英语人>词典>汉英 : 动物内脏 的英文翻译,例句
动物内脏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pluck  ·  plucks

更多网络例句与动物内脏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the field of creophagy, they love eat beef, pork, chicken, caviar , and goose liver.


The Assimilation Capacity Model suggests that the endothermy evolution in birds and mammals is driven by two factors:①a selection for intense post-hatching parent behavior, particularly feeding offspring, and ②the high cost of maintaining the increased capacity of the visceral organs necessary to support high rates of total daily energy expenditures.


It was borrowed from the pronunciation of the English word "haslet".

文化」「下水」指的是动物内脏,从英文 haslet 这个字发音而来,辗转至日文,再至中文。

The method has been successfully applied to the determination of 14 PAEs in six animal innards.


He said Guangzhou's citizens have a rich diet, including nourishing soups, seafood and animal innards.


According to our concept of the Chinese people's diet, animal offal is generally edible.


Very beautiful, specially designed tip can be easily removed animal offal.


Helen: He thinks that if something like offal is disguised in cooking, then


Pluck reach clam, crab, oyster, pilchard to wait to all be tall purine food, should restrict edible; flesh kind, the piscine shrimp, pea, spinach purine that also contains certain amount,...


We used Aeromonas hydrophila which we separated from the diseased Paralichthys olivaceus to made a inactivated whole cell bacterin .We injected this vaccine in the mice and the Paralichthys olivaceus .Both the mice and the Paralichthys olivaceus gained a good protection of 80% and 70%.The fish with dipping immersion gained a good protection of 85%,and the incidence of disease was 6%.We detected the antibody level in the antiserum by agglutination reaction and indirect ELISA which seemed to be immunogenic crucially.We anatomized the mice then we found that all the purtenance of the immunzied mice are healty.All of this proved that the vaccine is effective.


更多网络解释与动物内脏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3秒内造成42点出血伤害,+28%攻击速度,对兽人+33%伤害,对动物+33%伤害8 59点能量消耗,维持50秒,有效范围12.0米,3秒内造成46点出血伤害,+31%攻击速度,对兽人+33%伤害,对动物+33%伤害 取出内脏(Eviscerate)被动技能 瞄准敌人

animal giblets:内脏

"动物(性)食品","animal food" | "内脏","animal giblets" | "动物胶","animal glue"

animal giblets:动物内脏

"动物性食品","animal food" | "动物内脏","animal giblets" | "动物[黏]胶","animal glue"


但作为医生,我知道"痛风"(gout)患者不宜食用高嘌呤饮食,如动物内脏、螃蟹、海鲜、沙丁鱼等. 尤其是螃蟹,食用后很快就会令痛风复发. 站长回复:


hartung /哈通钨钼钢/ | harum-scarum /冒失的/轻率的/鲁莽的/轻率地/鲁莽地/粗心的人/粗心/鲁莽/ | haruspex /以动物内脏占卜的僧人/


harum-scarum /冒失的/轻率的/鲁莽的/轻率地/鲁莽地/粗心的人/粗心/鲁莽/ | haruspex /以动物内脏占卜的僧人/ | harvard /哈佛大学/

animal innards:动物内脏

internal heat 内热 | animal innards 动物内脏 | it makes my mouth water 我口水直流


visard 面颊 | viscacha 南美齿类动物 | viscera 内脏


切甲亚纲 Entomostracea | 内肛动物(从生) Entoprocta | 内脏形绳状熔岩 entrail pahoehoe

entrail pahoehoe:内脏形绳状熔岩

内肛动物(从生) Entoprocta | 内脏形绳状熔岩 entrail pahoehoe | 输送常数 entrainment constant