英语人>词典>汉英 : 其大无比的 的英文翻译,例句
其大无比的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
humongous  ·  enorm  ·  humungous

更多网络例句与其大无比的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am saved at that time " examine immediately " basic characteristic is: 1Of.1POCT cover a range wide, the testing instrument model of same item amounts to 7~8 to plant. 1.2POCT all is placed in clinical the outpatient service of each division, emergency call and ward, the apparatus is almost entire by groom without POCT operation post already card, lack again examine the operation of the member that be not identifier of basic knowledge. 1.3POCT assures measure without quality, examine the specimen is collected, reagent is purchased and save all compare optional, be opposite extremely between the instrument experiment, do not have room endoplasm to accuse already at ordinary times, do not have again judge character between the room, examine quality is in nobody to run state. Of 1.4POCT detect result error is big, repeatability of partial instrument result is poor, the hospital examined 2002 3 hospitals selectived examination randomly in division quality assessment, 45 second large biochemistry appearance detects contrasting POCT blood sugar, its written guarantee...


It was a Faenza platter representing little Loves flitting away pursued by apothecary lads armed with enormous syringes.


All that old quarter of the Hales, which is like a city within a city, through which run the Rues Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin, where a thousand lanes cross, and of which the insurgents had made their redoubt and their stronghold, would have appeared to him like a dark and enormous cavity hollowed out in the centre of Paris.


The civil wood version painting has matchless and warm feeling because of its traditional shaping language. It express a kind of direct contact and colide which between the people and people, people and substance, people and world. It is one of the most original art form, and this can't be instead by the sense and organizations of the modern industry.


These combatants had around them something in the nature of a swarm of spectres, silhouettes of men on horseback, the black profiles of cannon, the white sky viewed through wheels gun-carriages, the colossal death's-head, which the heroes saw constantly through the smoke, in the depths of the battle, advanced upon them gazed at them.


更多网络解释与其大无比的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其实我一直很其怪为什么蚂蟥(Leech)会集中在一段形成一个区,别的地方都没有. 夜里的大雨让我们觉得昨天的决定无比正确,雨大的像是天要倒下来一样,一到早上就忽然把水龙头一下子关了,这样的潮湿也是蚂蟥喜欢的生存环境.

in the commanding noonday sun:咄咄逼人的正午太阳

in jumbo size其大无比 | in the commanding noonday sun咄咄逼人的正午太阳 | the smug, encrooaching air自鸣得意迎头袭来的傲气

The Twits:蠢特夫妇

本书由两篇中篇童话组成,<<蠢特夫妇>>(The Twits)和<<魔法手指>>(Magic Finger). <<蠢特夫妇>>讲述一对非常讨厌的夫妇的故事. 蠢特先生长了一脸大胡子,肮脏邋遢至极;蠢特太太则心地险恶,外貌其丑无比. 这对从里到外丑恶无比的夫妇,