英语人>词典>汉英 : 分与 的英文翻译,例句
分与 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与分与相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Remove row and column' and 'put a big number' have been used for the first boundary;a continuous Regional Identification Function is used on the basis of non-variant nodal virtual flux method for the free surface boundary;Gauss formula is used to make the curved surface integral of the free surface boundary transformed as the difference between volumn integral and other curved surface integral to calculate the integral item on boundaries, which avoiding finding the position of free surface, while the continuous Regional Identification Function is applied to calculate volumn integral and surface integral;Crout and PCG method is used for solusion.


The CPP was separated into five fractions using fractional precipitations by solvent/nonsolvent technique. Densities for binary mixtures of five fractionated and unfractionated CPP which contains a mass fraction of 30 % chlorine with solvents were determined. At a fixed temperature, concentration and solvent, the densities for binary mixtures of fractionated and unfractionated CPP with solvents have the same value.


It was anticipated that more than 50% of ash and the hazardous elements As, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn and more than 30% of sulfur in most coal would be routinely removed by physical coal cleaning procedures, however, the removability of other hazardous elements Ba, Be, Cd, Cl, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Se, Th, U, V and Zn displayed relatively lower or a wide range of variation.


The topics to be covered in the course are Integration and Economics Applications, Linear, First-Order Difference Equations, Nonlinear First-Order Difference Equations, Linear Second-Order Difference Equations, Linear First-Order Differential Equations, Nonlinear First-Order Differential Equations, Linear Second-Order Differential Equations, Simultaneous Systems of Differential and Difference Equations, and Optimal Control Theory.


Through hang together the simplex data model based on dissection and conventional GIS data model, we develop a integrated and polymorphic model, object oriented unified model of tessellated simplex and conventional GIS, which convenient to inherit and congregate. The model manage the abstracted data accord to 4 level factor, that is geometry object model, topologic geometry object view model and geography object model.


It was testified that 4 achievement goals labeled mastery approach goal, mastery avoidance goal, performance approach goal and performance avoidance goal did exist during the middle school age , and such achievement goals structure is better than its dichotomy and trichotomy structure.


In the fMRI data analysis, the comparison of non-social related actions, translocating Tetris blocks versus rotating Tetris blocks, there is more obvious brain activation in fusiform gyrus no matter in competitive or non-competitive trial. And the comparison of social related actions, scoring /punished lines versus scoring 1 line, we found some regions such as right inferior parietal lobe and superior temporal gyrus more obvious in the interaction condition as the previous paper which might be related to competition.

在功能性的磁振造影资料分析里,非社会有关的行为如位移和旋转俄罗斯方块的比较,无论竞争或非竞争状况下,旋转俄罗斯方块在fusiform gyrus均有较明显活化;社会有关的行为如得多分或被罚扣分与只得一分比较,我们找到一些区域如右后顶叶及上颞叶在相互作用状态过程中较为显著,如同之前研究论文中提及这些区域可能与竞争性有关系。

Methods By using SCL90, the parents of 36 children with schizophrenia were studiedResults The parents' mental health (including personal relations, depression, anxiety, paranoea, somatization, hostility and fear) was worse than the normal model (P01 or P05) The mean scores of somatization, depression and anxiety of the children's mother was significantly difference from those of their father (all P05) The average score of personal relation factor in mother was obviously lower than in father Conclusion Clinical medical and nursing staff should pay attention to the mental health of the diseased children's parents and provide corresponding mental interventional measures

目的 探讨精神分裂症患儿父母心理健康状况。方法采用SCL90 对36例精神分裂症患儿父母进行调查。结果患儿父母整体心理健康状况较常模差,其中人际关系、抑郁、焦虑及偏执4项因子分与常模比较,差异有极显著性意义(均P01);躯体化、敌对和恐怖3项因子分与常模比较,差异有显著性意义(均P05)。患儿母亲躯体化、抑郁、焦虑3项因子分均明显高于父亲,两者比较,差异有显著性意义(均P05);而人际关系因子分明显低于父亲。结论临床医护人员应重视精神分裂症患儿父母的心理健康状况,并给予相应的心理干预措施。

Significant correlation between directional control during rhythm weight shift, latencies in large platform translations and the clinical symptom score; Equilibrium Score in SOT1, SOT3, SOT4, SOT5 and SOT6, visual sensory organization ratios, directional control on LOS and RWS, the turn sway on SQT and the factor of poor social communication and physical complain of the Achenbach's Child Behavior Checklist; Equilibrium Score in SOT3, SOT4, SOT6, visual sensory organization ratios and sway velocity of COG during unilateral stance and C factor of C-WISC, instant memory of WMS, the interference of word meaning of Stroop Test and the standard score of Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices were observed.


For example, if in a given race Jenson Button finishes third for Honda and team mate Rubens Barrichello fifth, then Button and Barrichello score six and four points respectively towards the drivers' championship, while Honda score ten points towards the constructors' championship.


更多网络解释与分与相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dispel 吹散,驱散 | dispense 分与,分配 | disperse 驱散,消散,免除


dispenser 配药员 | dispenses 分与 | dispensing 配方


dispenser /药剂师/配药员/分配者/ | dispenses /分配/分与/ | dispensing /配方/配药/

Impartation:分与; 传授 (名)

impart 给予; 告知; 传授 (动) | impartation 分与; 传授 (名) | impartial 公平的; 不偏不倚的 (形)

Sesqui quadrate:补八分相[相位]两星或星与基本点间成一百三十五度的视角

Semi-square八分相(半四分相)[相位]两星或星与基本点间成四十五度的视角 | Sesqui quadrate补八分相[相位]两星或星与基本点间成一百三十五度的视角 | sextile六分相[相位]两星或星与基本点间成六十度的视角

share with:分与

share price 股价 | share with 分与 | share 共享

share with:分与,分派,分配,分享,共用

229、share in 分享,分担 | 230、share with 分与,分派,分配,分享,共用 | 231、side with 支持,站在...的一边, 和...抱同样的见解


图8是50Ω插入并联(series)与分路(shunt)时的仿真(simulation)电路;图9与图10分别是并联(series)与分路(shunt)时的通过特性图. 为了简化比较因此用祇有电感值(inductance)成份的特性方式表示,也就是说测试结果并无无寄生容量的特性.

entire contract and severable contract:(不可分合同与可分合同)

divisible contract and indivisible contract (可分合同与不可分合同... | entire contract and severable contract (不可分合同与可分合同) | executed contract and executory contract (已履行的合同与待履行的合...

Echappes sautes to 2nd and changements-male:分合跳与换脚跳-男生

分合跳与换脚跳-女生 多组版本 Echappes sautes to 2nd and changement... | 分合跳与换脚跳-男生 Echappes sautes to 2nd and changements-male | 分合跳与换脚跳-男生 多组版本 Echappes sautes to 2nd and changem...