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加法群 的英文翻译、例句


additive group
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For anelliptic curve E over a number field K,the set of K-rational points of it forma group Evia a special kind of"addition".This group is a finitely gener-ated abelian group,and is named Mordell-Weil group of E/K.


For example, the quasigroup on ''' R ''' with multiplication given by ('' x ''+''y'')/2 is isotopic to the additive group '''R''', but is not itself a group.

比如说,实数集合'''R'''与其上的运算(''x''+''y'')/2 构成的拟群同痕于'''R'''上的加法群,但它本身不是群。

The rational points of an elliptic curve forms an additive group. The discrete logarithm problem of this group is called elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.

椭圆曲线上的有理点会形成一个加法群,此加法群上的离散对数问题称为椭圆曲线离散对数问题(elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem)。

Most available Identity-based Authenticated Key agreement protocols require expensive bilinear pairing operation. This paper proposes a pairing-free ID-AK protocol from additive elliptic curve group.


Second Part: Please recall the axioms for a commutative group, since most of your part is to verify them for the addition operation defined in the first part.


We mainly study the structures of semiring with a completely regular additive semigroup from the angle of semigroups in this paper.


Geometric Constraint Solving with Conics;2. By comparison, we conclude that the operations on conics are more efficien than those on elliptic curves is concluded.


Aim In order to prove a semiring whose additive reduct is a semilattice and multiplicative reduct is a inverse semigroup to be a distributive lattice.


In Chapter 2,we introduce the definition of adding machines,and give sev-eral equivalent conditions on the existence of several kinds of conjugacy and semi-conjugacy relations between adding machines.


A Green's relation of the a dditive redect of an idempotentsemiring S is a congruence of the semiring S, but Green's relation of the multiplicative redect of S need not be.


更多网络解释与加法群相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

additive group:加法群

additive flame retardant 添加剂阻燃剂 | additive group 加法群 | additive lubricating oil 含有添加剂的润滑油

free additive group:自由加法群

free action 可动作用 | free additive group 自由加法群 | free admission 免费入场券

additive group of real numbers:实数加法群

实数|real number | 实数加法群|additive group of real numbers | 实数域|real number field

group, additive:加法群

群速 group velocity | 加法群 group, additive | 代数仿射群 group, affine algebra

commutative group:交换群

群(Group)满足加法结合律、加法单位元、加法逆元,并保持加法封闭;交换群(Commutative group)就是一个满足加法交换律的群. 2. 环(Ring)是一个关于加法的交换群(阿贝尔群Abelian group)并且又满足乘法的封闭性、乘法结合律、乘法分配律. 本质上讲,

group, affine algebra:代数仿射群

加法群 group, additive | 代数仿射群 group, affine algebra | 自同仿射构群 group, affine automorphism

invertible module:可逆加法群

invertible matrix 可逆矩阵 | invertible module 可逆加法群 | invertible operator 可逆算子

lie group:李群

数学 中,李群(Lie group)是具有群 结构的 实流形 或者 复流形 ,并且群中的加法运算和逆元运算是栁形中的 解析映射 . 李群在 数学分析、 物理和 几何 中都有非常重要的作用.

lie group:群

j i 例如 i*i=-1,j*kl=il 等[3]李群(Lie Group):数学名词数学中,李群(Lie group)是具有群 结构的 实流形 或者 复流形 ,并且群中的加法运算和逆元运算是栁形中的 解析映...

zero module:零加法群

zero method 衡消法 | zero module 零加法群 | zero object 零对象