英语人>词典>汉英 : 剃光头发 的英文翻译,例句
剃光头发 的英文翻译、例句


a close shave
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I think I'll shave my head bald.


His hair was closely cut, yet bristling, for it had begun to grow a little, and did not seem to have been cut for some time


Hunters shaved off most of the hair on the hindquarters to help these dogs perform better in water.

猎人剃光小康大部分的头发就hindquarters ,以帮助这些狗有更好的表现在水中。

Pepys diary, a true record of the wig in the UK pop history. November 2, 1663, Pepys was informed that the king and the duke will wig rumors the next day will be eager hair shaved, will be made wig.


A: She sat down in my chair, and she asked me to shave off her hair.


I was a bit bored during a photoshoot so I just asked them to shave it all off.


She said, no, i want my hair shaved off.


Tonsure your head, dye the new hair to white one year later.Tonsure it after the second year,show all of them in a picture frame.


She smiled and admired my newly shorn head (I did not have the energy to care for it so had simply unburdened myself).


Young boys often shaved their heads, while young girls wore their hair in plaits or sometimes did up their hair in a ponytail style, hanging down the center of the back.


更多网络解释与剃光头发相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pulsating flux:脉动通量

ion cyclotron resonance heating 离子回旋共振加热 | pulsating flux 脉动通量 | scalp lock 美洲印第安人剃光的头顶上的一绺头发(作为向敌人挑战的标志)

scalp lock:美洲印第安人剃光的头顶上的一绺头发(作为向敌人挑战的标志)

pulsating flux 脉动通量 | scalp lock 美洲印第安人剃光的头顶上的一绺头发(作为向敌人挑战的标志) | mandated territory 托管地


wield 挥(武器) 运用(权利) | shaven 剃光头发的 | accurate 精准的

mandated territory:托管地

scalp lock 美洲印第安人剃光的头顶上的一绺头发(作为向敌人挑战的标志) | mandated territory 托管地 | shiphouse 造船棚

a close shave:剃光头发, 侥幸的脱险

a close crop || (剪着)平头, (留着)短发 | a close shave || 剃光头发, 侥幸的脱险 | a close thing || 侥幸的脱险