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分配量 的英文翻译、例句


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Powered by an energy conversion involving processing of random quantum fluctuations and kinetic energy within the atomic lattice into coherent currents of electron pairs formed between two-dimensional boundaries of different type materials.


The model is closer to the actual situation in the GIS platform to support the rescue system can quickly show that the optimal distribution of relief supplies and the road map.


In order to understand nitrogen accumulation and distribution in sweet maize variety with high fresh ear and kernel yield, explain the genotypic differences of N accumulation and distribution at different growth-phases and their effects on yield formation and N utilization efficiency, 22 sweet maize (Zea mays L . saccharata Sturt ) varieties released in recent years in China were planted and their N accumulation and distribution amount at jointing stage, silking stage and fresh stage under the same nitrogen level were studied.


In the part of empirical analysis of Chinese IPO first-day return, the difference between existing study and this study is that we use principal components analysis to extract from five factors to construct investors'sentiment index, add it to controled varibles, on which we examine the influence of offering mechanism on IPO first-day return. Moreover, we gather statistics and compare the IPO holding return for lockup period between fixed-price-class offering method and bookbuilding-class offering method, as well as price range between Chinese A-share market and Hongkong stock market, which prvide comprehensive evidence to appraise Chinese IPO bookbuilding mechanism. 2. Compare to the existing literatures which consider discount or allocation, incentive allocation and discount are considered at the same time in optimal mechanism design in this dissertation, and the offering bottom price is introduced to the price range. We investigate the relationship between price range and allocation quantity, and obtain the optimal price range and allocation strategy so that the advantages of independent allocation are reflected. On the other hand, the disadvantages of independent allocation are reflected in the manipulation in case of no restriction on IPO allocation. To distinguish from the existing literatures, bookbuilding mechanism is introduced to the model. We study the allocation strategy adopted by the underwriter in the pooling equilibrium of manipulation. In addition, we analyze the incentive compatibility conditions to which the existence of pooling equilibrium should satisfy and examine some factors'impact on the existence of manipulation.3. In bookbuilding without independent IPO allocation, Chinese realistic IPO background is considered and the condition of bookbuilding and fixed-price hybrid offering is added. Divide bookbuilding and fixed-price hybrid offering into sequential hybrid and simultaneous hybrid, and point out that the key points of subscription strategy in the two kinds of hybrid are different. Through modeling and simulation we obtain the impact of institutional investors'subscription strategy on bookbuilding without independent IPO allocation, which fill the gap in related research. Moreover, in the part of IPO bookbuilding with over-allotment option, the pricing strategy is divided into hot-IPO strategy and weak-IPO strategy. Take into account the procedure of Chinese IPO with over-allotment option, it presents how the underwriter determines the pricing strategy and what effect it brings to offering price and issue size through modeling and simulation. Therefore, it is instructive as a complement to existing literatures.


And 29.8% of total genetic variation of Elymus genus existed amonng species,populations within the species and individuals within a population respectively.


Using the scanning electron microscope, the starch granules were observed which gathering and stuffing in scale cell during bulb development.


Mol/m2s low light treament cause leaf-upgrowth stopping, flower withering and losing fruit-settle capability. Fruit-settle efficiency enhance in 400μmol/m2s low light maybe because high light's injury on flowers are reducing. 200μmol/m2s and 80μmol/m2s low light treament cause carborhybrate synthesis decreasing, prevent carborhybrate's transforming to flower, lead to fruit-settle efficiency reducing. 30μmol/m2s low light is close to light compensation point of peach tree, which cause nutrition lackness, lead to peach tree's mechanism declining eventually.


更多网络解释与分配量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

zero latency:零等待

585 ship date 发运日期 | 586 zero latency 零等待 | 587 allocation 已分配量


已分配物料是指已向库房发出提货单,但尚未由库房发货的物料. 已分配量是尚未兑现的库存需求. 什么是Pegging?Pegging是什么意思? 反查(Pegging)是指在MRP中,对于某个指定的物料项目,通过反查显示该项物料的毛需 ...

allocation overrides:分配量置换

allocation logic 分配逻辑 | allocation overrides 分配量置换 | allocation program 分配程序


非洲紫檀木(Padouk)的价格也下降,原因是可供装载到印度的船只减少. 加蓬新的原木配额制度已开始全面实施,尽管允许配额仍在与政府商讨之中. 据报道,一些公司的分配量是其原先的出口量的10%左右. 虽然允许配额的谈判将持续一段时间,