英语人>词典>汉英 : 剪刀撑 的英文翻译,例句
剪刀撑 的英文翻译、例句


cross bridging · double bridging · diagonal bridging
更多网络例句与剪刀撑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He and his schoolmates were of that remarkable generation of Chinese intellectuals, bilingual and bicultural, who achieved the miracle of bridging the gap between East and West.


Key words:formwork; support; upright stanchion; cross bar; bridging; filed test


According to field test study of highformwork support system in a hall of highrise building, the stress changes of upright stanchion, cross bar, bridging and lock braking column parts, which are in fastenerstyle formwork support system, are monitored by realtime from concrete pouring to maintenance.

摘要] 经过对某高层中厅高大模板支架现场实测,实时监控混凝土从浇筑到养护整个过程中,扣件式钢管模板支撑体系中立杆、横杆、剪刀撑、抱柱件应力随时间的变化情况。

This can either be solid strutting, the most effective, or herringbone strutting as shown in Fig.


This can either be solid strut ting, the most effective, or herringbone strut ting as shown in Fig.


Part two: This paper attempt to design a retractable roof structure from architectu re,structure and mechanism in the kind of traveling trusses and flexible roofage thro ugh a real structure of the retractable roof in the walk street plaza of Henglong build ing. Summary of some important points in design were presented.The comparision of several kinds of structure was taked.


Both were measured using X-ray single crystal diffraction. For the crystal in MeOH, X-ray in compound. In an ansymmetry unit, there are two Cu atoms, two ligands and twosolvent methanol molecules. The tetranuclear complex contains two kinds of Cucenter.


At the completion of the lift, additional diagonal cross bracing will be added to the face of the tower.


At the completion of the lift, additional diagonal cross bracing will be added to the face of the tower.


The cross bracing of the towers will be progressively removed and replaced to allow the lift to pass up through the height of the tower.


更多网络解释与剪刀撑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cross bridging:剪刀撑

cross breaks 横折 | cross bridging 剪刀撑 | cross brush 正交电刷

herringbone strutting:人字撑,搁栅撑,剪刀撑

herringbone structure 人字形结构 | herringbone strutting 人字撑,搁栅撑,剪刀撑 | herringbone system 人字形排水系统

Lacquer Thinner:油漆稀释剂

没有污染 l 抵制油漆稀释剂(lacquer thinner)和矿物油(mineral spirits)的"溶解性驻留"(solvent lock-in) l 宽泛的曝光范围 l 优秀的解析度和丝网剪刀撑 l 干燥时间快 l 较少的涂布就能形成高的膜板积累(stencil buildup) l 高流平,

spanpiece:横梁木 水平剪刀撑

spanopnea 呼吸减少 | spanpiece 横梁木 水平剪刀撑 | spanroof 等斜屋顶

X-brace, cross brace:剪刀撑, 交叉撑

技术资料 technical data | 剪刀撑, 交叉撑 X-brace, cross brace | 简图 sketch, diagram

horizontal cross brace:水平剪刀撑

horizontal covergence shape control ==> 水平会聚形状控制 | horizontal cross brace ==> 水平剪刀撑 | horizontal cross-section ==> 水平截面

cross bracing wire:横拉线

cross bracing ==> 交叉撑条,剪刀撑系统=>対角材(鉄塔) | cross bracing wire ==> 横拉线 | cross breaks ==> 横折