英语人>词典>汉英 : 减数核 的英文翻译,例句
减数核 的英文翻译、例句


haploid nuclei · reduction nuclei
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Centromeres could be identified easily on the bivalents at diplotene, so it was convenient to analyse the karyotype.


The dominant male sterility was expressed normally in the new Taigu genic sterile wheat carrying the intergenomically translocated Ms2, and the female fertility mechanism in its male sterile plants was normal as well. Observation of the chromosome configuration at meiosis of pollen mother cells of the young ears of the sterile plants showed that they were euploid plants (2n=42). No configurations different from those of the Taigu geneic sterility gene located at the original locus were noticed of the Ms2 intergenomically translocated back into the common wheat.


Reduction division The first division of meiosis , including prophase, metaphase I, and anaphase I. It results in a haploid number of chromosomes gathering at each end of the nuclear spindle.

减数分裂:减数分裂中的第一次分裂,包括分裂前期,中期 I 和后期 I ,形成单倍数目的染色体在每一个核纺锤体末端聚集。

Unicolor. There were unequal bivalents, homologous chromosome deconjugation, chromosome brige, unequal separation, laggard chromosomes, chromosome outside nucleus, micronuclei arid so on.


Though the gametic nucleus of normal cell didn't enter the amicronucleate cell, there were cytoplasm and organelle exchanges between two cells.


Tic division of F1 hybrid was normal ,anucleate cells and cells with micronuclei which were produced by asymmetrical separation of chromosomes were observed at the second meiotic division.


In conclusion, these results suggested that (1) the ageing-associated decline in fertility of female KM mouse was due to a decrease in both quantity and quality of oocytes;(2) the ooplasm from young mice did not correct the meiotic errors of aged mice, and the ooplasm from aged mice did not induce abnormal segregation of meiotic chromosome of young mice, indicating that meiotic anomalies found in the oocytes of aged mice might be related to nucleus or chromosomes and relevant factors;(3) a critical nucleocytoplasmic ratio was essential for normal maturation and segregation of meiotic chromosomes of oocytes and development to 2-cell embryos.


The karyotypes of four species in Pentatomidae were studied in male germ cells prepared on air dried slides stained with Giemsa.Karyotype analyses using specific software are made for the first time in pentatomid karyotypic study and model karyotype charts are presented.


In the course of present investigation in interspecific hybrid of Tritical crops, cytomixis mas observed at microspore stage, the present investigation deals with detailed analysis of this phenomenon at different conditions.


The situation of abnormal development of male cells is as follows:microspore mother cell can't enter into meiosis because of intense vacuolation,shrink and disintegration of its cytoplasm;although vacuolated microspore mother cell can enter into meiosis,it can't form normal dyad and degenerate in the middle process;dyad and tetrad become vacuolated and can't develop normally;cytoplasm of microspore shrinks around the nucleus at the stage of central nucleus microspore,the shape of microspore is twisted into crescent or irregular shape,at last its cytoplasm and nucleus are disintegrated and crescent vacant microspore presents;nutritive substances can't be accumulated at the stage of vacuolated microspore,cytoplasm is disintegrated,and microspore turns into a big vacant pollen.


更多网络解释与减数核相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


文章摘要:对上海四膜虫(Tetrahymena shanghaiensis)有小核细胞和无小核细胞的接合过程进行了跟踪观察,发现在四膜虫中也存在胞质配合(cytogamy). 在接合对中,有小核细胞一方可以完成正常的减数分裂过程,既有配子核的形成、配子核的融合、配子核分裂,


其整个过程可分为质配(plasmogamy)、核配(karyogamy)和减数分裂(meiosis)三个阶段. 第一阶段是质配,即经过两个性细胞的融合,两者的细胞质和细胞核(N)合并在同一细胞中,形成双核期(N+N). 第二阶段是核配,

somatic meiosis:体细胞减数分裂

此外某些生物还具有体细胞减数分裂(somatic meiosis)现象,如在蚊子幼虫的肠道中,有一些由核内有丝分裂形成的多倍体细胞(可高达32X),在蛹期又通过减数分裂降低了染色体倍性,增加了细胞数目.

pachytene stage:粗带期(核分裂之一期)

\\"硬脑(脊)膜,韧脑(脊)膜\\",\\"pachymeninx,dura mater\\" | \\"粗带期(核分裂之一期)\\",\\"pachytene stage\\" | \\"减数分裂粗带期\\",\\"pachytene stage meiosis\\"

pachytene stage meiosis:减数分裂粗带期

\\"粗带期(核分裂之一期)\\",\\"pachytene stage\\" | \\"减数分裂粗带期\\",\\"pachytene stage meiosis\\" | \\"大平洋雨伞旗鱼\\",\\"Pacific sail fish\\"

reduction division:减数分裂

减数分裂(Reduction division) Van Beneden(1883)发现当蛔虫的卵在受精时雄虫精子的两个染色体和卵子细胞 核的两个染色体联合,形成具有四个染色体的合子的新细胞核.

gametic reduction:配子减数

gametic nucleus 配子核 | gametic reduction 配子减数 | gametic selection 配子淘汰

meiotic mitosis:减数核分裂

减数核分裂 meiotic mitosis | 减数分裂(的)不分离 meiotic non-disjunc-tion | (减数分裂时同型染色体的)联会 meiotic synapsis

JF Miescher:nuclein:核质,发现

1866, GJ Mendel:孟德尔遗传定律. | 1869, JF Miescher:nuclein 核质,发现DNA.. | 1873, A Schneider:meiosis 减数分裂.

reductions:核减数; 核减

reduction-in-force policies and procedures;裁员政策和程序;; | reductions;核减数; 核减;; | reductions due to exchange variations;汇率变动造成的减少;;