英语人>词典>汉英 : 凭证 的英文翻译,例句
凭证 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
credence  ·  voucher  ·  warrant  ·  warranted  ·  warranting  ·  vouchers

更多网络例句与凭证相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 14 Accounting documents include original documents and accounting vouchers.


Accounting offices must examine the original documents and prepare accounting vouchers based on the original documents examined.


For you in return, if there without a valid certificate to buy and effective Three Guarantees certificate, certificate and the Three Guarantees certificate purchase privately defacement, products host obviously a serious injury or scratches, damaged packaging, annex, such as missing , Then the product is not returned within.


Assist the Accountant to complete the monthly tax declaration, file receipts and forms.


This thesis, first stated the distinction between the electronic original document and paper original document from several aspects, then it described the unadaptability of the old accounting information system to the electronic original document, finally, through analyzing the advancement of the new system structure, proved the necessity that the new system structure would replace the old one.


Standardize the work: commissioned by the signing of the contract - Jian Zhang - a pick-up votes - Finishing the original documents - check data - accounting certificate Tianzhi - Review - accounting - Print certificate statements - Tianzhi tax statements / unstamped - tax returns -- Bank of tax - binding documents - the return of customers (customers sign for the beginning of each month).


Delegation certification processing statuses are defined to replace the simple access status. The decision component can make the reasonable delegation certification baaed on the system status when a request arrives, and also make a decision to change the delegation certification processing status when the system status is changed.


Factor's Act 1889)的第一条也对document of title to goods下了定义,并强调了货物的占有权和控制权,具体如下:"the expression of document of title shall include any bill of lading, dock warrant, warehouse-keeper's certificate, and warrant or order for the delivery of goods, and any other document used in the ordinary course of business as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authoring or purporting to authorize, either by endorsement or by delivery, the possessor of the document to transfer or receive goods thereby represented."


Step 10. Make Reversing Entries After the adjusting and closing entries are journalized and posted to the general ledger, the accounts are ready for information inputs of the next period.


Step 10. Make Reversing Entries After the adjusting and closing entries are journalized and posted to the general ledger, the accounts are ready for information i uts of the next period.


更多网络解释与凭证相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accounting documents:会计凭证

会计凭证(accounting documents)简称凭证. 它是记录经济业务,明确经济责任,作为记账依据的书面文件;也是组织经济活动、传输经济信息、实行会计监督的重要工具. 填制和审核会计凭证是会计核算的一种重要方法,也是对经济活动进行监督的重要环节.

insurance certificate:保险凭证

(2) 保险凭证(Insurance Certificate). 俗称小保单. 保险凭证是保险人为了简化手续,把保险单的条款作了简略,对背面条款并不作详细记载的一种文件. 所以它是保险单的一种简化形式的凭证. 保险单与保险凭证具有同等法律效力.

depositary receipt:存托凭证

所谓存托凭证(Depositary Receipt)是指在一国证券市场上流通的代表外国公司有价证券的可转让凭证. 存托凭证一般代表外国公司的股票,有时也代表债券. 它起源于1927年的美国证券市场,是为便利美国投资者投资于非美国股票而产生的. 直到现在,

o DG:开具红字发票给顾客的凭证. (收款凭证)

o DR,开具发票给顾客的凭证. (收款凭证) | o DG,开具红字发票给顾客的凭证. (收款凭证) | o DZ,向顾客收款的凭证. (收款凭证)

certificate expiration date:凭证届满日期

"凭证过期","certificate expiration" | "凭证届满日期","certificate expiration date" | "凭证延伸","certificate extension"

doutdate : d outdate:外部凭证单据日期

coutsign : c outsign 外部凭证业务类型 | doutdate : d outdate 外部凭证单据日期 | coutbillsign : c outbillsign 外部凭证单据类型

certificate revocation:凭证撤销

凭证申请 certificate request | 凭证撤销 certificate revocation | 凭证注销列表 certificate revocation list

certificate serial number:凭证序号

凭证撤销树 certificate revocation tree | 凭证序号 certificate serial number | 凭证服务页 certificate services pages

Source Document:原始凭证

原始凭证(Source Document) 原始凭证是指经办单位或人员在经济业务发生或完成时取得 或填制的,用以记录经济业务发生或完成的情况、明确经济责任的会计凭证.

o KA:供应商凭证. (付款凭证)

o SA,总帐凭证. (转帐凭证) | o KA,供应商凭证. (付款凭证) | o KR,应付供应商凭证. (付款凭证)