英语人>词典>汉英 : 势的 的英文翻译,例句
势的 的英文翻译、例句


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In terms of Cauchy s integral formula of analytical complex function and the three order spline function of complex variable, a general boundary solution method is presented for solving the complex potential field of the flow field around a 2D semi infinite body .


The apparatus use Lm336 as constant voltage source, and it been converted to constant - current source by amplification, which provide current for the Hall probe. The non-idiostatic offset circuit use the bridge method to offset the circuit. So while the magnetic density is null, the output voltage of Hall probe is null too.


Chapter 2: The chapter concentrates on the powerful instrument in studying the carrier transport properties—thermopower.. Starting with the base theory, the chapter discussed the thermoelectricity phenomenon in metal and semiconductor in detail, including the useful Mott formula, phonon drag effect (normal process and Umklapp process), abnormal thermopower in transition metal, two-band model, magneton scattering, and so on. To resolve the abnormal thermopower in low temperature, some theoretical models, such as the distortion of Fermi surface, resonant scattering, spin-bag model, were argued. Each of them has its limition.


In constant torque region, the phase-independent direct torque control can be obtained by controlling the motor current of each phase without resort to vector transformation.


A neural network is then used to represent the estimation of potentials,both the parameterized TD(0) learning formulas and algorithm are also derived for approximating the policy evaluation.By the approximation values of potentials and approximation policy iteration,a unified neuro-dynamic programming optimization approach is consequently proposed for both two criteria.

根据定义式,建立性能势在平均和折扣性能准则下统一的即时差分公式,并利用一个神经元网络来表示性能势的估计值,导出参数TD(0)学习公式和算法,进行逼近策略评估;然后,根据性能势的逼近值,通过逼近策略迭代来实现两种准则下统一的神经元动态规划(neuro-dynamic programming,NDP)优化方法。

Week 11 Work of static electric field force, theorem of closed path in static electric field, electric potential energy and electric potential, gradient of electric potential, charged particle in static electric field and its motion.


So, it is very difficult to monitor and protect the rotating rectifier. This paper theoretically analyses the armature current and magnetomotive force in AC exciter of brushless synchronous machine with rotating rectifier. Under the normal or fault conditions of rotating rectifier, the mathematical expressions of the armature current, the m.m.f and induced electromotive force are approached.


Our model is obviously superior to Rinker'smodel. because Rinker's model potential is a combination of Thomas-Fermi-Dirac potential and Hartree-Fock-Slater potential for the isolated ion.

我们的模型明显优越于Rinker的模型在于: Rinker的模型采用的是Thomas-Fermi-Dirac势和自由原子的Hartree-Fock-Slater势的迭加形式,而我们的模型中除离子的结构因子外,电子散射势、化学势及电离度等量都是通过自洽迭代方法计算的。

It was proved that chemical potential are not only the criterion to estimate chemical balance but also the active forces of diffusions,phase changes and chemical reactions.


According to the relationship between gravitational potential and electrostatic potential, as well as considering the physical meaning of the contrastive mass-to-electricity (mass per unit quantity of electricity) a definition of intensive electrostatic potential of the system (the electrostatic potential per unit mass) was proposed.


更多网络解释与势的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aubrey:条顿 有钱有势的国王

Atwood 英国 住在森林或森林中的人 | Aubrey 条顿 有钱有势的国王 | August 拉丁 神圣的、尊崇的或身份高尚的人;八月


emasculate /柔弱的/阉割/使柔弱/阉割了的/ | emasculated /去势的/被阉割/柔弱的/ | emasculation /阉割/去势/柔弱/


emasculation 阉割 | emasculative 去势的 | emasculatory 去势的


emasculation /阉割/去势/柔弱/ | emasculative /去势的/柔弱的/ | emasculator /去势器/


equipartition 匀分 | equipotent 等势的;对等的 | equipotent set 等势集


equipotential 等势的 | equipotential 等势的,等位的 | equipotentialline 等位线


equiphasesurface 等相面 | equipotential 等势的 | equipotential 等势的,等位的

nilpotent radical:无势的根集

Nilpotent element无势元素 | nilpotent radical 无势的根集 | Normal Endomorphism 正规的自同态


emasculative 去势的 | emasculatory 去势的 | embacle 碎冰堆


emasculator /去势器/ | emasculatory /去势的/柔弱的/ | embacle /冰堆/