英语人>词典>汉英 : 内华达州人 的英文翻译,例句
内华达州人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与内华达州人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most of that vote went to Hillary Clinton.

在内华达州,那里有大量的西班牙人人口,他们中的那多数都支持Hillary Clinton。

According to this narrative, Mr Reid, who used to be a typically Nevadan—ie, moderate—Democrat, took a sharp turn left when he became the Senate's party leader in 2005 and now represents liberal excesses.


According to Nevada's power company, the electricity needed to illuminate just the outdoor signs on the Las Vegas Strip could power an entire city of 25,000 people.


This American Experience series - produced to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the city - documents the often surprising and endlessly entertaining history of America's most outrageous playground - from its beginnings as a remote frontier waystation to its Depression-era incarnation as the "Gateway to the Hoover Dam," from its mid-century florescence as the gangster metropolis known as "Sin City" to its recent renaissance as the fastest growing city in the United States, Las Vegas, chameleonlike, has adapted its image to reflect the changing attitudes of the nation.


The show is the brainchild of an australian filmmaker, justin sisley, and will be made for tv there.

节目是澳大利亚电影人justin sisley策划的,目前这档节目正在美国内华达州摄制。

Black Rock City - After the early torching of the burning man festival signature figure by an arsonist, the burning man festival Organization decided that all future copies of the "Man" would be made in China and shipped to Nevada.

黑岩城 -后燃烧人节数字签名由纵火焚烧年初,燃烧的男人节组织决定,&人&今后所有的副本将编入中国,并运到内华达州。

The race to higher ground is on when two handymen and a local seismology student discover that their little town of Perfection, Nevada, is infested with stinky subterranean man-eating worms.


Burning man festival is yearly gathering of about 50,000 people, many from the San Francisco Bay Area, celebrating life, passion and art during one week in a desolated desert in Nevada.

燃烧人节是每年收集约 50,000人,许多来自旧金山湾区,庆祝生命,激情和艺术在一个星期在一个荒凉的沙漠在内华达州。

Burning man festival is yearly gathering of about 50,000 people, many from the San Francisco Bay Area, celebrating life, passion and art during one week in a desolated desert in Nevada.


Burning man festival is yearly gathering of about 50,000 people, many from the San Francisco Bay Area, celebrating life, passion and art during one week in a desolated desert in Nevada.


更多网络解释与内华达州人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这支>(Dancing)影带的男主角叫麦特.哈汀(Matt Harding),他长相平凡,跳起舞来有些好笑,但看过的人却都被它吸引,争相转寄亲友观赏. 在影带中,哈汀总共在69个不同地点跳舞,除了印度、科威特、不丹、东加等国,还在美国内华达州内利斯空军基地,


其中威尼斯人同时夺得前五百的"最大"(largest ),但在劲敌"Wynn Las Vegas"开张后,这排名之争,势必内华达州的面积为美国第七大州,拉斯维加斯的光芒是内华达的光环,也是盲点:全州拥有一百座高尔夫球场、十五座滑雪度假村,


温纳穆加(Winnemucca)、情锁镇(lovelock)等. 此外牛仔乡村还有一些景点及城市值得一去,...当大部分中国移民和后代陆续离开这里后更是如此. 内华达州的情锁市(lovelock)也不例外,但当地一位名叫拉里.德.利维的人,...


华人约100万人 首都 渥太华(Ottawa) 语言 官方语言为英语和法语西部 新墨西哥州(New Mexico)亚利桑那州(Arizona)科罗拉多州(Colorado)怀俄明州(Wyoming)蒙大拿州(Montana)犹他州(Utah)加利福尼亚州(California)内华达州(Nevada)


Nevadan 内华达的 | Nevadan 内华达州人 | Never 永不


Nevada /内华达/内华达州/ | Nevadan /内华达的/内华达州人/ | Never /永不/从来没有/不/没有/

Sacramento Kings:国王

西海岸线以及与内华达州(Nevada)共享的Lake Tahoe可以满足水上、山地和雪地运动爱好者的需要;加州是洛杉矶湖人(Los Angeles Lakers)、洛杉矶快船(Los Angeles Clippers)、萨克拉门托国王(Sacramento Kings)和金洲勇士(Golden State Warrio


Navadian内华达州人 | tragedian悲剧演员,悲剧作家 | comedian喜剧演员,喜剧作家

Treasure Island:金银岛

博彩业 当"金字塔"(Luxor)、"金银岛"(Treasure Island)、"米高梅"(MGM Grand)等斥资数亿美元建设的主题度假饭店,于1993年起陆续在拉斯维加斯开幕以来,每年前往拉斯维加斯的游客,顿时骤增不少.另外,内华达州有法律规定,只有年满21岁以上的人,

