars)和一瓶威士忌(bottle of whiskey).

But in a box beneath my bed:但是在床下的匣子里

to see me like that 看不到憔悴失落的我 | but in a box beneath my bed, 但是在床下的匣子里 | is a letter that you never read, 有一封你从未读过的信

She's a chatterbox:她是個話匣子

You are in big trouble now! 你现在麻烦大了! | She's a chatterbox. 她是个话匣子 | It's out of order. 坏了,故障了

coffret m:小匣子,小盒子

clef f.;a. 钥匙 | coffret m. 小匣子,小盒子 | coquillage m. 贝壳,贝壳类动物


玉簪儿告诉他,有一个大财团愿意出五千万美元的高价,买"蓝匣子"里的一个秘密:两个月前,在五角大楼的特工盗得一件外号"坚果"(NUT)的古物. 据说这个来自雪域西藏的"坚果"经科学测定已经有一亿多年的历史了,奇怪的是在电脑检测时,

Boxes and caskets, inlaid and polished, wooden:盒和匣子,镶面和抛光的,木制的

Pyrographed wooden articles 木烫画 | Boxes and caskets, inlaid and polished, wooden 盒和匣子,镶面和抛光的,木制的 | Furnishing articles, reproduction, wooden 陈设物品,仿制的,木制的

de doos:合子,匣子

het doorzettingsvermogen 坚定不移的; 推进力, 动力 | de doos 合子,匣子 | dopen 洗礼仪式

Life in a Violin Case:(琴匣子中的生趣)

24.Killer on Wings Is Under Threat(飞翔的杀手正受到威胁) | 25.Life in a Violin Case(琴匣子中的生趣) | 26.Love Is Not like Merchandise(爱情不是商品)