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加法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与加法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The rational points of an elliptic curve forms an additive group. The discrete logarithm problem of this group is called elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.

椭圆曲线上的有理点会形成一个加法群,此加法群上的离散对数问题称为椭圆曲线离散对数问题(elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem)。

Because of the associative law for addition, we can define multiplication based on addition, a b means a+a+…+a,adding a with b times.

正是由于加法的结合律使得我们可以在加法的基础上定义乘法,就是重复加法的简便运算:a b=a+a+…+a,对a重复相加b次。

In the 2nd one we have already a+(b+1)= a+b'='=+1,this is the first step of associative law for addition,further more we can verify the associative law and commutative law for addition.

而在第二条中已经有a+(b+1)= a+b'='=+1,就是加法结合律的第一步,进而可以验证加法交换律和结合律。

We can use software to do most calculation but not use hardware. The most basic circuit doing calculation in the computer is binary adder. For example, we can use of addition to do subtracting, continuous adding to do multiplication, and continuous subtracting to do division.


Basic operation rules have been established, including addition, positive scalar multiplication, cancellation law for addition and so on.


Furthermore, it is proved that convex combination of judgment matrix addition and convex combination of Hadamard multiplication in group AHP can remove the influence of subjective factors, and keep and improve the consistency of judgment matrix.


Mathematics A set of elements having two operations, designated addition and multiplication, satisfying the conditions that multiplication is distributive over addition and that both operations are associative and commutative for all elements of the set, with the exception of the additive identity element, which is not commutative in respect to multiplication.


For the partial products generation, the novel method of Booth encoding combined with partial products generating is put up, which can directly map the multiplicand and multiplicator to partition products without generating the BOOTH encoding results. For the optimization of Wallace tree adding, the series formulas of full-adder and 4-2 Compressor realization are introduced to guidance the selection. For the non-bias round, forwarding round disposal in Wallace tree method is brought forward to avoid the final multi-bit adder. Also, the idea of delay-oriented partition of the MAC frame is put up to achieve the perfect match with multi-pipeline DSP architecture.

提出了一种构建多模式算法最小并集的MAC通用结构思想与一种划分MAC通用结构以适应多流水级DSP处理器设计的通用MAC设计方法;对于BOOTH编码和部分积产生,提出了直接建立被乘数与部分积的多路选择映射关系的BOOTH编码和部分积联合产生方法;对于最优Wallace树型加法实现,提出了全加器和4-2 compressor电路实现Wallace树加法所需的关键加法路径级数公式以指导实现选择;对于无偏舍入处理,提出了在Wallace树处理舍入问题的舍入运算前置方法;提出了以时延为导向的MAC各部分单元组合与流水线匹配具体方法。

With addition and multiplication defined componentwise, both R and R{D, C} are rings.Its clear that R is a subring of ?


In Chapter 2,we introduce the definition of adding machines,and give sev-eral equivalent conditions on the existence of several kinds of conjugacy and semi-conjugacy relations between adding machines.


更多网络解释与加法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

added circuit:加法电路

addaverter 加法转换器 | added circuit 加法电路 | added loss 附加损耗

added circuit:加法电路/相加电路

加法表 addition table | 加法电路/相加电路 added circuit | 加法定理 addition theorem

adding machine:加法机

adding device 加法器 | adding machine 加法机 | adding operator 加法运算符

adding operator:加法运算符

adding machine 加法机 | adding operator 加法运算符 | addition agent 加成剂

addition theorem of probability:概率的加法定理

addition theorem 加法定理 | addition theorem of probability 概率的加法定理 | additional 加法

addition method:加法

addition formula 加法公式 | addition method 加法 | addition of sets 集合的加法

Add mode:加法模式,加法模态

加列表 add list | 加法模式,加法模态 add mode | 加入新的 add new

vector addition:矢量加法,向量加法

vector 矢量,向量 | vector addition 矢量加法,向量加法 | vector product 矢積,向積

summing circuit:加法电路

summing amplifier 加法放大器 | summing circuit 加法电路 | summing integrator 加法积分器

summing integrator:加法积分器

summing circuit 加法电路 | summing integrator 加法积分器 | summing network 加法网络