英语人>词典>汉英 : 具体派诗人 的英文翻译,例句
具体派诗人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The form discussion studies Liang Zongdai and Ye Gongchao respectively introduced and spreaded the French imagism and British and American formalism. The Poem special issue in the literature and art supplement of Ta kung Pao Newspaper and New Poetry organized twice discussions in poetic forms. The pure poetry school introduced that the modernists introduced the western and ancient pure poetry theories: from Baudelaire, Mallarme, Vale'ry, H. Read, A. Bremond to J.M. Murray, and the basic idea and difference of pure poetry. Besides, a lot of modem poets became greatly interested in pursuit heat of the pure poetry in late Tang and Nan Song dynasties, studying the development and variation of pure poetry. Music theory argues that modernists make introduction and reform on the western and Chinese music theory. He Qifang and Bian Zhilin continue the topic to the contemporary time, and put forward the theoretical frames in Chinese poetry. Rhyme and rhythm theory make researches on the introduction and reform of French symbolism and British and American modernists' rhyme and rhythm theory, making studies on the Chinese new form poetry and its thyme and rhythm theory.


On the basis, considering the intercourse and responsory, then the poetry's content and style, this article analyzes specifically the three kinds of Yuan-Bai School's poetry, so as to confirm the proposed name list of Yuan-Bai School.


The form discussion studies Liang Zongdai and Ye Gongchao respectively introduced and spreaded the French imagism and British and American formalism. The Poem special issue in the literature and art supplement of Ta kung Pao Newspaper and New Poetry organized twice discussions in poetic forms. The pure poetry school introduced that the modernists introduced the western and ancient pure poetry theories: from Baudelaire, Mallarme, Vale'ry, H. Read, A. Bremond to J.M. Murray, and the basic idea and difference of pure poetry. Besides, a lot of modem poets became greatly interested in pursuit heat of the pure poetry in late Tang and Nan Song dynasties, studying the development and variation of pure poetry. Music theory argues that modernists make introduction and reform on the western and Chinese music theory. He Qifang and Bian Zhilin continue the topic to the contemporary time, and put forward the theoretical frames in Chinese poetry. Rhyme and rhythm theory make researches on the introduction and reform of French symbolism and British and American modernists' rhyme and rhythm theory, making studies on the Chinese new form poetry and its thyme and rhythm theory.


更多网络解释与具体派诗人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


concretionary | 凝固的, 含凝块的, 凝固而成的 | concretism | (文艺)具体主义 | concretist | 具体派诗人(的)具体主义者(的)

concretive:有凝结力的, 凝结性的

concretist | 具体派诗人(的)具体主义者(的) | concretive | 有凝结力的, 凝结性的 | concretively | 有凝结力地, 凝结性地


concretism || (文艺)具体主义 | concretist || 具体派诗人(的)具体主义者(的) | concretive || 有凝结力的, 凝结性的

Concrete Poetry:具体诗

文章摘要:具体诗(concrete poetry)属于视觉诗的一种,是视觉诗的现代和后现代表现,经常与先锋派、试验派相提并论,属于文学的一种特殊现象. 具体诗是诗人通过字母、单词或符号所组成的图案而创作的诗. 它不像传统诗那样只是按时间上的线性发展形式来安排词句.