英语人>词典>汉英 : 制度 的英文翻译,例句
制度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
institution  ·  system  ·  systems

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In order to implement PSSLC comprehensively,the following goalsmust be achieved.First we must specify that PSSLC is the fundamental target of thedevelopment of our CSAS,and that the choice of appointed and selected leading cadresbelow the rank of vice-minister must be brought into the field of the system.Thus it willhelp to accelerate the transition process of the system and to form at soonest the new CSASpattern with PSSLC as principle part coordinated by other CSAS including the system oftaking position through competition and recommendation-appointment system.Second wemust modify<The Provisional Regulations for national Public Servant>and<TheProvisional Regulations for the work of Selection and Appointment of Party andGovernment cadres>and improve reserve cadres institution and other relative institutionsto adapt PSSLC.We must found a necessary examination management organization forPSSLC to provide an organizational guarantee for the overall implementation of PSSLC.


The purpose of this dissertation lies in perfecting relative laws of administration of medical waste,according to the lawmaking and law system of foreign countries.meanwhile,the notion is provided to consummate relative law system and achieve the purpose of holding in the administration of medical waste,environment protect and human health.this dissertation puts forward first-step conceivableness of perfecting lawmaking and law system concerning the administration to disposal of medical waste.because our country's law system concerning medical waste is too immovable and abstract,this research will make our country's law system of the medical waste more concrete and more definite,which will strengthen the operability in the fulfillment and make the lawmaking spirit embodied.simultaneously it provides legal basis and policy support for the administration to disposal of medical waste.the problem of the administration of medical waste enlarges the difficulties of disposal process.to perfect lawmaking,law-executing,law-supervising.is advantageous to strengthen the administration to disposal of medical waste of our country.meanwhile it has theoretic meaning and application value for environment safety and human health.this dissertation is totally divided into four parts.the first part explains the current condition of the administration to disposal of medical waste of our country,which introduces the concept of medical waste,the harm of medical waste,the necessity of administration, current lawmaking condition and present law system of the medical waste.the second part introduces the general situation of lawmaking concerning the administration to disposal of medical waste of the united states,eu,japan and korea.simultaneously it explains the apocalypse of administration to disposal of medical waste of our country.the third part points out the existent law problem of the administration to disposal of medical waste,including lawmaking problem,law enforcement problem and law system problem.the fourth part aims at the relative suggestions to the existent law problems of the administration to disposal of medical waste of our country.the suggestions want to raise lawmaking layer,perfect lawmaking contents,strengthens law enforcement,practice the law system of the manufacturer to be responsible for the medical waste.meanwhile,it gives the advice on the punishment-compensation system,the conduct permit system and the risk fund system.


On the basis of formal chapters' analysis, learning from foreign countries' successful experience in circular economy's legislation, considering our own legislation practice in developing circular economy, the main framework of our country's circular economy's legal institutions' construction is put forward as follows, the guidance thought of the circular economy's legal institutions' construction is the concept of scientific development and the thought of sustainable development; the 3R principle, the principle of following the ecological rules, the principle of giving priority to precautions, the principle of the contaminator paying are the basic principles of the circular economy's legal institutions' construction; the field of the natural resources' exploitation and utilization, the field of manufacturing industry and service trades, the field of disposing waste and changing waste into resources, the field of the exploiting and utilizing energy, and the field of social consumption are the key fields of the circular economy's legal institution's construction; the circular economy's legal system is constructed from four levels, the basic laws, the principle laws, the comprehensive laws and the special laws; The following circular economy's legal institutions are made, the institution of circular economy's planning, the institution of green economy's accounting, the institution of scientific and technological information's titles, the institution of economic encouragement, the institution of market allowance, the institution of listing the names' who set good example in developing circular economy, the institution of forcing those enterprises with heavy pollution into developing circular economy, the institution of green consumption, the institution of the public's participation, the institution of sharing the responsibility, and the institution of evaluating the circular economy's results.


The personal income tax exemption volume law system as its tax revenue reduces the system, day by day also has become an important system relating to national economy and the people"s livelihood, but this system continuously has rarely had the change since 1994, but inhabitant"s income level unceasingly enhances, the price also unceasingly rises, in recent years our country promotes the housing system, the medical system, the social security system, the educational system and so on many reform measure, obviously, at present our country personal income tax exemption volume legal system and the development of economy and society are in disconformity, the function of adjusting income assignment gradually weakens, the unfair tax burden question extrudes day after day, The perfection of our country personal income tax exemption volume law system call is more and more high, the experts and the scholars also pays more and more attention to the research of this system.


In the view of system theory,different structure has the different function,different institutional structure hasn't the same effect on the economic growth;taken institutional interfuse and conflict,the most effective arrangement of istitution is that can be come true the ...


In order to support and perfect the professionalization of principals, a series of systems are needed, which include the systems of principal's qualification, principal's selection, principal's responsibility, principal's term, principal's rank, principal's training, principal's supervision, principal's yearly salary and principal's withdrawal.


This article tinselly explains the connotation of commercial bank" s system, describes Marxian and the new system economics, puts forwards the definition essential function and target of the commercial bank" s system on the theory Of the system and its vicissitude; Secondly, summarizes of historic analysis puts forwards the features of both system and theory for the three period in the historic vicissitude, and the instructive node of vicesitudesystem of the theory of it synthetic bank system" s vicissitude with the force of market and nation;Thirdly, illustrates the identity and difference of the commercial bank" s system through the horizontal analysis for its system; Finally , according to china" s reality , analyses the processes of the Chinese commercial bank" s system , the synthetic tendency of the vicissitude of realistic bank" s system and the reason for synthesis , puts forwards it synthetic mode of the Chinese commercial bank"s system and the specific request and content of the creation of commercial bank" s system , providing the reference for the reform of the Chinese commercial bank" s system.


This paper includes several parts: first, some important concepts of the thesis have been defined, a theoretical overview of currency crisis has been finished; then, we have described the history of the international monetary system; later, three chapes have been arranged to discuss the mechanism of currency crisis under fixed and floating and intermediate exchange rate system respectively. The part of the fixed exchange rate system mainly includes the analysis of the collapse of the international gold standard system, the Bretton Woods system and the the European Monetary System; in the part of the floating exchange rate system, the volatility problem under freely floating exchange rate system has been studied; the part of the intermediate exchange rate system mainly includes the analysis of currency crises in regional dollar standard system and the currency board system. And finally, we have analysed the inevitability of the appearance of new type regional monetary cooperation patterns, and how these cooperations avoid currency crises.


Govt abolishes Haliya system 尼泊尔政府废除雇农制度 The government has declared the abolition of Haliya system (land tillers working as indentured labourers) prevalent in mid and far-western Nepal for ages.


Based on the research of the medical security systems in seventeen typical countries, this dissertation concludes that all systems are composed of the following five models, namely social medical aid, social medical insurance, national health services, market-oriented medical insurance and individual saving medical security. These five models could be further divided into three types, i. e. public benefit type (including social medical aid model and national health services model), insurance type (including social medical insurance model and market oriented medical insurance model) and self-security type (individual saving medical security).


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Air-condition Worker:空调工管理制度

4.17 水管员管理制度 Plumber Management 72 | 4.18 空调工管理制度 Air-condition Worker 73 | 4.20 巡回检查制度 Frequent Inspection 75

JL British America. Latin America:(英國及拉丁美洲政治制度與行政)

JK United States (美国政治制度与行政) | JL British America. Latin America (英国及拉丁美洲政治制度与行政) | JN Europe (欧洲政治制度与行政)


官僚制度(bureaucracy)保证了管理的效率和统治的有效性,这在当时是一个非常成功和先进的制度发明. 西方几乎到19世纪才有真正成熟的官僚制度,不过,西方官僚制度虽然大大晚于中国,但它却更严格,按照韦伯的观点,西方官僚制度才是真正严格的官僚制度,

caste: n.1:种性制度(地位) 2.等级制度(地位),社会集团

captious: 难以讨好的,吹毛求疵的 | caste: n.1.种性制度(地位) 2.等级制度(地位),社会集团 | catalyst: n.1.催化剂 2.刺激(或促进)因素


爱迪生的故事告诉我们,人们不仅生活在技术的世界,更生活在一个制度的(Institutional)世界. 这个制度是现代西方社会学新制度主义学派(New Institutionalism)广义上的制度,不仅包括规范人们行为的政府法律、道德标准与职业规则,

historical institutionalism:历史制度主义

与上述两种新制度主义范式相比, 历史制度主义(historical institutionalism) 更多地借助了政治学内部的学理资源. 这一在比较政治学中首先发展起来的新制度主义继承了旧制度主义传统中重视正式制度的做法,并且接受了集团理论关于各个集团围绕着稀缺资源而相互竞争的观点,

rational choice institutionalism:理性选择制度主义

彼得斯在>一书中提出,与旧制度主义、行为主义和理性选择理论相对应的7 个新制度主义流派包括:规范制度主义(normative institutionalism) 、理性选择制度主义( rational choice institutionalism) 、历史制度主义(histori

Exchange-rate regime:汇率制度

汇率政策 一、汇率制度的类型 汇率制度(exchange rate regime)是指一国货币当局对本国汇率水平的确定、汇率变动方式等问题所作的一系列安排或规定. (一)汇率制度的类型 按照汇率变动方式,汇率制度被分为固定汇率制和浮动汇率制.

regulatory system:规管制度;监察制度;监管制度

regulatory demand 调节需求 | regulatory system 规管制度;监察制度;监管制度 | rehabilitation loan 复兴借款

Suggestion System:建议制度

丰田改革活动的支柱是"创意提案制度",这一制度是受美国福特公司"建议制度"(Suggestion System)的启发而制定的. 丰田以其他企业为目标改进自己的经营方式,不断学习其他企业的优势,不过并不照搬那些在其他公司取得成功的制度. 例如,