英语人>词典>汉英 : 动作消息 的英文翻译,例句
动作消息 的英文翻译、例句


action message
更多网络例句与动作消息相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Broadcast Action: When a message is received from a buddy, an intent with this action will be broadcasted


Using action triggers, the location message will not be delivered until the recipient performs the predetermined action.


There are two main uses for a Handler:(1) to schedule messages and runnables to be executed as some point in the future; and (2) to enqueue an action to be performed on a different thread than your own.


In object-oriented programming, a message is the way that one program object requests an action from another object.


Because every statement, every single action, every award ladies, make sure it 's also a message of salutatory * that the world has not given up on our hope for a future democratic and fate in Burma


"The action of Sai Di medium is very quick still, made to the message immediately clear, but near future share price still goes tall, eliminating is the floating capital that early days enters does not have law extricate oneself, appetent induct market fund ".


I see it' until the arm picks the message up, and does something in the world to alter the world, deactivating the agent.


I see it' until the arm picks the message up, and does something in the world to alter the world, deactivating the agent.


I see it' until the arm picks the message up, and does something in the world to alter the world, deactivating the agent.


When a message occurs that is associated with a particular type of hook, the system passes the message to each hook procedure referenced in the hook chain, one after the other. The action a hook procedure can take depends on the type of hook involved.


更多网络解释与动作消息相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Advent Rising:救世主降临

>(Advent Rising)属于一款典型的科幻动作游戏. 尽管之前曾传闻该作是一款的FPS游戏,如今,官方的正式消息已经指出该作定位为ACT类型游戏. 因为它将包含着更多的动作元素. 只是玩家在游戏中扮演的GIDEON WYETH角色除了能够以第三人称视点进行之外,



Cooking Mama:料理妈妈

Majesco娱乐互动宣布,>(Cooking Mama)系列从2006年至今在DS以及Wii平台上一共卖出了400多万套. 不.. (2009-05-12)根据国外媒体的最新消息,经常导演硬派动作电影的好莱坞导演约翰辛格尔顿(John Singleton)将执导游戏>(Wheelman)的同名电影版.


来自Bioware公司的最新消息,当年极具创意的动作冒险游戏>(MDK)经过近三年的磨砺终于要推出第二部产品. 据悉,目前该游戏已经进入了最后的性能测试阶段,而且该游戏推出时计划在全世界同步上市,并且会有多种语言版本,

menu commands:菜单命令

并粘贴(post)这些字符到消息队列,以便在下一次循环时取出. 另外,我们可以使TranslateAccelerator函数来解译键盘消息和产生菜单命令(menu commands),而IsDialogMessage可以用确保非模式对话框的动作正确无误.

msg message:消息,信息

FQ:愤青. | msg Message,消息,信息. | nod 点头(动作).


表示该系统和一个或多个外部交互者(称为操作者)交替出现的消息序列,以及该系统所执行的动作.可见,USE CASE用于定义一个系统或一个其它语义实体的行为,没有揭示该实体的内部结构.每一USE CASE说明(specifies)该实体与其操作者进行交互所执行的一个动作序列,


活动的仿真对象还维护了一个订阅者(subscribers)词典,对其动作感兴趣的其他对象可以进行登记. 仿真对象会调用这些订阅者的ReceiveEvent方法来通知他们,并由消息的接收者决定是立即还是消极处理这个消息. 在前一种情况下,


范例(paradigm)指一种示范性的模型或例子,它提供了一种组织信息的形式OOP中的动作是由代理来完成的,这些代理我们称为"实例"( instances)或"对象"(objects).消息是发给接收这条消息的接收者(receiver)的.

Advent Rising:救世主降临

<<救世主降临>>(Advent Rising)属于一款典型的科幻动作游戏. 尽管之前曾传闻该作是一款的FPS游戏,如今,官方的正式消息已经指出该作定位为ACT类型游戏. 因为它将包含着更多的动作元素. 只是玩家在游戏中扮演的GIDEON WYETH角色除了能够以第三人称视点进行之外,