英语人>词典>汉英 : 检查制度 的英文翻译,例句
检查制度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与检查制度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is no news censorship in China.


Here is how to run System File Checker?


Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.


The system with craft the mainest management has censorship of itinerate of system of engineering technology management, craft to wait.


The Chinese government carries out a food supervision and inspection system mainly by means of sample survey.


Censorship strikes at the taproot of our free society.


The end of Czars'censorship implies that the whole censorship system, or the fence around the feudal system in Europe had been completely overthrown.


We insist on selecting high quality ceramics frits and coloring matters all over the world for long term to manufacture our products. Meanwhile, we work out relevant advanced management system, strict raw materials testing center and products quality out-factory testing system, thus to raise the quality stability performance.


So does the re-emergence of Soviet-style checkups on those citizens having too close contact with foreigners and other undesirables.


So he turned political, began working against feudal autocracy and struggle for democracy. Early in 1842, he wrote an article - Part political essays,"Prew assessment of the soil to check books," The censorship of books critical to expose the entire national territory Proudhon the reactionary nature of the system.


更多网络解释与检查制度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Air-condition Worker:空调工管理制度

4.17 水管员管理制度 Plumber Management 72 | 4.18 空调工管理制度 Air-condition Worker 73 | 4.20 巡回检查制度 Frequent Inspection 75

censoriousness:吹毛求疵; 好挑剔 (名)

censoriously 好批评地; 好非难地; 吹毛求疵地 (副) | censoriousness 吹毛求疵; 好挑剔 (名) | censorship 检查制度 (名)



credit control:赊销管理(检查顾客及时付款的体系)

credit n. 赊购,赊购制度 | credit control 赊销管理(检查顾客及时付款的体系) | letter of credit 信用证

export indemnification:出口补偿

export incentives 出口刺激 | export indemnification 出口补偿 | export inspection system 出口检查制度

medical care system:医疗保健制度

medicable 可治疗的 | medical care system 医疗保健制度 | medical examination 体格检查


权势者的病态的情绪迫使苏格拉底饮鸩而死,逼得奥维德四处流亡,导致塞内 加(Seneca)割开了他的血管. 多少世纪以来,直到今天,西方文苑的最甜美的果实 仍然列在天主教会的"禁书目录"上. 拥有绝对权力的王公贵族的检查制度,

censurable:可非难的; 该责备的 (形)

censorship 检查制度 (名) | censurable 可非难的; 该责备的 (形) | censure 责备; 谴责 (动)

plant check system:设备点检制度

facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备的检查评比 b%AYYk)d? | plant check system 设备点检制度 m"u 9AOH | environmental protection property of plant 设备的环保性 S&|$F2...

food sanitation inspector:食品卫生检验员,食品卫生检查员

食品卫生检验制度,食品卫生检查制度 food sanitation inspection system | 食品卫生检验员,食品卫生检查员 food sanitation inspector | 食品卫生 food sanitation, food hygiene