英语人>词典>汉英 : 包办 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与包办相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a relatively modern change in the age-old custom of the arranged marriage.


Meaning to take responsibility in all circumstances by oneself instead than letting others to get involved.


The last was by Jack Balmer in 1946 in a 3-0 win at Anfield.


Test of chip of 2.1 radio frequency checks area in RF, chip bougie checks normally by enclose a test finally to replace and as far as possible avoid.


Can make the image of the best stores, the Company arranged light box door head cloth, computer Showcase, the overall background decoration, by the completion of the Company.


Mny trel gencie rrnge tour for people to trel brod.


Aunt Syl, I did this as a favor, I am not a caterer.


What did you think of the caterer's cakes?


When she married, it was an arranged match, with a Sindhi bigwig, Asif Ali Zardari, whom she described in her autobiography as "the heir to the chiefdom of the 100,000-strong Zardari tribe".

她和Asif Ali Zardari的婚姻是家庭包办的。此人是Sindh省的要人,她在自传里将他形容为"拥有100000人的强大的Zardari部落首领继承人"。

By now it was clear that Calcifer did all the strong magic in the castle and Michael did all the hackwork, while Howl gadded off catching girls and exploiting the other two just as Fanny had exploited her. Sophie had never found Howl particularly frightening.


更多网络解释与包办相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

all over the place:[口]到处, 遍地

all over the shop [口]到处, 遍地 | all over the place [口]到处, 遍地 | be the whole show [美]充当主要角色; 唱独脚戏; 包办代替

Andrea Pirlo:中场 皮尔洛

英萨吉此役包办米兰两颗进球,上半场补时阶段的第一球有些幸运,米兰中场皮尔洛(Andrea Pirlo)的自由球刚好射中英萨吉左手上臂,折射入网让「红军」门将雷纳(Jose Reina)只能望球兴叹.

arranged marriage:包办婚姻

西方有学者研究表明:包办婚姻(arranged marriage)离婚率低于自由恋爱. 舆论哗然. 这似乎说明,包办婚姻的人更幸福. 其实不然. 研究者进一步推论:留在婚姻中的人并不定是因为婚姻幸福,能够接受包办婚姻的人比较逆来顺受,在婚姻出现问题的时候也不愿意选择离婚.

arranged marriage:[中]包办婚姻

antique n .古物,古董 | arranged marriage [中]包办婚姻 | backwardness n .落后

arranged marriage:撮合婚;包办婚姻

ARRAIZ, Juan;胡安.阿赖斯;; | arranged marriage;撮合婚;包办婚姻;; | Arrangement for Regional Fisheries Access;区域渔场准入安排;;


catercornered 对角线的斜放的 | caterer 包办伙食者 | cateress 备餐妇女


cater 供应伙食 | caterer 包办伙食的人 | catering department 服务部门


SUBCHARTERER third owner of the same vessel 再租人,三(zai zu ren _san)船东 | SUBS substitute 包办 | S/W shipper's weights 发货人提供的重量

tax farmer:税收包办人

税收 taxation | 税收包办人 tax farmer | 损害保险 insurance of damage

turnkey system:包办式系统

Tungsten Carbide碳化钨. | Turnkey System包办式系统. | Turret Solder Terminal塔立式焊接端子.