英语人>词典>汉英 : 动物生理学的 的英文翻译,例句
动物生理学的 的英文翻译、例句


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This is the webpage of Journal of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, which is published by Blackwell Publishing.


Its scientific programme is based on the study, analysis and interpretation of taxonomy, chorology, ecology, ethology, animal physiology, parasitology and the problems of zoonosis.


Department of Biology is primarily dedicated to teaching and research in biology including invertebrate physiology, cellular transport, virology, herpetology, population genetics, marine hybrid zones, evolutionary physiology of insects, physiology of phenotypic plasticity, regulation of DNA replication, genetics, entomology, botany, and plant/insect interactions, juvenile ecology, etc.


Foundation on study of Animal Anatomy and Histology, students understand structure of animals, then, study function of animals, including blood circle, respiration, digestion, excretion of kidney, nerve, internal secretion, reproduce, and lactating.


The journal covers abstracts of the world's literature on insects and other arthropods which transmit diseases or are otherwise injurious to man and to animals of significance to man, with subject on arthopods which are disease vendors, haematophagous, ectoparasitic, agents of myiasis, allergenic, associated with carrion or dung, venomous or toxic, or otherwise of public health importance, including physiology, taxonomy, ecology, genetics, molecular biology, immunology, disease transmission pest management, pesticides, entomopathogens, parasites and predators.


This is the website of Institute of Animal Physiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences.


The purpose of this paper is to review the general morphological and physiological properties and the latest developments of research on the infrared sensory system in the crotaline snakes, and to discuss the possibility that this infrared sensory system would be utilized as a experimental model for the research of Chinese Qigong, especially for the outgoing qi that was known contains infrared ray.


In Rat:How the world's most notorious Rodent Clawed Its Way to the Top,Jerry Langton untangles fact from fiction as he explores the complicated and complex history ,physiology,habits and behaviour of the rat.


The Department of Animal and Poultry Science is primarily dedicated to education and research in animal and poultry science including animal breeding and genetics, animal nutrition, animal physiology, and growth and metabolism, animal welfare, aquaculture, and the feeding and management of horses.


The human and animal physiology is one of professional basic lesson s in higher normal university, and is a subsequence course after the zoology , the human histology and anatomy and the biochemistry . It studies the law and principle of the vital activity.


更多网络解释与动物生理学的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


文章摘要:1早期热习服 据发表在2001年>第51卷第2期上的热生理学术语表中的定义,习服(Acclimation)指动物个体在生命过程中所产生的能够缓解实验条件下某种气候因素所引起的生理紧张状态的反应.

alarm reaction:警觉反应

在动物生理学上,Cannon提出警觉反应(alarm reaction)和'攻击或逃跑'(fight or flight)的反应模式,因动物在自然界中别无选择. 创伤的全身炎症反应是通过在创伤应激因子作用下释放的炎症介质和细胞因子,作用于靶器官,创伤的致炎症因子最主要的如IL-6,




此外,最好对下列学科有相当程度的了解,即植物学(尤指浮游植物和植物生理学)、动物学(尤指浮游动物和动物生理学)、土壤学、淡水生物学(limnology)、海洋学(oceanography) , 地质化学(geochemistry)、气候学(climatology)及统计学(statistics).

animal physiology:生理學

动物生理学(animal physiology)的任务就是研究动物机体各个系统、器官和细胞的正常活动过程,以及不同细胞、器官和系统之间的相互联系和相互作用. 认识到动物有机体由许多器官、系统组成,而各器官、系统的功能互相联系、配合、制约、依存,


主要包括人脑多级活动和相互作用. 这一点标志着人体科学有别于植物或动物生理学,而且也是把人体科学与一般意义上的生命科学区分开来. "人体学"(Somatology)是个老的术语,这里,它的含义被局限于人体科学的基础


zoomy 促镜拍摄的 | zoon 发育完全 | zoonomy 动物生理学


zoophoric 动物形的 | zoophysics 动物构造学 | zoophysiology 动物生理学


zoophysiology 动物生理学 | zoophyte 植虫类 | zoophytic 植虫的

decerebrate rigidity:去大脑僵直

生理学教学实验去大脑僵直(decerebrate rigidity)的传统方法是采用开颅术,在动物(兔或猫)中脑上、下叠体(上、下丘)之间切断脑干. 为了节省动物,本实验多与大脑皮层机能定位实验合并进行,即利用同一动物完成两个实验. 大脑皮层机能定位实验的不开颅法已有报道[1],