英语人>词典>汉英 : 再折叠 的英文翻译,例句
再折叠 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与再折叠相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although human leptin has been shown to dimerize during refolding procedure, the exact dimerization mechanism still remains unillustrated.


Do not refold your napkin, but don't wad it up, either.


Do not refold your napkin or wad it up on the table either.


The three-dimensional fold of the Gamma crystallin has been solved and the protein can be refolded in vitro .


The purified TGF β1 monomer protein can form into active dimeric TGF β after refolding in vitro.


A potential approach to this problem is to make use of a natural defense mechanism called " the stress response," which is characterized by a transient down - regulated synthesis of nonvital cellular proteins and increased production of endogenous protective factors known as heat shock proteins that act to allow proper refolding of proteins denatured by the incipient injury.


In accordance with the invention, the hG-CSF protein can be prepared with high purity through rather simple process facilitating secretion of large amount of hG-CSF fusion protein into the periplasm, which does not require complicated processes such as solubilization and subsequent refolding required for isolation of the hG-CSF protein produced in cytoplasm as insoluble inclusion bodies by conventional techniques, thus, the hG-CSF protein can be widely used as an active ingredient in the development of supplementary agents for anticancer therapy.


2 Is a good model for studying dissociation and reassociation during unfolding and refolding.


The results showed that rate limiting step during reassociation of creatine kinase subunits existed in the refolding pathway under the various conditions.


In contrast, deletion of the propeptide yields mature but inactive NK, the inclusion bodies of NK or denatured rNK couldn't be renatured in any condition, but with the aid of exogenously purified propeptide or Ser221Ala proNK, the inactive mature protein could be renatured by an intermolecular pathway in vitro.


更多网络解释与再折叠相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chaperone machanism:陪伴机理

chaperone cohort 伴侣伴蛋白,伴侣蛋白协同物[可提高伴侣效率并促进伴侣蛋白的再循环] | chaperone machanism 陪伴机理 | chaperone machine 陪伴机[通过陪伴蛋白的结合保证肽链折叠、寡聚化和转运的机制]

puff pastry:松饼

以松饼(puff pastry)为例,其膨胀来源主要是水蒸气. 它的配方中不加任何膨大材料,制作时主要是利用面团裹入面团量1/2-1/3左右的固体油脂,再经过适当的折叠次数,使之形成一层面团,一层油脂,面团和油脂层次分明,膨大的力量非常显著而且均匀的膨胀.

fusiform gyrus:梭状回

你再看看,折叠在颞叶的皮层内部的部分你在图中看不见的是一种称为梭状回(fusiform gyrus)的微小结构. 它被称为脑的"脸部区域",因为如果这个区域遭受损伤,你就无法再识别人们的面孔了. 你仍然能够通过嗓音识别他人,并且说,"哦,对了,


redlotus 红莲 | redoubling 再折叠 | redoubt 多面堡

Caramelized Sugar:焦糖

9.( )松饼为面团包入(ROLLIN)油脂再予折叠,形成很多层次,经烘烤成松酥之产品. 39.( )果胶(PECTIN)是从动物皮、骨抽取而来的胶体. (正解说明:由植物胶、海藻胶等胶质,经加工调制而成). 47.( )焦糖(CARAMELIZED SUGAR)是砂糖加热熔化后使成深褐色,用于著色并赋予香味.


第一个五角星采用圆锥形(Cone)填色,这次采用折叠(Folds)填色,首先使用内斜角(Inner Bevel)特效,设置:再使用投影(Drop Shadow)特效,设置:调用的是铬合金(Chrome)滤镜,黄金自古以来一直以其亮丽夺目的色彩吸引人们的视线,

Magnifying Scope:放大镜

使用探测工具中的紫外线灯(UV Light),用它探测脖颈上的伤痕,再在床边找到一根布条并用放大镜(Magnifying Scope)来观察,在折叠处找到一根黄色的头发,用镊子(Tweezers)小心地将它收起来,再用手套(Rubber Gloves)收起床上的布条(Torn Sheet).