英语人>词典>汉英 : 再订货 的英文翻译,例句
再订货 的英文翻译、例句


repeat order
更多网络例句与再订货相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Concerning the spare parts ,we can provide you with some free equipments,althougth the fee of express delivery is quite high,if you probablly place an order once more ,we certernly will provide you with enoughequipments or if you are willing to pay the express fee after arrival,please give us your account No.Then we will soon provide with you a set of new product sample and some spare parts .


The customer after being on commission can enter commercial building and have a look around the goods and put the goods chosen into the electronic shopping cart , After finish choosing, can reselect the goods selected again , send the order information to the electronic corresponding shop of commercial building through the network after acting as full confirmation, Shop receive order at customer and goods information send information to, Then the shop sends the goods to customer's home, and to the clear fund of the bank at the same time.


You did restock, didn't you? Course I bloody did.


We very much regret that the current general slackness of the market has prevented us from placing new orders with you.


Based on that I will send out an order spec .


Based on the supplier's permission of delayed payment and the 3PL company's provision of an inventory impawn financing service, the retailer's decision-making of its optimal order quantity and reorder point as well as the 3PL company's optimal decision-making problem of providing the finance service was studied.


Hill County, Hebei Province, within the Army King Suanzaoren processing plant in State Administration for Industry and register in accordance with the law approved by jujube seed processing formal units, a large number of wholesale perennial nursery dedicated, Suanzaoren, Suanzaoren seed, jujube seed, jujube seed, advanced processing technology, low breakage rate, color, ruddy, plump grain, germination rate, the number of large, at 300 tons, watch-like ordering of guaranteed quality our nursery dedicated Suanzaoren seeds, in November 2006 10-12, Henan Xinzheng "organized by China (International Industrial High-Level Forum on jujube jujube both Product Exposition", after the Chinese jujube Research Center more than a number of experts dyeing units, the actual testing of greenhouse germination rate and synthesis of quality, won this event the field Suanzaoren highest award,"Silver"Hebei, Cangzhou, Yuncheng, Shanxi, Shaanxi Yan'an, Yangling, Shandong and other places Wenshang customers have come to my place and then sold wholesale reselling axillaris seeds.


You could not only purchase from us as a stockist but also could order from us after sold .


更多网络解释与再订货相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

persuasive communication:说服性之沟通

"员工导向","Person-oriented" | "说服性之沟通","Persuasive communication" | "悲观性再订货策略","Pessimistic reorder strategy"

released order:已下达订单

1068,"relative standard deviation",,"相对标准偏差","Math" | 1069,"released order",,"已下达订单","APICS","syn:open order" | 1070,"reorder point",,"再订货点","APICS"


reopen 重新打开 | reorder 重排;改换顺序;再订货 | reorderlevel 再打货量

reorder point:再订货点

配送中心的订单由再订货点(reorder point)启动,每一种产品都事先设定了再订货点、订货量和安全库存量,RIS系统实时监控各类产品,一旦某种产品达到了再订货点,系统就会产生一个建议订货量,工作人员对此进行核实和修正后即形成最终订单,

reorder level:再打货量

reopen 重新打开 | reorder level 再打货量 | reorder point 再订货

reorder quantity:订货量

3227 reorder cost 订货成本,再订货成本 | 3228 reorder quantity 订货量 | 3229 reorganization 公司改组,公司重组

reorder cost:订货成本,再订货成本

3226 rent 租金 | 3227 reorder cost 订货成本,再订货成本 | 3228 reorder quantity 订货量

You did restock, didn't you? Course I bloody did:你再重新订货是不是 因为我是

What do you think? Someone's in trouble.|你认为呢有人... | You did restock, didn't you? Course I bloody did.|你再重新订货是不是 因为我是 | You know, you play quite well for a bloke with one eye.|你一只...

groff reorder procedure Groff:再订货过程

greater value principle 较大值原则 | groff reorder procedure Groff 再订货过程 | gross 总,毛

such re-education is required from shop floor to board level:从普通工人到董事会都需要接受再教育

self-managed teams 自我管理的小型团队 | such re-education is required from shop floor to board level 从普通工人到董事会都需要接受再教育 | our order books are full 向我们订货的人很多(我们的订单簿已经满...