英语人>词典>汉英 : 制海权 的英文翻译,例句
制海权 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
thalassocracy  ·  thalassocracies

mastery of the seas · command of the sea · sea supremacy · naval supremacy
更多网络例句与制海权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We all know control of the air and command of the sea.


We all know the control of the air and the command of the sea.


"British naval power was temporary and regional and not, as in previous wars, overwhelming ."


Of these Liburnians he composed the two fleets of Ravenna and Misenum, destined to command, the one the eastern, the other the western division of the Mediterranean; and to each of the squadrons he attached a body of several thousand marines.


The mastery of radio wave is a key factor of winning mastery of the sky and thalassocracy in the modern hi-tech war.


In the 18th century ,in order to enable the Northern European navy to gain the thalassocracy and trading passage which could bring great profits, a group of large wooden ships with strong firepower called warships was made.


Matapan angle in the battle, Italian Army lost at sea and air forces of both the British than their own, they basic causes of the failure does not lie in the sea and air their lack of understanding, on the contrary, their views on the Second are very important, but there is a considerable strength.


Behind her is a vast empire , and she can make common cause with the British Empire , which commands the seas and is continuing the struggle.


Around on the sea and the scramble for air supremacy, the Navy battle produced a range of different styles of combat operations, the ultimate success or failure of these operations have been reflected in the sea and air on the gains and losses.


更多网络解释与制海权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


admiralty 海军部;制海权 | admissibility 容许性 | admissible concentration 容许浓度


10月,五十艘阿尤布单层甲板大帆船(galley)突破十字军的海上封锁,给阿克里送去救命的增援物资. 两个月后,从埃及赶来的舰队打败十字军舰队. 十字军丧失制海权,想把阿克里困成死城的计划失败. 医院骑士团大团长卡尼尔(GarnierdeNablus)急得团团转,


10月,五十艘阿尤布单层甲板大型帆船(galley)突破十字军的海上封锁线,给阿克送去救命的增援物资. 两个月后,从埃及赶来的舰队令十字军丧失制海权,十字军想把阿克困成死城的计划宣告破产. 老萨抓住这个千载难逢的好机会,

naval power:制海权

naval port 军港 | naval power 制海权 | voyage 海上航行

naval power:海军力, 制海权

naval port 军港 | naval power 海军力, 制海权 | the naval powers 海军强国

on the sea:在海上, 在船上; 在海边, 临海

keep the sea 在继续航行中, 保持制海权 | not the only fish in the sea 并不是世上独一无二的 | on the sea 在海上, 在船上; 在海边, 临海

Sea Power:制海权

海权的紧张性,以及海权对陆权的上风,虽然在19世纪末被马汉概括为体系的制海权(Sea Power)理论,但早在公元前五世纪,希腊人和波斯人就已相识到海权的紧张性.


从他开始的王族称为斯 图亚特(Stuart)王朝,一直统治苏格兰,直到与英格兰合并,而两国王室也通过联姻最终融合为一,传承至今. 战事始于1337年,但大规模的争斗是1340年英国水师击败他们的法国同行而取得制海权之后的事.

maritime supremacy:制海权

maritime superiority 海上优势 | maritime supremacy 制海权 | marker 标识器;路标;海上快速反应部队


古希腊历史学家希罗多德和修昔底德曾使用"制海权"(thalassocracy)来揭示地中海地区的"海上霸权",表明控制海洋的重要性. 但"海权"却是美国人的发明. "海权"一词所对应的英文是"sea power",其最早来源于美国海军史学家阿尔弗莱德.塞耶.马汉的著作<<海权对历史的影响