英语人>词典>汉英 : 初级课程 的英文翻译,例句
初级课程 的英文翻译、例句


elementary course
更多网络例句与初级课程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are simple courses available to learn computerese, communicationese and all the rest of the modern ese


There are simple courses available to learn computerese, communicationese and all the rest of the modern "ese's" of the world.


I graduated from Tianjin University of Technology accountancy profession in the school curriculum of junior majoring in financial accounting intermediate financial accounting senior financial accounting cost accounting tax revenue management planning statistically financial management Audit Inspection Company Law Economic taxable property assessment University English Higher Mathematics linear algebra probability and mathematical statistics computer text basis of management information systems accepted all of the University of basic education, be a good professional training and capacity-building in financial management and administration and human resource planning and other fields, have a theoretical basis and practical experience, and a strong research and analysis capability.


ELPC is a six (6) level course of study that is appropriate for beginning, intermediate, and advanced language learners.


This is an introductory course to news reporting and writing.


The analysis shows:(1) The elementary targets of the Sanda courses should focus on forming the students\' interest in the Sanda courses;on the basis of mastering the Sanda basic etiquette criteria and Sanda basic techniques in common use,the courses should basically form the character of confidence,bravery and pertinacity and at the same time promote the physical health,form the competition consciousness,cooperation spirit, respect for the teacher and the concept of collectivity and discipline.


Combining with the practice of curriculum setting in our primary command vocational education academy at moment, according to the guidance, course and policy of vocational education from headquarters at high level, theory of education target assorting, principle of Thaler, degree theory, category and sequence, means of differentiation and plan are applied comprehensively, and the principle of curriculum setting and curriculum system structure in primary command vocational education academy are pointed out, and the target of vocational education in primary command academy, the principle , contents and methods of curriculum target setting are circumstantiated through investigation and consultation, theoretic analysis and general comparison; the process of curriculum setting in primary command vocational education academy is defined; the curriculum system of vocational education in primary command academy is devised innovatively; with regard to the implementation and optimization of curriculum in military primary command academy, general requirements and basic principles and standards are proposed after pointing out the influencing factors and implementation process.


In addition, the quality of the basic pharmacy practice experience unit, including the pharmacy practice setting and the preceptors, need to be standardized.


Honors Spanish -- 30 minutes of homework a night. Advanced-placement English -- 30 to 90 minutes a night, depending on which books or documents the class is studying. Honors pre-calculus -- another hour of homework. Honors biology -- 30 minutes more.


Advanced-placement English -- 30 to 90 minutes a night, depending on which books or documents the class is studying. Honors pre-calculus -- another hour of homework. Honors biology -- 30 minutes more. At the end of the day comes Ms.


更多网络解释与初级课程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Afro-American instructional curriculum:美国黑人教学课程

"African primary science program","非洲初级科学计划" | "Afro-American instructional curriculum","美国黑人教学课程" | "after school activities","课后活动"

beginner course:初级课程

86.academic curriculum学术课程 | 87.beginner course初级课程 | 88.intermediate course中级课程


但是,从事初级工作的,如助理会计师 (accounting assistant ) ,簿记员(bookkeeper)及管理培训生(managementtrainee ),仅要求具备副学士学位(an Associate's degree) 会计人员面试即要求在大学修满本专业两年课程.



introductory course:初级课程

credit 学分 | introductory course 初级课程 | advanced course 高级课程

introductory remarks:开场白

introductory course 初级课程 | introductory remarks 开场白 | invest in 买,花钱买

prerequisite course:必须先选的课程

introduction course 初级课程 | prerequisite course 必须先选的课程 | intermediate course 中级课程

Swan Dive:天鹅潜水

基础还是最关键的,初级程度的课程准备好好练习一段时间. 直到轴心盒子(Torso Box)足够稳,才能练习以后的课程. 我最惧怕的一招就是"天鹅潜水"(Swan Dive),我真不知道我这辈子能不能做到那个样子?!

York University:英国约克大学

20世纪80年代中期,英国约克大学(York University)在英国皇家化学会的支持下开发了索尔特化学课程(Salters Chemistry). 该课程计划分2个层次:初级化学课程计划(15-16岁)、高级化学课程计划(16-18岁),力求使"学习材料接近生活"、"满足学生进一步学习和就业的需要,


corso per principianti 初级班 | corso 课程 | corsodi laurea triennali 三年制本科课程