英语人>词典>汉英 : 初三 的英文翻译,例句
初三 的英文翻译、例句


third year of middle school
更多网络例句与初三相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am a senior of junior school. I like Arsenal very much.


There are 394 calends made up by 168 boys and 226 girls, 312 second grade junior students composed by 144 boys and 168 girls and the rest are 356 third grade students composed by 142 boys and 214 girls.


Careless root stationmaster, I do not know whether I belong to this cavalcade, emphasizing his all the time is stationmaster, from first 3 graduation, fended the think of a way that makes a website.


Because of the eleven-plus the physical education in class was taken into physicaltraining in grade. Many courses were not taught to the students. The situational interest does not decline with age in school just not like the westward. In the three grades the highest situational interest is grade three, next is grade one and grade two.


Father left me when I was in Junior Three and that night has been engraved in my mind forever.


The home says in Ms. Wang Zhen of Han Yang, her son is going up this year first 3, the achievement when original elementary school all the time pretty is good, go up namely game of online sth resembling a net is confused to bring about achievement to glide point-blank after junior high school, so she objects network game taking elementary school teaching material to the utmost,"Child cent is not clear right with the fault, once guide bad easy addiction ".


What do you think of your competition and what the outcome will be the gorilla?


As students in Grade 3,we have been used to do much homework.


I'm a third grade student in junior high school from China.


Every year, from the old calendar on the day Chuba Sin Hua Yansi You start a third Ti temple February, March Caofu a third temple, the temple Niangniang a March 18, April Chuba a temple grandmother, April 15 Luban a temple, the Temple will have a May 11, June Yulong have the six-temple, a Dragon King temple June 13, June 19 there is Guanyin temple, May 13, June 23 there will be Temple , June 23 there will be Huoshen Miao, July 15 there will be muong lan, August 27 there will be Ji Kong Temple, September Ninth Chongyang there will be high, and so on, the temple has more say.


更多网络解释与初三相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

banana skin:香蕉皮

星期五上午8:30全市初三年级将进行英语测试,你班的英语教师(Smith)临时有事,请你替她在班上作一些事项交代. 要点如下:注意:1. 书面表达应包含图片内所有内容. 2. 词数:80词左右. 3. 生词提示:拐杖 ( walking stick) 香蕉皮 ( banana skin)

Grade Crossings:平面交叉口

喜好程度:fancy grade | 平面交叉口:grade crossings | 初三年级:junior Grade Three


3.介绍你最喜欢(favourite)参加和观看的运动项目. 12. 星期五上午8:30全市初三年级将进行英语测试,你班的英语教师(Smith)临时有事,请你替她在班上作一些事项交代. 要点如下:(2005年武汉市)

Lantern Festival:元宵节

帝诞 农历正月十五 元宵节(Lantern Festival),又称"上元节" 农历正月十六 头牙 农历正月二六 观音开库 农历二月初二 春龙节 又叫龙抬头 青龙节 农历二月十三 洪圣诞 农历二月十九 观音诞(2月) 农历三月初三 北帝诞 清明节前一天 寒食节,

A General Cleaning:大扫除

3.为了迎接元旦的到来,星期五下午进行全校大扫除(a general cleaning).下午两点开始,五点半结束,要求全体学生参加.具体任务安排 如下: 教学楼由初一,初二学生打扫;办公楼由初三学生打扫;图书馆由高一学生打扫;理科实验室由高二学生打扫;

Congenital heart disease:先天性心脏病

先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease)是指胚胎时期心和大血管发育异常,又称先天性心脏畸形. 先天性心脏病是新生儿和儿童时期(特别是4岁以下的儿童)最常见的心脏病. 其病因和发病机制尚未完全明了,一般认为主要由于孕妇在怀孕的最初三个月内受病毒感染、放射性辐射和某些药物的影响,

Language Lab:语音室

五点半结束,要求全体学生参加.具体任务安排 如下: 教学楼由初一,初二学生打扫;办公楼由初三学生打扫;图书馆由高一学生打扫;理科实验室由高二学生打扫; 微机室(Computer room)和语音室(language lab)由高三学生打扫.5

make progress:进步

我们希望将来她会取得更大的进步(make progress). 6.星期五上午8:30全市初三年级将进行英语测试,你班的英语教师(Smith)临时有事,请你替她在班上作一些事项交代. 要点如下:(2005年武汉市)昨天小华骑自行车上学,过马路闯红灯时,

The third day before Nones:二月初三

Gaius Julius Caesar,has decreed|盖乌斯.优利乌斯.恺撒宣布 | The third day before Nones|二月初三 | a public banquet will be held|要举行一个公共宴会

to say sorry to him:最想去的时间空间:初三的时候

26 最喜欢听的歌是哪首:when you're gone | 27 最想去的时间空间:初三的时候... to say sorry to him.. | 29 如果生命可以重来,你愿意回到过去重新开始吗?:YES