英语人>词典>汉英 : 分泌薄壁细胞 的英文翻译,例句
分泌薄壁细胞 的英文翻译、例句


epithelial cells
更多网络例句与分泌薄壁细胞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mangifera india ; fruits ; lenticel ; wax ; secreting cavity ; parenchyma cell ; starch grain ; scanning electron microscope ; microstructure


The results are as follows:(1) The morphological investigation indicated that the nectaries werelacked on the main nervation, calyx and bract of cotton line 97014 comparedwith TM-1. Alveolate hollow was absent at main nervation of the mature leaf.Results of cytological analysis showed that 97014 lacked nectariferous structure.Where nectary inserted were parenchyma cells, cupped structure and brownnectariferous substance on the lower epidermis were not found.


As the plants grew for a longer time the cells in the phellem of the taproots become smaller in size and closer in arrangement and calcium oxalate crystal declined in quantity in the phelloderm of the taproots all the taproots had three secretory canals but on average the calibers of the canals gradually become smaller the parenchyma cracks in outer phloem and the xylem part near the root center gradually increased in size ,and the area ratios of phloem to xylem continuously decreased the vessel and vessel-layer numbers in secondary xylem of the transplanted .


更多网络解释与分泌薄壁细胞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

epithelial cell:分泌;细胞层;沟周细胞

epins (木材)扭纹斑 | epithelial cell 分泌;细胞层;沟周细胞 | epithelial parenchyma 上皮薄壁细胞

epithelial cell:分泌细胞层

epins 扭纹斑 | epithelial cell 分泌细胞层 | epithelial parenchyma 上皮薄壁组织

glandular hair:腺毛

2)木质部(xylem)和韧皮部(phloem)腺毛和腺鳞 腺毛(glandular hair)一般具有头部和柄部两部分,头部由单个或多个产生分泌物的细胞组成,柄部是由不具分泌功能的薄壁细胞组成,着生于表皮上.

mucilage cell:粘液细胞

(1)分泌细胞(secretory cell):油细胞(oil cell)和粘液细胞(mucilage cell),单个分布. 木质部(xylem)包括导管、管胞、木薄壁组织和木纤维.韧皮部(phloem)包括筛管、伴胞(蕨类植物及裸子植物为筛胞,无伴胞)、韧皮薄壁组织和韧皮纤维.

secretory tissue:分泌组织

永久组织是一类具有特别构造和功能的组织. 在永久组织中,细胞常常停止破裂. 包孕薄壁组织(parenchyma)、掩护组织(protective tissue) 、输导组织(conducting tissue)、机械组织(mechanical tissue)和分泌组织(secretory tissue).


2)木质部(xylem)和韧皮部(phloem)腺毛和腺鳞 腺毛(glandular hair)一般具有头部和柄部两部分,头部由单个或多个产生分泌物的细胞组成,柄部是由不具分泌功能的薄壁细胞组成,着生于表皮上.

phloem parenchyma:韧皮薄壁组织

03.299 蛋白质细胞 albuminous cell | 03.300 韧皮薄壁组织 phloem parenchyma | 03.301 分泌组织 secretory tissue