英语人>词典>汉英 : 刺穿的人 的英文翻译,例句
刺穿的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与刺穿的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"She was kind to Connie, and tried to worm into her woman's soul with the sharp gimlet of her well-born observations."


She was kind to Connie, and tried to worm into her woman's soul with the sharp gimlet of her well-born observations.


Although many people claim that body piercing does not hurt, the fact is that it is against the law for the piercer to give you an anaesthetic injection before the procedure.


In the" Genesis "God's punishment of Adam, so that he was subjected to the land, overgrown with thorns and torture, we must work hard to have to harvest until the attribution of dust; Jane ? love away, the male protagonist in Rochester as" original sin "of embodiment of punishment to hear prophecy:"No, you want to own their own away, no one would help you, you have to own your right eye gouged out, you have to cut off your right hand; your heart will be victim, and by the priest to transfix it."


Now, people of all ages get their bellys pierced.


The sum of the hammers is made in the summer summary.


To sign up and be shouted at by a lot of sexually-confused skinheads! I want


We have a survivor, and while at first I thought his rantings pure exaggeration... it appears to be no simple skeleton. The descriptions of the creature's abilities were eerily similar to those our brothers at Marnas Pell encountered almost a century ago: men pulled through the air to skewer themselves on the creature's blade, and attacks so quick that it was able to assault multiple opponents at once.


Cambyses, it is said, found a set of villagers rejoicing over a new sacred bull, and fancying they were making merry over his recent defeat in ethiopia, the king of kings at once ran the bull through the body, and had the priests flogged


Great Greece Cheng Dairen intruded thetomb, pierced her heart, has cut the head, has like this only thenkilled the blood suck ghost.


更多网络解释与刺穿的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


阿努巴拉克会追著他移动p2 追击尖刺 (Persuing Spikes) 阿努巴拉克隐没时,每一段时间会向头顶上施放,使 4 码内所有人受到无视护甲的 3k 伤害,并且飞高高; 尖刺移动的速度会逐渐增加p2 刺穿 (Impale) 当阿努巴拉克追上被追击的玩家,



Golden Arrows that can shoot through anything:可以刺穿任何东西的黄金箭

Poisinous fingertips with lethal Venom--有毒的指甲(带毒液的武... | Golden Arrows that can shoot through anything--可以刺穿任何东西的黄金箭 | able to send people to alternate dimensions --把人送到另一个...


狮子鱼(Lionfish)是近年来很流行的海洋观赏鱼类,它的胸鳍和背鳍长着长长的鳍条和刺棘,形状酷似古人穿的蓑衣,故又被人称为蓑鲉. 这些鳍条和刺棘看起来就像是京剧演员背后插着的护旗,一幅威风凛凛的样子,在阳光下看起来非常亮丽而多彩.