英语人>词典>汉英 : 别开生面 的英文翻译,例句
别开生面 的英文翻译、例句


break fresh ground · open up a fresh outlook · A new leaf is turned. · break a new path
更多网络例句与别开生面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Notable is, archaize of an album of paintings this thread-bound book with cloth cover binding and layout, having sth new, made needlework culture and traditional and classical culture perfect tie.


HSBC Holdings PLC was planning to kick off its push into the Russian retail market with a chic event Tuesday for Moscow's beau monde, in a specially erected tent up the street from the Kremlin.

汇丰控股有限公司(HSBC Holdings PLC,简称:汇丰控股)计划周二为莫斯科上流社会举行一场别开生面的活动,地点在离克里姆林宫不远的街上特意搭建的帐篷内,以此作为进军俄罗斯零售银行业的开场。

To hold more than one position or benefice at one time.


All shapes, breed and sizes of dogs converged on Bogota, Colombia Sunday for a special fundraising marathon.


The handling of the break new ground, and later has been widely replicated.


The author holds that economic analysis is very necessary for the research of constitutionalism. The analysis of constitutionalism can not be thorough and deep-going without economic determinist analysis; public choice analysis is most ch...


During a different interview, for an art magazine, Paul was asked to comment on what he might recognize as the inspiration for his remarkable creations: So many of our most indelible moments are etched from the most fleeting instants in our life---a journey of chiaroscuroed moments, galleried images and sounds; tableaux tinged and recalled in a palette borne of our emotions.


Wang zhaomin was an outstanding painter in watercolours in our country. His works have noble pattern and artistic fascination arousing heartquake. Especially his still-life water color,breaking a new path, display an excellent new style.


Most European and American family reunited at home, had big dinner, and then sat around burning fireplace, a total of harps singing, or the Syrian family reunion; to organize a spectacular Hoedown, all-night celebrating Christmas Eve is a happy, peace, Carnival Christmas Eve, the reunion of the night.


Based on this, the thesis reviews Foucaults inimitable conception of power.


更多网络解释与别开生面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cramming method:填鸭式教法

craggy feature 轮廓醒目 | cramming method 填鸭式教法 | Create a new form. 别开生面.

Josh Duhamel:乔什.杜哈明

不过他至少很开心能与"变形金刚队长"乔什-杜哈明(Josh Duhamel)搭档. 西班牙人是在去年11月份举行的迪拜世界锦标赛上弄伤手腕...加西亚挥杆(资料图) 北京时间1月27日,世界排名第14位的西班牙高尔夫名将加西亚在本周四开打卡塔尔名人赛上演了别开生面的开球仪式.

Jang Jin:张镇

剧 情:>车承元及>申河均两大性格小生,携手主演张镇(Jang Jin)导演新片>(又名∶Murder, Take One). 近年来媒体追踪新闻的手法层出不穷,有见及此,导演张镇也在片中别开生面一番,

have ulterior motives:别有用心

别开生面having sth. New | 别有用心have ulterior motives | 彬彬有礼refined and courteous urbane

have ulterior motives:别有专心

别开生面having sth. New | 别有专心have ulterior motives | 彬彬有礼refined and courteous urbane

have ulterior motives:别有居心

别开生面having sth. New | 别有居心have ulterior motives | 彬彬有礼refined and courteous urbane


只有成功地把客户(clients)转变为拥护者(advocates),直至合伙人(partners),才能保证客户流失率(custonerdefection rate)的最小化. 而其中价值认同和情感沟通至关重要. <<大唐华章>>每场演出都是剑南春与当地经销商别开生面的联谊会,

big idea:大创意

这一环节又被称为"形象化过程"或"概念化过程",是广告创作中最重要的一步,也是寻找"大创意"(Big Idea)的环节. 大创意是建立在战略之上的大胆而又富于首创精神的创意,以一种别开生面的方式将产品利益与消费者的欲望结合起来,